
Declarative Web Application Security with Servlets and JSP

Date: Mar 29, 2002

Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Pearson.

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In this sample chapter, Marty Hall discusses some of the major aspects of Web application security. He covers: authenticating users with HTML forms; using BASIC HTTP authentication; defining passwords in Tomcat, JRun, and ServletExec; designating protected resources with the security-constraintelement; using login-config to specify the authentication method; mandating the use of SSL; and configuring Tomcat to use SSL.

There are two major aspects to securing Web applications:

  1. Preventing unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data. This process involves access restriction (identifying which resources need protection and who should have access to them) and authentica-tion (identifying users to determine if they are one of the authorized ones). Simple authentication involves the user entering a username and password in an HTML form or a dialog box; stronger authentica-tion involves the use of X509 certificates sent by the client to the server. This aspect applies to virtually all secure applications. Even intranets at locations with physical access controls usually require some sort of user authentication.

  2. Preventing attackers from stealing network data while it is in transit. This process involves the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the traffic between the browser and the server. This capa-bility is generally reserved for particularly sensitive applications or particularly sensitive pages within a larger application. After all, unless the attackers are on your local subnet, it is exceedingly difficult for them to gain access to your network traffic.

These two security aspects are mostly independent. The approaches to access restriction are the same regardless of whether or not you use SSL. With the excep-tion of client certificates (which apply only to SSL), the approaches to authentication are also identical whether or not you use SSL.

Within the Web application framework, there are two general approaches to this type of security:

  1. Declarative security. With declarative security, the topic of this chapter, none of the individual servlets or JSP pages need any security-aware code. Instead, both of the major security aspects are handled by the server.

    To prevent unauthorized access, you use the Web application deployment descriptor (web.xml) to declare that certain URLs need protection. You also designate the authentication method that the server should use to identify users. At request time, the server automatically prompts users for usernames and passwords when they try to access restricted resources, automatically checks the results against a predefined set of usernames and passwords, and automatically keeps track of which users have previously been authenticated. This process is completely transparent to the servlets and JSP pages.

    To safeguard network data, you use the deployment descriptor to stipulate that certain URLs should only be accessible with SSL. If users try to use a regular HTTP connection to access one of these URLs, the server automatically redirects them to the HTTPS (SSL) equivalent.

  2. Programmatic security. With programmatic security, the topic of the next chapter, protected servlets and JSP pages at least partially manage their own security

    To prevent unauthorized access, each servlet or JSP page must either authenticate the user or verify that the user has been authenticated previously.

    To safeguard network data, each servlet or JSP page has to check the network protocol used to access it. If users try to use a regular HTTP connection to access one of these URLs, the servlet or JSP page must manually redirect them to the HTTPS (SSL) equivalent.

7.1 Form-Based Authentication

The most common type of declarative security uses regular HTML forms. The developer uses the deployment descriptor to identify the protected resources and to designate a page that has a form to collect usernames and passwords. A user who attempts to access protected resources is redirected to the page containing the form. When the form is submitted, the server checks the username and password against a list of usernames, passwords and roles. If the login is successful and the user belongs to a role that is permitted access to the page, the user is granted access to the page originally requested. If the login is unsuccessful, the user is sent to a designated error page. Behind the scenes, the system uses some variation of session tracking to remember which users have already been validated.

The whole process is automatic: redirection to the login page, checking of user names and passwords, redirection back to the original resource, and tracking of already authenticated users are all performed by the container (server) in a manner that is completely transparent to the individual resources. However, there is one major caveat: the servlet specification explicitly says that form-based authentication is not guaranteed to work when the server is set to perform session tracking based on URL rewriting instead of cookies (the default session tracking mechanism).

Core Warning

Depending on your server, form-based authentication might fail when you use URL rewriting as the basis of session tracking.

This type of access restriction and authentication is completely independent of the protection of the network traffic. You can stipulate that SSL be used for all, some, or none of your application; but doing so does not change the way you restrict access or authenticate users. Nor does the use of SSL require your individual servlets or JSP pages to participate in the security process; redirection to the URL that uses SSL and encryption/decryption of the network traffic are all performed by the server in a manner that is transparent to the servlets and JSP pages.

Seven basic steps are required to set up your system to use this type of form-based security. I'll summarize the steps here, then give details on each step in the following subsections. All the steps except for the first are standardized and portable across all servers that support version 2.2 or later of the servlet API. Section 7.2 illustrates the concepts with a small application.

  1. Set up usernames, passwords, and roles. In this step, you designate a list of users and associate each with a password and one or more abstract roles (e.g., normal user or administrator). This is a completely server-specific process. In general, you'll have to read your server's documentation, but I'll summarize the process for Tomcat, JRun, and ServletExec.

  2. Tell the server that you are using form-based authentication. Designate the locations of the login and login-failure page. This process uses the web.xml login-configelement with an auth-methodsubelement of FORMand a form-login-config subelement that gives the locations of the two pages.

  3. Create a login page. This page must have a form with an ACTIONof j_security_check, a METHODof POST, a textfield named j_username, and a password field named j_password.

  4. Create a page to report failed login attempts. This page can simply say something like "username and password not found" and perhaps give a link back to the login page.

  5. Specify which URLs should be password protected. For this step, you use the security-constraintelement of web.xml. This element, in turn, uses web-resource-collectionand auth-constraintsubelements. The first of these (web-resource-collection) designates the URL patterns to which access should be restricted, and the second (auth-constraint) specifies the abstract roles that should have access to the resources at the given URLs.

  6. Specify which URLs should be available only with SSL. If your server supports SSL, you can stipulate that certain resources are available only through encrypted HTTPS (SSL) connections. You use the user-data-constraintsubelement of security-constraint for this purpose.

  7. Turn off the invoker servlet. If your application restricts access to servlets, the access restrictions are placed on the custom URLs that you associate with the servlets. But, most servers have a default servlet URL: http://host/webAppPrefix/servlet/ServletName. To prevent users from bypassing the security settings, disable default servlet URLs of this form. To disable these URLs, use the servlet-mappingele-ment with a url-patternsubelement that designates a pattern of /servlet/*.

Details follow.

Setting Up Usernames, Passwords, and Roles

When a user attempts to access a protected resource in an application that is using form-based authentication, the system uses an HTML form to ask for a username and password, verifies that the password matches the user, determines what abstract roles (regular user, administrator, executive, etc.) that user belongs to, and sees whether any of those roles has permission to access the resource. If so, the server redirects the user to the originally requested page. If not, the server redirects the user to an error page.

The good news regarding this process is that the server (container) does a lot of the work for you. The bad news is that the task of associating users with passwords and logical roles is server specific. So, although you would not have to change the web.xml file or any of the actual servlet and JSP code to move a secure Web application from system to system, you would still have to make custom changes on each system to set up the users and passwords.

In general, you will have to read your server's documentation to determine how to assign passwords and role membership to users. However, I'll summarize the process for Tomcat, JRun, and ServletExec.

Setting Passwords with Tomcat

Tomcat permits advanced developers to configure custom username and password management schemes (e.g., by accessing a database, looking in the Unix /etc/passwd file, checking the Windows NT/2000 User Account settings, or making a Kerberos call). For details, see However, this configuration is a lot of work, so Tomcat also provides a default mechanism. With this mechanism, Tomcat stores usernames, passwords, and roles in install_dir/ conf/tomcat-users.xml. This file should contain an XML header followed by a tomcat-users element containing any number of user elements. Each user element should have three attributes: name (the username), password (the plain text password), and roles (a comma-separated list of logical role names). Listing 7.1 presents a simple example that defines four users (valjean, bishop, javert, thenardier), each of whom belongs to two logical roles.

Listing 7.1 install_dir/conf/tomcat-users.xml (Sample)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
 <user name="valjean" password="forgiven"
      roles="lowStatus,nobleSpirited" />
 <user name="bishop" password="mercy"
      roles="lowStatus,nobleSpirited" />
 <user name="javert" password="strict"
      roles="highStatus,meanSpirited" />
 <user name="thenardier" password="grab"
      roles="lowStatus,meanSpirited" />

Note that the default Tomcat strategy of storing unencrypted passwords is a poor one. First, an intruder that gains access to the server's file system can obtain all the passwords. Second, even system administrators who are authorized to access server resources should not be able to obtain user's passwords. In fact, since many users reuse passwords on multiple systems, passwords should never be stored in clear text. Instead, they should be encrypted with an algorithm that cannot easily be reversed. Then, when a user supplies a password, it is encrypted and the encrypted version is compared with the stored encrypted password. Nevertheless, the default Tomcat approach makes it easy to set up and test secure Web applications. Just keep in mind that for real applications you'll want to replace the simple file-based password scheme with something more robust (e.g., a database or a system call to Kerberos or the Windows NT/2000 User Account system).

Setting Passwords with JRun

JRun, like Tomcat, permits developers to customize the username and password management scheme. For details, see Chapter 39 (Web Application Authentication) of Also like Tomcat, JRun provides a file-based default mechanism. Unlike Tomcat, however, JRun encrypts the passwords before storing them in the file. This approach makes the default JRun strategy usable even in real-world applications.

With the default mechanism, JRun stores usernames, encrypted passwords, and roles in install_dir/lib/ This file contains entries of three types: user.username entries that associate a password with a user; group.groupname entries that group users together; and role.rolename entries that place users and/ or groups into logical roles. Encrypted passwords can be obtained from an existing Unix-based password or .htaccess file or by using the PropertyFileAuthentica-tion class supplied with JRun. To use this class, temporarily set your CLASSPATH (not the server's CLASSPATH) to include install_dir/lib/jrun.jar and install_dir/lib/ ext/servlet.jar, change directory to install_dir/lib, and add a user at a time with the -add flag, as below. For real applications you would probably set up the server to automate this process.

java valjean grace 

After adding the users, edit the file to assign the roles. Listing 7.2 shows an example that sets up the same users, passwords, and roles as in the previous Tomcat example (Listing 7.1).

Listing 7.2 install_dir/lib/ (Sample)



Setting Passwords with ServletExec

The process of setting up usernames, passwords, and roles is particularly simple with ServletExec. Simply open the administrator home page and select Users within the Web Applications heading (Figure 7–1). From there, you can interactively enter usernames, passwords, and roles (Figure 7–2). Voila!

With the free desktop debugger version, ServletExec stores the usernames and passwords in plain text in install_dir/ServletExec Data/ The passwords are encrypted in the deployment version.

Figure 7–1 ServletExec user editing interface.

Figure 7–2 Adding a user, password, and role in ServletExec.

Telling the Server You Are Using Form-Based Authentication; Designating Locations of Login and Login-Failure Pages

You use the login-config element in the deployment descriptor (web.xml) to control the authentication method. Recall from Chapters 4 and 5 that this file goes in the WEB-INF directory of your Web application. Although a few servers support nonstandard web.xml files (e.g., Tomcat has one in install_dir/conf that provides defaults for multiple Web applications), those files are entirely server specific. I am addressing only the standard version that goes in the Web application's WEB-INF directory.

To use form-based authentication, supply a value of FORM for the auth-method subelement and use the form-login-config subelement to give the locations of the login (form-login-page) and login-failure (form-error-page) pages. In the next sections I'll explain exactly what these two files should contain. But for now, note that nothing mandates that they use dynamic content. Thus, these pages can consist of either JSP or ordinary HTML.

For example, Listing 7.3 shows part of a web.xml file that stipulates that the container use form-based authentication. Unauthenticated users who attempt to access protected resources will be redirected to http://host/webAppPrefix/login.jsp. If they log in successfully, they will be returned to whatever resource they first attempted to access. If their login attempt fails, they will be redirected to http://host/webApp-Prefix/login-error.html.

Listing 7.3 web.xml (Excerpt designating form-based authentication)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Creating the Login Page

OK, so the login-config element tells the server to use form-based authentication and to redirect unauthenticated users to a designated page. Fine. But what should you put in that page? The answer is surprisingly simple: all the login page requires is a form with an ACTION of j_security_check, a textfield named j_username, and a password field named j_password. And, since using GET defeats the whole point of password fields (protecting the password from prying eyes looking over the user's shoulder), all forms that have password fields should use a METHOD of POST. Note that j_security_check is a "magic" name; you don't preface it with a slash even if your login page is in a subdirectory of the main Web application directory. Listing 7.4 gives an example.

Listing 7.4 login.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<FORM ACTION="j_security_check" METHOD="POST">
<TR><TD>User name: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="j_username">
<TR><TD>Password: <INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" NAME="j_password">

OK, that was the page for logging in. What about a page for logging out? The session should time out eventually, but what if users want to log out immediately without closing the browser? Well, the servlet specification says that invalidating the HttpSession should log out users and cause them to be reauthenticated the next time they try to access a protected resource. So, in principle you should be able to create a logout page by making servlet or JSP page that looks up the session and calls invalidate on it. In practice, however, not all servers support this process. Fortunately, changing users is simple: you just visit the login page a second time. This is in contrast to BASIC authentication (Section 7.3), where neither logging out nor changing your username is supported without the user quitting and restarting the browser.

Creating the Page to Report Failed Login Attempts

The main login page must contain a form with a special-purpose ACTION (j_security_check), a textfield with a special name (j_username), and a password field with yet another reserved name (j_password). So, what is required to be in the login-failure page? Nothing! This page is arbitrary; it can contain a link to an unrestricted section of the Web application, a link to the login page, or a simple "login failed" message.

Specifying URLs That Should Be Password Protected

The login-config element tells the server which authentication method to use. Good, but how do you designate the specific URLs to which access should be restricted? Designating restricted URLs and describing the protection they should have is the purpose of the security-constraint element. The security-constraint element should come immediately before login-config in web.xml and contains four possible subelements: display-name (an optional element giving a name for IDEs to use), web-resource-collection (a required element that specifies the URLs that should be protected), auth-constraint (an optional element that designates the abstract roles that should have access to the URLs), and user-data-constraint (an optional element that specifies whether SSL is required). Note that multiple web-resource-collection entries are permitted within security-constraint.

For a quick example of the use of security-constraint, Listing 7.5 instructs the server to require passwords for all URLs of the form http://host/webAppPrefix/ sensitive/blah. Users who supply passwords and belong to the administrator or executive logical roles should be granted access; all others should be denied access. The rest of this subsection provides details on the web-resource-collection, auth-constraint, and display-name elements. The role of user-data-constraint is explained in the next subsection (Specifying URLs That Should Be Available Only with SSL).

Listing 7.5 web.xml (Excerpt specifying protected URLs)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
   "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

 <!-- ... -->
 <!-- ... -->


This rarely used optional subelement of security-constraint gives a name to the security constraint entry. This name might be used by an IDE or other graphical tool.


This subelement of security-constraint identifies the resources that should be protected. Each security-constraint element must contain one or more web-resource-collection entries; all other security-constraint subelements are optional. The web-resource-collection element consists of a web-resource-name element that gives an arbitrary identifying name, a url-pattern element that identifies the URLs that should be protected, an optional http-method element that designates the HTTP commands to which the protection applies (GET, POST, etc.; the default is all methods), and an optional description element providing documentation. For example, the following web-resource-collection entries (within a security-constraint element) specify that password protection should be applied to all documents in the proprietary directory (and subdirectories thereof) and to the delete-account.jsp page in the admin directory.

   <web-resource-name>Account Deletion</web-resource-name>
 <!-- ... -->

It is important to note that the url-pattern applies only to clients that access the resources directly. In particular, it does not apply to pages that are accessed through the MVC architecture with a RequestDispatcher (Section 3.8) or by the similar means of jsp:forward or jsp:include (Section 3.5). This asymmetry is good if used properly. For example, with the MVC architecture a servlet looks up data, places it in beans, and forwards the request to a JSP page that extracts the data from the beans and displays it. You want to ensure that the JSP page is never accessed directly but instead is accessed only through the servlet that sets up the beans the page will use. The url-pattern and auth-constraint (see next subsection) elements can provide this guarantee by declaring that no user is permitted direct access to the JSP page. But, this asymmetric behavior can catch developers off guard and allow them to accidentally provide unrestricted access to resources that should be protected.

Core Warning

These protections apply only to direct client access. The security model does not apply to pages accessed by means of a RequestDispatcher, jsp:forward, or jsp:include.


Whereas the web-resource-collection element designates the URLs that should be protected, the auth-constraint element designates the users that should have access to protected resources. It should contain one or more role-name elements identifying the class of users that have access and, optionally, a description element describing the role. For instance, the following part of the security-constraint element in web.xml states that only users who are designated as either Administrators or Big Kahunas (or both) should have access to the designated resource.

</security-constraint> >

If you want all authenticated users to have access to a resource, use * as the role-name. Technically, the auth-constraint element is optional. Omitting it means that no roles have access. Although at first glance it appears pointless to deny access to all users, remember that these security restrictions apply only to direct client access. So, for example, suppose you had a JSP snippet that is intended to be inserted into another file with jsp:include (Section 3.5). Or, suppose you have a JSP page that is the forwarding destination of a servlet that is using a RequestDispatcher as part of the MVC architecture (Section 3.8). In both cases, users should be prohibited from directly accessing the JSP page. A security-constraint element with no auth-constraint would enforce this restriction nicely.

Specifying URLs That Should Be Available Only with SSL

Suppose your servlet or JSP page collects credit card numbers. User authentication keeps out unauthorized users but does nothing to protect the network traffic. So, for instance, an attacker that runs a packet sniffer on the end user's local area network could see that user's credit card number. This scenario is exactly what SSL protects against—it encrypts the traffic between the browser and the server.

Use of SSL does not change the basic way that form-based authentication works. Regardless of whether you are using SSL, you use the login-config element to indicate that you are using form-based authentication and to identify the login and login-failure pages. With or without SSL, you designate the protected resources with the url-pattern subelement of web-resource-collection. None of your servlets or JSP pages need to be modified or moved to different locations when you enable or disable SSL. That's the beauty of declarative security.

The user-data-constraint subelement of security-constraint can mandate that certain resources be accessed only with SSL. So, for example, attempts to access https://host/webAppPrefix/specialURL are handled normally, whereas attempts to access http://host/webAppPrefix/specialURL are redirected to the https URL. This behavior does not mean that you cannot supply an explicit https URL for a hypertext link or the ACTION of a form; it just means that you aren't required to. You can stick with the simpler and more easily maintained relative URLs and still be assured that certain URLs will only be accessed with SSL.

The user-data-constraint element, if used, must contain a transport-guarantee subelement (with legal values NONE, INTEGRAL, or CONFIDENTIAL) and can optionally contain a description element. A value of NONE for transport-guarantee puts no restrictions on the communication protocol used. Since NONE is the default, there is little point in using user-data-constraint or transport-guarantee if you specify NONE. A value of INTEGRAL means that the communication must be of a variety that prevents data from being changed in transit without detection. A value of CONFIDENTIAL means that the data must be transmitted in a way that prevents anyone who intercepts it from reading it. Although in principle (and perhaps in future HTTP versions) there may be a distinction between INTEGRAL and CONFIDENTIAL, in current practice they both simply mandate the use of SSL.

For example, the following instructs the server to permit only https connections to the associated resource:

  <!-- ... -->

In addition to simply requiring SSL, the servlet API provides a way to stipulate that users must authenticate themselves with client certificates. You supply a value of CLIENT-CERT for the auth-method subelement of login-config (see "Specifying URLs That Should Be Password Protected" earlier in this section). However, only servers that have full J2EE support are required to support this capability.

Now, although the method of prohibiting non-SSL access is standardized, servers that are compliant with the servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications are not required to support SSL. So, Web applications that use a transport-guarantee of CONFIDENTIAL (or, equivalently, INTEGRAL) are not necessarily portable. For example, JRun and ServletExec are usually used as plugins in Web servers like iPlanet/ Netscape or IIS. In this scenario, the network traffic between the client and the Web server is encrypted with SSL, but the local traffic from the Web server to the servlet/ JSP container is not encrypted. Consequently, a CONFIDENTIAL transport-guarantee will fail. Tomcat, however, can be set up to use SSL directly. Details on this process are given in Section 7.5. Some server plugins maintain SSL even on the local connection between the main Web server and the servlet/JSP engine; for example, the BEA WebLogic plugin for IIS, Apache, and Netscape Enterprise Server does so. Furthermore, integrated application servers like the standalone version of WebLogic have no "separate" servlet and JSP engine, so SSL works exactly as described here. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that these features, although useful, are not mandated by the servlet and JSP specifications.

Core Warning

Web applications that rely on SSL are not necessarily portable.

Turning Off the Invoker Servlet

When you restrict access to certain resources, you do so by specifying the URL patterns to which the restrictions apply. This pattern, in turn, matches a pattern that you set with the servlet-mapping web.xml element (see Section 5.3, "Assigning Names and Custom URLs"). However, most servers use an "invoker servlet" that provides a default URL for servlets: http://host/webAppPrefix/servlet/ServletName. You need to make sure that users don't access protected servlets with this URL, thus bypassing the access restrictions that were set by the url-pattern subelement of web-resource-collection. For example, suppose that you use security-constraint, web-resource-collection, and url-pattern to say that the URL /admin/DeclareChapter11 should be protected. You also use the auth-constraint and role-name elements to say that only users in the director role can access this URL. Next, you use the servlet and servlet-mapping elements to say that the servlet BankruptcyServlet.class in the disaster package should correspond to /admin/ DeclareChapter11. Now, the security restrictions are in force when clients use the URL http://host/webAppPrefix/admin/DeclareChapter11. No restrictions apply to http://host/webAppPrefix/servlet/disaster.BankruptcyServlet. Oops.

Section 5.4 (Disabling the Invoker Servlet) discusses server-specific approaches to turning off the invoker. The most portable approach, however, is to simply remap the /servlet pattern in your Web application so that all requests that include the pattern are sent to the same servlet. To remap the pattern, you first create a simple servlet that prints an error message or redirects users to the top-level page. Then, you use the servlet and servlet-mapping elements (Section 5.3) to send requests that include the /servlet pattern to that servlet. Listing 7.6 gives a brief example.

Listing 7.6

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
     "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

  <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->

7.2 Example: Form-Based Authentication

In this section I'll work through a small Web site for a fictional company called I'll start by showing the home page, then list the web.xml file, summarize the various protection mechanisms, show the password file, present the login and login-failure pages, and give the code for each of the protected resources.

The Home Page

Listing 7.7 shows the top-level home page for the Web application. The application is registered with a URL prefix of /hotdotcom so the home page can be accessed with the URL http://host/hotdotcom/index.jsp as shown in Figure 7–3. If you've forgotten how to assign URL prefixes to Web applications, review Section 4.1 (Registering Web Applications).

Figure 7–3 Home page for

Now, the main home page has no security protections and consequently does not absolutely require an entry in web.xml. However, many users expect URLs that list a directory but no file to invoke the default file from that directory. So, I put a welcome-file-list entry in web.xml (see Listing 7.8 in the next section) to ensure that http://host/hotdotcom/ would invoke index.jsp.

Listing 7.7 index.jsp (Top-level home page)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<H3>Welcome to the ultimate dot-com company!</H3>
Please select one of the following:
  <LI><A HREF="investing/">Investing</A>.
      Guaranteed growth for your hard-earned dollars!
  <LI><A HREF="business/">Business Model</A>.
      New economy strategy!
  <LI><A HREF="history/">History</A>.
      Fascinating company history.

The Deployment Descriptor

Listing 7.8 shows the complete deployment descriptor used with the hotdotcom Web application. Recall that the order of the subelements within the web-app element of web.xml is not arbitrary—you must use the standard ordering. For details, see Section 5.2 (The Order of Elements within the Deployment Descriptor).

The hotdotcom deployment descriptor specifies several things:

Listing 7.8 WEB-INF/web.xml(Complete version for

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
     "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

   <!-- Give name to FinalizePurchaseServlet. This servlet
       will later be mapped to the URL /ssl/FinalizePurchase
       (by means of servlet-mapping and url-pattern).
       Then, that URL will be designated as one requiring
       SSL (by means of security-constraint and
       transport-guarantee). -->

<!-- A servlet that redirects users to the home page. -->

<!-- Associate previously named servlet with custom URL. -->
<!-- Turn off invoker. Send requests to index.jsp. -->

<!-- If URL gives a directory but no filename, try index.jsp
    first and index.html second. If neither is found,
    the result is server-specific (e.g., a directory
    listing). -->

<!-- Protect everything within the "investing" directory. -->

<!-- URLs of the form http://host/webAppPrefix/ssl/blah
    require SSL and are thus redirected to
    https://host/webAppPrefix/ssl/blah. -->
<!-- Only users in the administrator role can access
    the delete-account.jsp page within the admin
    directory. -->
     <web-resource-name>Account Deletion</web-resource-name>

<!-- Tell the server to use form-based authentication. -->

The Password File

With form-based authentication, the server (container) performs a lot of the work for you. That's good. However, shifting so much work to the server means that there is a server-specific component: the assignment of passwords and roles to individual users (see Section 7.1).

Listing 7.9 shows the password file used by Tomcat for this Web application. It defines four users: john (in the registered-user role), jane (also in the registered-user role), juan (in the administrator role), and juana (in the registered-user and administrator roles).

Listing 7.9 install_dir/conf/tomcat-users.xml (First four users)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
  <user name="john" password="nhoj"
        roles="registered-user" />
  <user name="jane" password="enaj"
        roles="registered-user" />
  <user name="juan" password="nauj"
        roles="administrator" />
  <user name="juana" password="anauj"
        roles="administrator,registered-user" />

The Login and Login-Failure Pages

This Web application uses form-based authentication. Attempts by not-yet-authenticated users to access any password-protected resource will be sent to the login.jsp page in the admin directory. This page, shown in Listing 7.10, collects the username in a field named j_username and the password in a field named j_password. The results are sent by POST to a resource called j_security_check. Successful login attempts are redirected to the page that was originally requested. Failed attempts are redirected to the login-error.jsp page in the admin directory (Listing 7.11).

Listing 7.10 admin/login.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 
       HREF="../company-styles.css" TYPE="text/css"> </HEAD> 

<H3>Sorry, you must log in before accessing this resource.</H3>
<FORM ACTION="j_security_check" METHOD="POST">
<TR><TD>User name: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="j_username">
<TR><TD>Password: <INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" NAME="j_password">

</BODY> </HTML> 

Listing 7.11 admin/login-error.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 


<H3>Begone, ye unauthorized peon.</H3>


The investing Directory

The web.xml file for the hotdotcom Web application (Listing 7.8) specifies that all URLs that begin with http://host/hotdotcom/investing/ should be password protected, accessible only to users in the registered-user role. So, the first attempt by any user to access the home page of the investing directory (Listing 7.12) results in the login form shown earlier in Listing 7.10.

Figure 7–4 Home page for

shows the initial result, Figure 7–5 shows the result of an unsuccessful login attempt, and Figure 7–6 shows the investing home page—the result of a successful login.

Once authenticated, a user can browse other pages and return to a protected page without reauthentication. The system uses some variation of session tracking to remember which users have previously been authenticated.

Listing 7.12 investing/index.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
  <TR><TH CLASS="TITLE">Investing</TABLE>
<H3><I></I> welcomes the discriminating investor!
Please choose one of the following:
  <LI><A HREF="../ssl/buy-stock.jsp">Buy stock</A>.
      Astronomic growth rates!
  <LI><A HREF="account-status.jsp">Check account status</A>.
      See how much you've already earned!

Figure 7–4 Users who are not yet authenticated get redirected to the login page when they attempt to access the investing page.

Figure 7–5 Failed login attempts result in the login-error.jsp page. Internet Explorer users have to turn off "friendly" HTTP error messages (under Tools, Internet Options, Advanced) to see the real error page instead of a default error page.

Figure 7–6 Successful login attempts result in redirection back to the originally requested page.

The ssl Directory

The stock purchase page (Listings 7.13 and 7.14) submits data to the purchase finalization servlet (Listing 7.15) which, in turn, dispatches to the confirmation page (Listing 7.16).

Note that the purchase finalization servlet is not really in the ssl directory; it is in WEB-INF/classes/hotdotcom. However, the deployment descriptor (Listing 7.8) uses servlet-mapping to assign a URL that makes the servlet appear (to the client) to be in the ssl directory. This mapping serves two purposes. First, it lets the HTML form of Listing 7.13 use a simple relative URL to refer to the servlet. This is convenient because absolute URLs require modification every time your hostname or URL prefix changes. However, if you use this approach, it is important that both the original form and the servlet it talks to are accessed with SSL. If the original form used a relative URL for the ACTION and was accessed with a normal HTTP connection, the browser would first submit the data by HTTP and then get redirected to HTTPS. Too late: an attacker with access to the network traffic could have obtained the data from the initial HTTP request. On the other hand, if the ACTION of a form is an absolute URL that uses https, it is not necessary for the original form to be accessed with SSL.

Second, using servlet-mapping in this way guarantees that SSL will be used to access the servlet, even if the user tries to bypass the HTML form and access the serv-let URL directly. This guarantee is in effect because the transport-guarantee element (with a value of CONFIDENTIAL) applies to the pattern /ssl/*. Figure 7–7 through 7–9 show the results.

Listing 7.13 ssl/buy-stock.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
   <TR><TH CLASS="TITLE">Purchase</TABLE>
<H3><I></I> congratulates you on a wise
<jsp:useBean id="stock" class="hotdotcom.StockInfo" />
   <LI>Current stock value:
       <jsp:getProperty name="stock" property="currentValue" />
   <LI>Predicted value in one year:
       <jsp:getProperty name="stock" property="futureValue" />
<FORM ACTION="FinalizePurchase" METHOD="POST">
     <DT>Number of shares:
     <DD><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="numShares" VALUE="1000">
     <DD><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="numShares" VALUE="10000">
      <DD><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="numShares" VALUE="100000"
   Full name: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="fullName"><BR>
   Credit card number: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="cardNum"><P>

Listing 7.14 (Bean used by buy-stock.jsp)

package hotdotcom;

public class StockInfo {
  public String getCurrentValue() {

  public String getFutureValue() {

Listing 7.15 WEB-INF/classes/hotdotcom/

package hotdotcom;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

/** Servlet that reads credit card information,
 * performs a stock purchase, and displays confirmation page.

public class FinalizePurchaseServlet extends HttpServlet {

  /** Use doPost for non-SSL access to prevent
   * credit card number from showing up in URL.

  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
                  HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    String fullName = request.getParameter("fullName");
    String cardNum = request.getParameter("cardNum");
    confirmPurchase(fullName, cardNum);
    String destination = "/investing/sucker.jsp";
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
    dispatcher.forward(request, response);
  /** doGet calls doPost. Servlets that are
   * redirected to through SSL must have doGet.

  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                 HttpServletResponse response)
     throws ServletException, IOException {
    doPost(request, response);

  private void confirmPurchase(String fullName,
                           String cardNum) {
     // Details removed to protect the guilty.

Listing 7.16 (Dispatched to from

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<H3><I></I> thanks you for your purchase.</H3>
You'll be thanking yourself soon!

Figure 7–7 Warning when user first accesses FinalizePurchaseServlet when Tomcat is using a self-signed certificate. Self-signed certificates result in warnings and are for test purposes only. See Section 7.5 for details on creating them for use with Tomcat and for information on suppressing warnings for future requests.

Figure 7–8 The stock purchase page must be accessed with SSL. Since the form's ACTION uses a simple relative URL, the initial form submission uses the same protocol as the request for the form itself. If you were concerned about overloading your SSL server (HTTPS connections are much slower than HTTP connections), you could access the form with a non-SSL connection and then supply an absolute URL specifying https for the form's ACTION. This approach, although slightly more efficient, is significantly harder to maintain.

Figure 7–9 To protect the credit card number in transit, you must use SSL to access the FinalizePurchase servlet. Although FinalizePurchaseServlet dispatches to sucker.jsp, no web.xml entry is needed for that JSP page. Access restrictions apply to the client's URL, not to the behind-the-scenes file locations.

Listing 7.17 investing/account-status.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>Account Status</TITLE>
  <TR><TH CLASS="TITLE">Account Status</TABLE>
<H3>Your stock is basically worthless now.</H3>
But, hey, that makes this a buying opportunity.
Why don't you <A HREF="../ssl/buy-stock.jsp">buy
some more</A>?

Figure 7–10 Selecting the Account Status link on the investing home page does not result in reauthentication, even if the user has accessed other pages since being authenticated. The system uses a variation of session tracking to remember which users have already been authenticated.

The admin Directory

URLs in the admin directory are not uniformly protected as are URLs in the investing directory. I already discussed the login and login-failure pages (Listings 7.10 and 7.11, Figure 7–4 and 7–5). This just leaves the Delete Account page (Listing 7.18). This page has been designated as accessible only to users in the administrator role. So, when users that are only in the registered-user role attempt to access the page, they are denied permission (see Figure 7–11). Note that the permission-denied page of Figure 7–11 is generated automatically by the server and applies to authenticated users whose roles do not match any of the required ones—it is not the same as the login error page that applies to users who cannot be authenticated.

A user in the administrator role can access the page without difficulty (Figure 7–12).

Listing 7.18 admin/delete-account.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>Delete Account</TITLE>
  <TR><TH CLASS="TITLE">Delete Account</TABLE>
<FORM ACTION="confirm-deletion.jsp">
Username: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="userName"><BR>

Figure 7–11 When John and Jane attempt to access the Delete Account page, they are denied (even though they are authenticated). That's because they belong to the registered-user role and the web.xml file stipulates that only users in the administrator role should be able to access this page.

Figure 7–12 Once authenticated, Juan or Juana (in the administrator role) can access the Delete Account page.

The Redirector Servlet

Web applications that have protected servlets should always disable the invoker serv-let so that users cannot bypass security by using http://host/webAppPrefix/servlet/ ServletName when the access restrictions are assigned to a custom servlet URL. In the hotdotcom application, I used the servlet and servlet-mapping elements to register the RedirectorServlet with requests to http://host/hotdotcom/servlet/ anything. This servlet, shown in Listing 7.19, simply redirects all such requests to the application's home page.

Listing 7.19 WEB-INF/classes/hotdotcom/

package hotdotcom;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

/** Servlet that simply redirects users to the
 * Web application home page. Registered with the
 * default servlet URL to prevent access to servlets
 * through URLs that have no security settings.

public class RedirectorServlet extends HttpServlet {
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                 HttpServletResponse response)
     throws ServletException, IOException {

  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
                  HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
   doGet(request, response);

Unprotected Pages

The fact that some pages in a Web application have access restrictions does not imply that all pages in the application need such restrictions. Resources that have no access restrictions need no special handling regarding security. There are two points to keep in mind, however.

First, if you use default pages such as index.jsp or index.html, you should have an explicit welcome-file-list entry in web.xml. Without a welcome-file-list entry, servers are not required to use those files as the default file when a user supplies a URL that gives only a directory. See Section 5.7 (Specifying Welcome Pages) for details on the welcome-file-list element. Second, you should use relative URLs to refer to images or style sheets so that your pages don't need modification if the Web application's URL prefix changes. For more information, see Section 4.5 (Handling Relative URLs in Web Applications).

Listings 7.20 and 7.21 (Figure 7–13 and 7–14) give two examples.

Figure 7–13 The hotdotcom business model.

Figure 7–14 The distinguished hotdotcom heritage.

Listing 7.20 business/index.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>Business Model</TITLE>
  <TR><TH CLASS="TITLE">Business Model</TABLE>
<H3>Who needs a business model?</H3>
Hey, this is the new economy. We don't need a real business
model, do we?
OK, ok, if you insist:
  <LI>Start a dot-com.
  <LI>Have an IPO.
  <LI>Get a bunch of suckers to work for peanuts
      plus stock options.
Isn't that what many other dot-coms did?

Listing 7.21 history/index.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<H3>None yet...</H3>

7.3 BASIC Authentication

The most common type of container-managed security is built on form-based authentication, discussed in Section 7.1. There, the server automatically redirects unauthenticated users to an HTML form, checks their username and password, determines which logical roles they are in, and sees whether any of those roles is permitted to access the resource in question. Then, it uses a variation of session tracking to remember the users that have already been authenticated.

This approach has the advantage that the login form can have the same look and feel as the rest of the Web site. However, it has a few disadvantages. For example, if the client's browser does not support cookies, session tracking would have to be performed with URL rewriting. Or, the server might be configured to always use URL rewriting. The servlet specification explicitly states that form-based authentication is not guaranteed to work in such a case.

So, another approach is to use the standard HTTP BASIC security. With BASIC security, the browser uses a dialog box instead of an HTML form to collect the user-name and password. Then, the Authorization request header is used to remember which users have already been authenticated. As with form-based security, you must use SSL if you are concerned with protecting the network traffic. However, doing so neither changes the way BASIC authentication is set up nor necessitates changes in the individual servlets or JSP pages.

There is also DIGEST security and security based on client certificates. However, few browsers or servers support DIGEST, and only fully J2EE-compliant servers are required to support client certificates. For more information on client certificates, see Section 8.5 (Using Programmatic Security with SSL).

Compared to form-based authentication, the two main disadvantages of BASIC authentication are that the input dialog looks glaringly different than the rest of your application and that it is very difficult to log in as a different user once you are authenticated. In fact, once authenticated, you have to quit the browser and restart if you want to log in as a different user! Now, in principle it is possible to write a "relogin" servlet that sends a 401 (Unauthorized) status code and a WWW-Authenticate header containing the appropriate realm. But, that is hardly "declarative" security!

Use of BASIC security involves five steps, as shown below. Each of the steps except for the second is identical to the corresponding step used in form-based authentication.

  1. Set up usernames, passwords, and roles. In this step, you designate a list of users and associate each with a password and one or more abstract roles (e.g., normal user, administrator, etc.). This is a completely server-specific process.

  2. Tell the server that you are using BASIC authentication. Designate the realm name. This process uses the web.xml login-configelement with an auth-methodsubelement of BASICand a realm-namesubelement that specifies the realm (which is generally used as part of the title of the dialog box that the browser opens).

  3. Specify which URLs should be password protected. For this step, you use the security-constraintelement of web.xml. This element, in turn, uses web-resource-collectionand auth-constraintsubelements. The first of these designates the URL patterns to which access should be restricted, and the second specifies the abstract roles that should have access to the resources at the given URLs.

  4. Specify which URLs should be available only with SSL. If your server supports SSL, you can stipulate that certain resources are available only through encrypted https (SSL) connections. You use the user-data-constraintsubelement of security-constraint for this purpose.

  5. Turn off the invoker servlet. If your application restricts access to servlets, the access restrictions are placed only on the custom URL that you associate with the servlet. To prevent users from bypassing the security settings, disable default servlet URLs of the form http://host/webAppPrefix/servlet/ServletName. To disable these URLs, use the servlet-mappingelement with a url-patternsubelement that designates a pattern of /servlet/*.

Details on these steps are given in the following sections.

Setting Up Usernames, Passwords, and Roles

This step is exactly the same when BASIC authentication is used as when form-based authentication is used. See Section 7.1 for details. For a quick summary, recall that this process is completely server specific. Tomcat uses install_dir/conf/tomcat-users.xml to store this information, JRun uses install_dir/lib/, and ServletExec has an interactive user interface to enable you to specify the information.

Telling the Server You Are Using BASIC Authentication; Designating Realm

You use the login-config element in the deployment descriptor to control the authentication method. To use BASIC authentication, supply a value of BASIC for the auth-method subelement and use the realm-name subelement to designate the realm that will be used by the browser in the popup dialog box and in the Authorization request header. Listing 7.22 gives an example.

Listing 7.22 web.xml (Excerpt designating BASIC authentication)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
     "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

  <!-- ... -->
    <realm-name>Some Name</realm-name>
  <!-- ... -->

Specifying URLs That Should Be Password Protected

You designate password-protected resources in the same manner with BASIC authentication as you do with form-based authentication. See Section 7.1 for details. For a quick summary, you use the security-constraint element to specify restricted URLs and the roles that should have access to them. The security-constraint element should come immediately before login-config in web.xml and contains four possible subelements: display-name (an optional element giving a name for IDEs to use), web-resource-collection (a required element that specifies the URLs that should be protected), auth-constraint (an optional element that designates the abstract roles that should have access to the URLs), and user-data-constraint (an optional element that specifies whether SSL is required). Multiple web-resource-collection entries are permitted within security-constraint.

Specifying URLs That Should Be Available Only with SSL

You designate SSL-only resources in the same manner with BASIC authentication as you do with form-based authentication. See Section 7.1 for details. To summarize: use the user-data-constraint subelement of security-constraint with a transport-guarantee subelement specifying INTEGRAL or CONFIDENTIAL.

In addition to simply requiring SSL, the servlet API provides a way for stipulating that users must authenticate themselves with client certificates. You supply a value of CLIENT-CERT for the auth-method subelement of login-config (see "Specifying URLs That Should Be Password Protected" in Section 7.1). However, only application servers that have full J2EE support are required to support this capability.

7.4 Example: BASIC Authentication

In Section 7.2, I showed the external Web site for a fictional company named In this section, I'll show their intranet. Since applications that use form-based authentication vary only slightly from those that use BASIC authentication, I'll just concentrate on the differences here. I'll start by showing the home page, then list the web.xml file, summarize the various protection mechanisms, show the password file, and give the code for each of the protected resources.

The Home Page

Listing 7.23 shows the top-level home page for the Web application. The application is registered with a URL prefix of /hotdotcom-internal so the home page can be accessed with the URL http://host/hotdotcom-internal/index.jsp as shown in Figure 7–15. If you've forgotten how to assign URL prefixes to Web applications, review Section 4.1 (Registering Web Applications).

Now, the main home page has no security protections and consequently does not absolutely require an entry in web.xml. However, many users expect URLs that list a directory but no file to invoke the default file from that directory. So, I put a welcome-file-list entry in web.xml (see Listing 7.24 in the next section) to ensure that http://host/hotdotcom-internal/ invokes index.jsp.

Listing 7.23 index.jsp (Top-level home page)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<H3>Welcome to the hot-dot-com intranet</H3>
Please select one of the following:
  <LI><A HREF="financial-plan.html">Financial Plan</A>.
      Available to all employees.
  <LI><A HREF="business-plan.html">Business Plan</A>.
      Available only to corporate executives.
  <LI><A HREF="employee-pay.jsp">Employee Compensation Plans</A>.
      Available to all employees.

Figure 7–15 Home page for the intranet.

The Deployment Descriptor

Listing 7.24 shows the complete deployment descriptor used with the hotdot-com-internal Web application. Again, remember that the order of the sub-elements within the web-app element of web.xml is not arbitrary—you must use the standard ordering. For details, see Section 5.2 (The Order of Elements within the Deployment Descriptor).

The deployment descriptor specifies several things:

Listing 7.24 intranet)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
      "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

  <!-- A servlet that redirects users to the home page. -->

  <!-- Turn off invoker. Send requests to index.jsp. -->

  <!-- If URL gives a directory but no filename, try index.jsp
      first and index.html second. If neither is found,
      the result is server specific (e.g., a directory
      listing). -->

  <!-- Protect financial plan. Employees or executives. -->
      <web-resource-name>Financial Plan</web-resource-name>

  <!-- Protect business plan. Executives only. -->
      <web-resource-name>Business Plan</web-resource-name>

  <!-- Tell the server to use BASIC authentication. -->

The Password File

Password files are not specific to Web applications; they are general to the server. Listing 7.25 shows the password file used by Tomcat for this Web application. It defines three new users: gates and ellison in the employee role and mcnealy in the executive role.

Listing 7.25 install_dir/conf/tomcat-users.xml (Three new users)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <user name="john" password="nhoj"
       roles="registered-user" />
  <user name="jane" password="enaj"
       roles="registered-user" />
  <user name="juan" password="nauj"
       roles="administrator" />
  <user name="juana" password="anauj"
       roles="administrator,registered-user" />
  <user name="gates" password="llib"
        roles="employee" />
  <user name="ellison" password="yrral"
        roles="employee" />
  <user name="mcnealy" password="ttocs"
        roles="executive" />

The Financial Plan

Listing 7.26 shows the first of the protected pages at the hotdotcom-internal site. Figure 7–16 shows the dialog box presented by Netscape to unauthenticated users who attempt to access the page. Figure 7–17 and 7–18 show unsuccessful and successful login attempts, respectively.

Listing 7.26 financial-plan.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>Financial Plan</TITLE>
  <TR><TH CLASS="TITLE">Financial Plan</TABLE>
  <LI>Make lots of money.
  <LI>Increase value of stock options.
  <LI>Make more money.
  <LI>Increase stock option value further.

Figure 7–16 Unauthenticated users who attempt to access protected resources are presented with a dialog box.

Figure 7–17 A failed login attempt.

Figure 7–18 A successful login attempt.

The Business Plan

The financial plan of the previous section is available to all employees and executives. The business plan (Listing 7.27), in contrast, is available only to executives. Thus, it is possible for an authenticated user to be denied access to it. Figure 7–19 shows this result. OK, so you have access to more than one username/password combination. You were authenticated as a user with restricted privileges. You now want to log in as a user with additional privileges. How do you do so? Unfortunately, the answer is: quit the browser and restart. Boo. That's one of the downsides of BASIC authentication.

Figure 7–20 shows the result after the browser is restarted and the client logs in as a user in the executive role (mcnealy in this case).

Listing 7.27 business-plan.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>Business Plan</TITLE>
  <TR><TH CLASS="TITLE">Business Plan</TABLE>
  <LI>Inflate name recognition by buying meaningless ads
      on high-profile TV shows.
  <LI>Decrease employee pay by promising stock options instead.
  <LI>Increase executive pay with lots of perks and bonuses.
  <LI>Get bought out before anyone notices we have no
      business plan.

Figure 7–19 Attempt to access the business plan by an authenticated user who is not in the executive role. This result is different from that of failed authentication, which is shown in Figure 7–17.

Figure 7–20 Attempt to access the business plan by an authenticated user who is in the executive role.

The Redirector Servlet

As it currently stands, the hotdotcom-internal application has no protected servlets. So, it is not absolutely necessary to disable the invoker servlet and redirect requests that are sent to http://host/hotdotcom-internal/servlet/something. However, it is a good idea to plan ahead and disable the invoker servlet as a matter of course in all Web applications that have restricted resources. This application uses the same redirector servlet (Listing 7.19) and url-pattern entry in web.xml (Listing 7.24) as does the external hotdotcom application.

7.5 Configuring Tomcat to Use SSL

Servlet and JSP containers are not required to support SSL, even in fully J2EE-compliant application servers or with version 2.3 of the servlet specification. Of the three servers that are free for development use and are most commonly discussed throughout the book (Tomcat, JRun, and ServletExec), only Tomcat can directly support SSL. With JRun and ServletExec, traffic between the client and the Web server can be encrypted with SSL, but local communication between the Web server and the JRun or ServletExec plugin does not use SSL. So, Web applications that rely on SSL are not necessarily portable.

Nevertheless, SSL is extremely useful, and many applications make use of it. For example, many application servers are self-contained; they do not have a servlet/JSP plugin that is separate from the main Web server. In addition, some server plugins use SSL even for the communication between the Web server and the plugin. The BEA WebLogic plugin and IBM WebSphere support this very useful capability, for example.

Even with Tomcat, the default configuration lacks SSL support; you have to install some extra packages to add this support. This section summarizes the steps necessary to do so. For more details, see

  1. Download the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE). Obtain it from Note that this step is unnecessary if you are using JDK 1.4 or later; JSSE is integrated into the JDK in such case.

  2. Put the JSSE JAR files in Tomcat's CLASSPATH. JSSE consists of three JAR files: jcert.jar, jnet.jar, and jsse.jar. The server needs access to all of them. The easiest way to accomplish this step is to put the JAR files into jdk_install_dir/jre/lib/ext, thereby making JSSE an installed extension. Note that the Tomcat documentation describes another approach: setting the JSSE_HOMEenvironment variable. As of Tomcat 4.0, this approach fails because of a bug in the way Tomcat processes the variable (Tomcat erroneously looks for jsse.jar in JSSE_HOME instead of JSSE_HOME/lib).

  3. Create a self-signed public key certificate. SSL-based servers use X509 certificates to validate to clients that they are who they claim to be. This prevents attackers from hacking DNS servers to redirect SSL requests to their site. For real-world use, the certificate needs to be signed by a trusted authority like Verisign. For testing purposes, however, a self-signed certificate is sufficient. To generate one that will be valid for two years (730 days), execute the following:

    keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -validity 730 

    The system will prompt you for a variety of information starting with your first and last name. For a server certificate, this should be the server's name, not your name! For example, with a server that will be accessed from multiple machines, respond with the hostname ( or the IP address ( when asked "What is your first and last name?" For a development server that will run on your desktop, use localhost. Remember that, for deployment purposes, self-signed certificates are not sufficient. You would need to get your certificate signed by a trusted Certificate Authority. You can use certificates from keytool for this purpose also; it just requires a lot more work. For testing purposes, however, self-signed certificates are just as good as trusted ones.

    Core Approach

    Supply the server's hostname or IP address when asked for your first and last name. Use localhost for a desktop development server.

    The system will also prompt you for your organization, your location, a keystore password, and a key password. Be sure to use the same value for both passwords. The system will then create a file called .keystore in your home directory (e.g., /home/username on Unix or C:\Documents and Settings\username on Windows 2000). You can also use the -keystore argument to change where this file is created.

    For more details on keytool (including information on creating trusted certificates that are signed by a standard Certificate Authority), see

  4. Copy the keystore file to the Tomcat installation directory. Copy the .keystore file just created from your home directory to tomcat_install_dir.

  5. Uncomment and edit the SSL connector entry in tomcat_install_dir/conf/server.xml. Look for a commented-out Connectorelement that encloses a Factoryelement referring to the SSLServerSocketFactoryclass. Remove the enclosing comment tags (<!--...-->). Change the port from 8443 to the default SSL value of 443. Add a keystoreFileattribute to Factorydesig-nating the name of the keystore file. Add a keystorePassattribute to Factorydesignating the password. Here is an example (class names shortened and line breaks added for readability).

    <Connector className=" http.HttpConnector"
              port="443" minProcessors="5"
              maxProcessors="75" enableLookups="true"
              acceptCount="10" debug="0"
              scheme="https" secure="true">
      <Factory className=" net.SSLServerSocketFactory"
              clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS"
  6. Change the main connector entry in tomcat_install_dir/conf/ server.xml to use port 443 for SSL redirects. Use the redirect-Portattribute to specify this. Here is an example.

    <Connector className="...http.HttpConnector"
              port="80" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
              enableLookups="true" redirectPort="443"
              acceptCount="10" debug="0"
  7. Restart the server.

  8. Access https://localhost/. (Note that this URL starts with https, not http.) With Netscape, you should see initial warnings like those of Figure 7–21 through 7–25. Once you have accepted the certificate, you should see the Tomcat home page (Figure 7–26). With Internet Explorer, you will see an initial warning like that of Figure 7–27. For future requests, you can suppress the warnings by viewing and importing the certificate (Figures 7–28 and 7–29).

    Figure 7–21 First new-certificate window supplied by Netscape.

    Figure 7–22 Second new-certificate window supplied by Netscape. Self-signed certificates are for testing purposes only.

    Figure 7–23 Third new-certificate window supplied by Netscape. By choosing to accept the certificate permanently you suppress future warnings.

    Figure 7–24 Fourth new-certificate window supplied by Netscape.

    Figure 7–25 Fifth new-certificate window supplied by Netscape.

    Figure 7–26 A successful attempt to access the Tomcat home page using SSL.

    Figure 7–27 New-certificate page for Internet Explorer. View and import the certificate to suppress future warnings. Again, self-signed certificates would not be trusted in real-world applications; they are for testing purposes only.

    Figure 7–28 Result of choosing View Certificate in Internet Explorer's new-certificate page.

    Figure 7–29 Importing self-signed certificates in Internet Explorer lets you suppress warnings that the certificate comes from a company that you have not chosen to trust.

800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240