
Definition and Ownership of Web Service Interfaces: WSDL or XSD?

Date: Jun 4, 2004

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Continuing their architectural discussion of using the web services layer as a pure packaging strategy of a business module, Rajal Shah and Naresh Apte evolve the architecture further in this article to discuss message interfaces. If you already have XML-based messages as an interface to your module, the XSD for the messages could also be the web service interface for the module.


Web services are a preferred way to expose business modules. But the decision to use web services—or any other distributed technology—should be independent of the interface definition or development of the business module. The business module should be developed first, and then the decision can be made to use a suitable distributed technology. This strategy implies that WSDL may not be the appropriate choice for defining the interface, as it's part of a specific distributed technology specification. If you already have XML-based messages as an interface to your module, the XSD for the messages could also be the web service interface for the module.

Our previous article discussed the practice of separating the business module from the web services infrastructure, using web services as a "packaging strategy" for an application. This technique gives the company the flexibility to have separate development teams—one to build the business module and another to develop the web services layer to expose that module. In that article, we also introduced the gist of this article—determining the appropriate technology to expose the web service interface. In this article, we explore the use of XSD Schema as a web service message interface and identify the appropriate group in the enterprise to take ownership of that interface.

Using XML Schema To Define Messages

The intention behind separating the business module implementation from the web services layer is for each of these designs to be independent of the other. The business module implementation is a business problem requiring domain knowledge; the web services layer solves an infrastructure issue to enable remote access. The two design processes requires different specific skill sets.

Our previous article discussed how web services enable us to define a business-type interface for a business module and use XML for that interface. For a standalone business module that has an XML interface and that would be exposed to external clients, you would typically define an XSD schema for the message exchanges and validate incoming messages against that schema before processing any requests. Even if the clients are always trusted or are internal, it helps to define a schema for the message in order to achieve loose coupling between the systems and allow parallel development of all the internal software modules. In essence, the schema becomes the contract among the entities that exchange these messages. A schema for the messages is a reasonable expectation for all software modules with XML interfaces.

If web services is considered purely as a way to expose the business module to remote clients, then it really is just a technology enabler. The schema for the business messages should also be exposed as the schema for the web services messages. A web service does package messages inside its envelope (SOAP). And we would need to use WSDL to define the SOAP message exchange and identify end points of the service. But the actual message should remain unaltered even inside the SOAP envelope and be validated against its schema.

WSDL Interfaces for RPC-Style Web Services

An RPC-style web service mimics the way in which distributed technologies worked prior to web services. It takes the low-level data objects that make up the service API or operation, serializes them, and then transports them over the wire. The operations are performed in the reverse order on the other side to re-create the data objects.

Developers who are used to prior distributed technologies can relate to this style of distributed access and are comfortable using it. It's also the easiest way to build a web service. Hence, it has become the de facto way to start learning more about web services. But there are issues with this approach:

All these limitations make RPC-style services less desirable for production-quality web services for enterprises (except for legacy systems, in which the opportunity to bring the system online far outweighs these drawbacks).

XSD Interfaces for Document-Style Web Services

In document-style web services, the business module interface is always XML. If the business module interface is already defined via a schema, it's undesirable to redefine it through WSDL for a couple of reasons: First, this is a redundant step; more importantly, we'd have to change the WSDL with every change in the schema. The real solution is to use the XSD Schemas for the business module as the API signature in the web services. Web services can continue to use WSDL to specify SOAP envelope-specific details such as transport protocol and endpoint identification. But the SOAP message merely wraps the XML business message and transmits it—without any knowledge of the schema used to format that message.

This fact brings up a critical architectural decision: Who owns the validation of incoming messages? The web services layer handles decryption, verification of the digital certificates, and authentication of the client. For RPC-style web services, it also performs validation of the input message to the WSDL, because otherwise it would be impossible for the web services layer to map the message to the business data objects and its API. But in document-style web services—where the SOAP envelope has no knowledge of the message schema—how could the web services layer validate the message before handing it off to the business module? Validation of the incoming messages now resides in the purview of the business module. The business module need not know how the message got to it, but it needs to validate all incoming messages before processing them. This design is perfectly fine because this layer really needs to attach meaning to the schema of the incoming message. If the responsibility of validating the message lies with the business module, one central component in the architecture will have both responsibility and authority to handle messages. From an architectural perspective, this is a characteristic of a good design.

It's important to realize that only the ownership of the validation step has shifted hands from the web services infrastructure layer to the business module—this plan has no performance impact on the overall processing time of the message. Business API validation is part of the business module and its ownership, and thus validation should reside there. The high-level architectural diagram in Figure 1 highlights the responsibilities handled by the web service layer and the business module layer.

Figure 1Figure 1 Functionality and ownership of the web services infrastructure and business module layers.

Ownership of the XML Message Schemas

XML technologies and web services have enabled us to look at ownership aspects of the definition of the interfaces from different perspectives. All the XML technologies are geared toward complete platform and technology independence. Web services allow coarse-grained, loosely coupled, high-level business module interfaces to be exposed as services. These interfaces don't need to be defined as low-level technology data objects, but instead are suited for defining and controlling the business functionality that's exposed to the user community. Consequently, it greatly benefits the process to have this definition of the interfaces done by the business owners of the project, rather than the engineering or IT department that implements the business functionality, based on the requirements document provided to them by the business community.

Once the requirements-gathering phase is complete and the engineering team is handed a requirements document, the first step must be to translate the requirements objectively and define an XML schema for the messages. As business groups get more XML-savvy, these XML schemas could then be part of the requirements document itself—much like how UI screen mockups are determined during the requirements/analysis phase prior to any engineering work.

Here are the benefits of this approach:


Continuing our architectural discussion of using the web services layer as a pure packaging strategy of a business module, we evolved the architecture further in this article to discuss message interfaces. We've explored both RPC-style and document-style web services and identified issues with WSDL as the interface definition. Using the XSD to define the message interfaces provides separation of responsibility between the business module and the web services infrastructure layers. Further, it allows the enterprise to have its business module interfaces defined and managed by its business groups, where such responsibility belongs. The engineering group is responsible for the implementation of the business functionality and can focus on its task with clear business functionality definitions already provided. Web services and XML technologies are evolving enterprise processes to truly define ownerships and responsibility within groups—without any constraints of technology, platform, or products used within the enterprise.

Our next article will delve into performance issues and measure web services overhead to determine its usability in production environments.

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