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This chapter is from the book

The Authoring Life Cycle

Of more direct relevance to the people involved in the writing of use cases is having a clear understanding how the use case and its description evolves through the authoring process. We have seen the following use-case formats in use in various different projects and texts:

  • Use cases that look like just brief descriptions—a short paragraph that describes something that the system does

  • Use cases that look like outlines—a numbered or bulleted list of events and responses

  • Use cases presented in the form of a table of actor actions and system responses

  • Use cases that present a purely "black box" view of the system, focusing on the actions taken by the actor and the system's response

  • Use cases presented as structured English, using sequential paragraphs of text and a more expansive, narrative form, like many of the examples presented in this book

There are also many different popular styles of use case, such as essential use cases6 and conversational style7 use cases.

What are all these use cases, and how do they relate to one another? It is our contention that these are all just states in the evolution of a use case. Figure 6-3 provides a visual summary of the states of a use case during its evolution from its initial discovery to the production of its fully detailed and cross-referenced description. Each of these different forms is appropriate at different points in the evolution of a use-case model. Different use cases will evolve at different rates. It is not uncommon for an early version of the use-case model to contain a number of key use cases that are fully described and other, less important use cases that are still in the briefly described state or even awaiting discovery. It is worth taking a detailed look at each of these states, how they are manifested in the use-case description, and the role that they play in the evolution of the use case.

Figure 6-3Figure 6-3 The authoring life cycle*

State 1: Discovered

A use case will begin as just a name (for example, Browse Products and Place Orders), perhaps on a diagram with an associate actor (for example, Customer), as in Figure 6-4. This name is a placeholder for what is to come, but if this is as far as the description goes, it is not very useful. The use-case diagrams produced at this stage really act as no more than a visual index, providing a context for the use-case descriptions that are to come.

Figure 6-4Figure 6-4 A newly discovered use case.

State 2: Briefly Described

Almost immediately, usually while the name is being discussed, people will start briefly describing the use case; typically, they can't help it. Even as a name is being proposed, people will start to elaborate on the name (for example: This use case enables the customer to see the products we have to offer and, we hope, to buy them. While browsing, they may use a number of techniques to find products, including direct navigation and using a search facility.) These discussions should be captured more formally as the brief description of the use case.


Brief description for the use case Browse Products and Place Orders in an on-line ordering system

This use case describes how a Customer uses the system to view and purchase the products on sale. Products can be found by various methods, including browsing by product type, browsing by manufacturer, or keyword searches.

This brief description is important, and it may be as far as the use case evolves, especially if the required behavior is simple, easily understood, and can be expressed in the form of a prototype more easily than in words. But if the behavior is more complex, particularly if there is some defined sequence of steps that must be followed, more work is needed.

State 3: Bulleted Outline

The next stage in the evolution of the use case is to prepare an outline of its steps. The outline captures the simple steps of the use case in short sentences, organized sequentially. Initially, the focus is on the basic flow of the use case—generally this can be summarized in 5–10 simple statements. Then the most significant alternatives and exceptions are identified to indicate the scale and complexity of the use case. This process was discussed in detail in Chapter 4, Finding Actors and Use Cases, as it is an integral part of establishing the initial shape and scope of the use-case model.


Outline for the use case Browse Products and Place Orders

Basic Flow

  1. Browse Products

  2. Select Products

  3. Identify Payment Method

  4. Identify Shipping Method

  5. Confirm Purchase

Alternative Flows



Keyword Search



No Product Selected



Product Out of Stock



Payment Method Rejected



Shipping Method Rejected



Product Explicitly Identified



Order Deferred



Ship to Alternative Address



Purchase Not Confirmed



Confirmation Fails


Bulleted outlines of this form are good for getting an understanding of the size and complexity of the use case, assessing the use case's architectural sig-nificance, verifying the scope of the use case, and validating that the use-case model is well formed. They also provide a good basis for exploratory prototyping aimed at revealing requirement and technology-related risks.

If the use cases are to act as the specification of the system and provide a basis for more formal analysis, design, and testing, then more detail is required.

State 4: Essential Outline

So-called essential use cases are at another point in the use case's evolutionary timeline. Essential use cases focus on only the most important behavior of the system and leave much of the detail out (even omitting the mention of a PIN when describing the ATM's Withdraw Cash use case, for instance) in order to focus on getting right what the system must do. This is important early in the use-case identification process, when it is easy to get mired in details that will become important later but are not essential to defining the system as a whole.

The defining characteristic of this format is that it presents a pure, external, "black-box" view of the system, intentionally focusing on its usability. The strength of this approach is that it places usability "front and center" and in so doing ensures that the needs of the user are placed first. This format helps describe user intent and actions, along with the observable response of the system, but it does not elicit details about what is happening inside the system. It also ignores the specifics of the user-interface (because this information is better and more easily presented in prototypes and user interface mock-ups). The description is often presented in a two-column format:


The essential form of the use case Browse Products and Place Orders


User Action

System Response


Browse product offerings

Display product offerings


Select items for purchase

Record selected items and quantities


Provide payment instructions

Record payment instructions


Provide shipping instructions

Record shipping instructions


Complete transaction

Record transaction and provide receipt

The mistake made with essential use cases is forgetting that they will continue to evolve, adding detail and increasing in both scope and number, as the project progresses. Not every use case will pass through the Essential Outline state. Many use cases will progress straight from the bulleted outline to the more detailed formats, if they evolve beyond the bulleted outline form at all. Typically, the essential use-case form is used to provide an early embryonic description of the most important use cases in the system. The descriptions will then continue to evolve. You do not develop a set of essential use cases, then move on to a separate set of conversational use cases, and then move on to a another, different set of more detailed use cases. They are the same things at different points in their evolution.

Essential use cases are very effective for facilitating user-interface and user-experience analysis and design, especially where a system's visual metaphor needs to be established, typically early in the project's life cycle. Too much detail in the use cases often limits and constrains the creativity of the user-interface designers. The stripped-down essential outlines capture the essence of the required dialog without forcing the designers into any particular technology or mode of interaction. This allows them to start to explore the presentation options for the system, which, once defined, may impact in turn on the style and level of detail adopted in the final-form, fully detailed use-case descriptions.

Some people recommend that use-case authoring stop at the essential outline state, but if the use cases are to be used to drive the other aspects of systems design, act as the basis for formal integration and system testing, or be used as the basis for contractual relationships, more detail is required.

State 5: Detailed Description

The next step in the authoring life cycle is to start adding to the outline the detail required to complete the specification of the system. In this state, the use case is evolving, as more and more detail is added to flesh out the outline. If the use case expresses a strong sense of a dialog between an actor and the system, then the description may be in the conversational form; otherwise, it will be in the narrative form and simply list the steps in order.

The Conversational Form

The conversational form of use-case description is most useful when the system and actor engage in a well-defined dialog in which the actor does something and the system does something in response.


The conversational form of the use case Browse Products and Place Orders


 User Action

System Response


Browse product offerings

Display product offerings, showing categories selected by the user


Select items for purchase

For each selected item in stock, record selected items and quantities, reserving them in inventory.


Provide payment instructions

Record payment instructions, capturing payment terms and credit card type, number, and expiration date using a secure protocol.


Provide shipping instructions

Record shipping instructions, capturing billing address, shipping address, shipper preferences, and delivery options.


Complete transaction

Record transaction and provide receipt containing a list of the products ordered, their quantity and prices, as well as the billing and shipping addresses and the payment terms. The credit card information should be partially omitted, displaying only the last 4 digits of the credit card number.

This conversational format is excellent for a number of situations: where there is only one actor and where the system and actor engage in an interactive dialog. It can be expanded to include a considerable amount of detail but will often become a liability. It is difficult to use when there is more than one actor (as often happens in real business systems) or when there is a simple actor action (like pressing on the brake pedal) with a complex response (such as controlling the antilock braking system).

The Narrative Form

The most common format for a detailed use-case description is the narrative form. In this form, the outline is again expanded by adding detail but the tabular format is replaced by a more narrative description.


The narrative form of the use case Browse Products and Place Orders

  1. The use case starts when the Customer selects to browse the catalogue of product offerings. The system displays the product offerings showing the categories selected by the Customer.

  2. The Customer selects the items to be purchased. For each selected item that is in stock the system records the items and quantity required, reserving them in inventory.

  3. The system prompts the Customer to enter payment instructions. Once entered, the system records payment instructions, capturing payment terms and credit card type, number, and expiration date using a secure protocol.

  4. The system prompts the Customer to enter shipping instructions. Once entered, the system records the shipping instructions, capturing billing address, shipping address, shipper preferences, and delivery options.

  5. The system prompts the Customer to confirm the transaction. Once confirmed, the system records the transaction details and provides a receipt containing a list of the products ordered, their quantity and prices, as well as the billing address, shipping address, and payment terms. Credit card information is partially omitted, displaying only the last 4 digits of the credit card number.

This format is more flexible, allowing the system to initiate actions and supporting the interaction with multiple actors if required. This is the format that we prefer, as it more readily supports the ongoing evolution of the use case into its final form and the use of subflows to further structure the text.

Using the Detailed Description

Regardless of the form chosen for the detailed description, it is a state that the majority of use cases will pass through as they evolve toward the fully detailed description. In fact, this is the state that most allegedly "completed" use cases are left in as the use-case modeling efforts run out of steam. Unfortunately, it is dangerous to evolve the use cases to this state only and not to complete their evolution. The detailed description loses the benefits of brevity and succinctness offered by the bulleted and essential outline formats and lacks the detail required of a fully featured requirements specification. We do not recommend stopping work on the use cases when they have reached this state. If it is not necessary to evolve a use case to its full description, then stop at the outline format and don't waste time adding incomplete and ambiguous detail just for the sake of it.

State 6: Fully Described

The final state in the evolution of a use case is Fully Described. This is the state in which the use case has a complete flow of events, has all of its terminology fully defined in the supporting glossary, and unambiguously defines all of the inputs and outputs involved in the flow of events.

Fully described use cases are

  • Testable: There is sufficient information in the use case to enable the system to be tested.

  • Understandable: The use case can be understood by all of the stakeholders.

  • Unambiguous: The use case and the requirements that it contains have only one interpretation.

  • Correct: All of the information contained within the use case is actually requirements information.

  • Complete: There is nothing missing from the use cases. All the terminology used is defined. The flow of events and all of the other use-case properties are defined.

  • Attainable: The system described by the use case can actually be created.

Fully described use cases support many of the other software development activities, including analysis, design, and testing. One of the best checks of whether the use-case description is finished is to ask yourself if you could use the use case to derive system tests. The best way to tell if the use cases fit the purpose is to pass them along to the analysis and design team for analysis and the test team for test design. If these teams are satisfied that they can use the use cases to support their activities, then they contain sufficient levels of detail.


An extract from the fully described use case Browse Products and Place Orders

Basic Flow

  1. The use case starts when the actor Customer selects to browse the catalogue of product offerings.

{Display Product Catalogue}

  1. The system displays the product offerings highlighting the product categories associated with the Customer's profile.

{Select Products}

  1. The Customer selects a product to be purchased entering the number of items required.

  2. For each selected item that is in stock the system records the product identifier and the number of items required, reserving them in inventory and adding them to the Customer's shopping cart.

{Out of Stock}

  1. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated until the Customer selects to order the products.

{Process the Order}

  1. The system prompts the Customer to enter payment instructions.

  2. The Customer enters the payment instructions.

  3. The system captures the payment instructions using a secure protocol.

  4. Perform Subflow Validate Payment Instructions

. . .

Note that this fully described use case uses the narrative format. If the use case has only one actor and the system and actor engage in an interactive dialog, then the conversational style could also be used.

As you can see, there is much more to be said about the formatting and authoring of fully described use-case descriptions. This is the subject of Chapter 7, The Structure and Contents of a Use Case; Chapter 8, Writing Use-Case Descriptions: An Overview; and Chapter 9, Writing Use-Case Descriptions: Revisited.

Team Working

Another interesting perspective on the life cycle of a use case is that related to team working and the activities that are undertaken to produce the use-case model. We have seen that use cases have an important role to play in the software development life cycle and also have an authoring life cycle of their own. In Chapters 3, 4, and 5, we also looked at how the use-case model starts to emerge from the vision of the system via a series of workshops and other group-focused activities. In this section, we will look at the use-case modeling process and how this impacts on individual and team working.

You may wonder why we have saved this more formal look at the use-case modeling process for the second part of the book rather than presenting it earlier. Well, basically, we wanted you to have a good understanding of the concepts before we started to talk about all of the activities involved in creating a use-case model. So treat this section as part recap of what you have already learned and part teaser for what you will learn in Part II.

The Use-Case Modeling Process

Figure 6-5 illustrates the activities involved in the development of a use-case model. This is a simplified subset of a full requirements process8 and emphasizes the major activities involved in the evolution of the use-case model, which is being used as the primary requirements artifact. It is interesting to look at this workflow from the perspective of group and individual activities. In Figure 6-5, the group activities are shown in gray and are focused on preparing the groundwork for the evolution of the use-case model and its supporting Supplementary Specification by establishing the vision, scoping the system, addressing areas of uncertainty and instability in the requirements definition, and consolidating and reviewing the use-case model as a whole. The diagram can give the wrong impression that the majority of the effort in use-case modeling is related to group activities and that the model can be accomplished by simply holding a series of workshops and brainstorming sessions with the user and stakeholder representatives.

Figure 6-5Figure 6-5 The use-case modeling process*

In fact, more time is typically spent on the individual use case and Supplementary Specification authoring activities than is spent on all of the group activities put together. Figure 6-6 shows the relative amounts of effort expended on group and individual activities across the life of a project, which would typically iterate through the process many times. Note that the figure shows the relative amounts of effort and is not intended to be indicative of the total amount of effort required at any point in the project. The graph illustrates where healthy projects spend their time and should not be taken as a definitive statement. The amount of time the group activities will take is dependent on the ability of the group to focus and reach decisions. If all the stakeholder representatives disagree with each other and spend all of their time fighting and arguing, the project may never achieve enough stability for it to be worth undertaking the authoring of the use cases. These issues were addressed in Part I: Getting Started with Use-Case Modeling. The amount of time that the individual authoring activities will take is dependent on the complexity of the solution and the capabilities of the individuals involved. These issues are addressed in more detail in Chapter 8, Writing Use-Case Descriptions: An Overview.

Figure 6-6Figure 6-6 Ratio of group and individual activities for a typical project

It is worth taking a detailed look at each of the activities shown in Figure 6-5 and the roles that use cases and the use-case model play in undertaking them.

Establish the Vision

Establishing the vision is a group activity aimed at getting all of the stakeholders to agree about the purpose and objectives for both the project and the system to be built. The best way to achieve this is to use traditional requirements-management techniques to produce a high-level system definition and to ensure that there is agreement on the problem to be solved. Typically, this is done via a series of workshops involving the project's major stakeholder representatives. This topic was covered in detail in Chapter 3, Establishing the Vision.

The use-case model can help in establishing the vision by defining the system boundary and providing a brief overview of the system's behavior, but it is really no substitute for a vision document. If this stage is skipped, then no real attempt is made to analyze the problem before starting on the definition of the solution. This is really only applicable for small-scale, informal, low-accountability projects with a very small set of stakeholders and where the developers and the users work very closely together. Without undertaking any problem analysis, it can be difficult to know when the use-case model itself describes a suitable solution.

Produce an Overview of the System

The initial use-case model, containing the key actors and use cases with brief descriptions and outlines, provides a very good overview of the functionality of a system. This should be complemented with an initial draft of the key Supplementary Specifications and an outline glossary or domain model. At this stage, there is no need to fully detail any of the use cases, although it is a good idea to have identified the majority of the significant alternative flows for each of them. We are just looking for enough information to allow the scoping of the system with regard to the current project. This activity is best done as a group activity in a series of use-case modeling workshops, as described in Chapter 5, Getting Started with a Use-Case Modeling Workshop, and using the techniques described in Chapter 4, Finding Actors and Use Cases.

Reach Agreement on System Scope

The next activity is to reach agreement on the scope of the system. To do this, the proposed use-case model needs to be examined in light of the vision and any other high-level requirements documentation produced as part of the project.

Use cases are a very powerful aid when attempting to manage the scope or the system. Use cases lend themselves to prioritization. This prioritization should be undertaken from three perspectives:

  1. Customer Priority: What is the value placed on each of the use cases from a stakeholder perspective? This will identify any use cases that are not required by the stakeholders and allow the others to be ranked in order of customer priority.

  2. Architectural Significance: Which of the use cases are going to stress and drive the definition of the architecture? The architect should examine the use cases and identify those use cases that are of architectural significance.

  3. Initial Operational Capability: What set of use cases would provide enough functionality to enable the system to be used? Are all of the use cases needed to provide a useful system?

By considering these three perspectives it should be possible to arrive at a definition of system scope, and order of work, that satisfies all parties involved in the project.

If these three perspectives do not align (that is, the use cases the customer most wants are not those of architectural significance and do not form a sig-nificant part of a minimally functional system), then the project is probably out of balance and likely to hit political and budgetary problems. A lot of expectation management would be required to bring these three perspectives into alignment and place the project on a healthy footing where the customer and the architectural goals are complementary rather than contradictory.

Beyond the use cases themselves, we can also use the flow-of-events structure for scope management. In most cases, the basic functionality of the majority of the use cases will be needed to provide a working system. The same cannot be said of all of the alternative flows. In the ATM system, is it really necessary to support the withdrawal of nonstandard amounts or the use of the secondary accounts associated with the card? In many use cases, the majority of the alternative flows will be "bells and whistles" that are neither desired by the customer nor necessary to produce a useable system. This will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 7, The Structure and Contents of a Use Case, when we discuss the additive nature of use-case flows.

Once the scope for the project has been agreed on, the use cases that have been selected for initial implementation can be driven through the rest of their life cycle to completion and implementation. If iterative and incremental development is being undertaken, then the use cases can be assigned to particular phases and iterations.

Package the Use-Case Model

As the scope of the system and the structure of the use-case model start to become apparent, it is often a good idea to package up the use cases and actors into a logical, more manageable structure to support team working and scope management. Using the UML, packages can be used to structure the use-case model.

The UML defines the package as

A general-purpose mechanism for organizing elements into groups.

Graphically, the package is represented using a folder icon, as shown in Figure 6-7. In a use-case model a package will contain a number of actors, use cases, their relationships, use-case diagrams, and other packages; thus, you can have multiple levels of use-case packages (packages within packages), allowing the use of hierarchical structures where appropriate. Often, the use-case model itself will be represented as a package that contains all of the elements that make up the model.

Figure 6-7Figure 6-7 The graphical representation of a package

There are many reasons for using use-case packages to partition the use-case model:

  • To manage complexity. It is not unusual for a system to have many actors and use cases. This can become very confusing and inaccessible to the stakeholder representatives and developers working with the model. A model structured into smaller units is easier to understand than a flat model structure (without packages) if the use-case model is relatively large. It is also easier to show relationships among the model's main parts if you can express them in terms of packages.

  • To reflect functional areas. Often, there are families of use cases all related to the same concepts and areas of functionality (for example, customer service, operations, security, or reporting). Use-case packages can be used to explicitly group these use cases into named groups. This can make the model more accessible and easier to manage and discuss. It also helps to reduce the need for enormous "super" use cases that include massive sets of only loosely-related requirements.

  • To reflect user types. Many change requests originate from users. Packaging the use-case model in this way can ensure that changes from a particular user type will affect only the parts of the system that correspond to that user type.

  • To support team working. Allocation of resources and the competence of different development teams may require that the project be divided among different groups at different sites. Use-case packages offer a good opportunity to distribute work and responsibilities among several teams or developers according to their area of competence. This is particularly important when you are building a large system. Each package must have distinct responsibilities if development is to be performed in parallel. Use-case packages should be units having high cohesion so that changing the contents of one package will not affect the others.

  • To illustrate scope. Use-case packages can be used to reflect configura-tion or delivery units in the finished system.

  • To ensure confidentiality. In some applications, certain information should be accessible to only a few people. Use-case packages let you preserve secrecy in areas where it is needed.

The introduction of use-case packages does have a downside. Maintaining the use-case packages means more work for the use-case modeling team, and the use of packaging means that there is yet another notational concept for the developers to learn. As the need for packaging is directly related to the size and complexity of the use-case model, this is an optional activity and may be skipped for smaller models.

If you use this technique, you have to decide how many levels of packages to use. A rule of thumb is that each use-case package should contain approximately 3 to 10 smaller units (use cases, actors, or other packages). The following list gives some suggestions as to how many packages you should use given the number of use cases and actors. The quantities overlap because it is impossible to give exact guidelines.

  • 0–15: No use-case packages needed.

  • 10–50: Use one level of use-case packages.

  • > 25: Use two levels of use-case packages.

Packages are named in the passive, as opposed to the active names used for the use cases themselves, typically representing some area of the system's functionality or some organizational element of the business that is going to use or support the system. For example, the ATM functionality could be split into two packages, Customer Services and Operations, both of which are supported by the back-end banking systems, as shown in Figure 6-8. The dashed arrows are UML dependency relationships, which, in this case, indicate that model elements in the Customer Services and Operations packages access model elements in the Back End Systems package. This allows us to see how independent the packages are from one another, which is essential if the packaging is to support team working and model management. Packages are a standard UML model element and are not any different for use-case models than they are for any other UML model.9 Once the packaging has been put in place, it is usually difficult to change without causing great disruption to the people working with the model. For this reason, it is not advisable to attempt the packaging too early in the evolution of the use-case model. Packaging the model is again primarily a group activity that is undertaken, with the help of the stakeholder representatives, as part of the final use-case modeling workshop or review.

Address Areas of Instability and Author Stable Use Cases and Supplementary Specifications

Once the scope of the system has been established and the use-case model structured to facilitate the further development of the use cases, we are faced with two parallel activities:

  1. The detailed authoring of the requirements for those areas of the model where there is stability. This is an individual activity and is the subject of Chapter 8, Writing Use-Case Descriptions: An Overview, and Chapter 9, Writing Use-Case Descriptions: Revisited. It is in the authoring of the detail that most of the effort related to use cases is expended.

  2. Continuing to run additional workshops to address those areas where there is still instability in the use-case model. This entails running use-case modeling workshops (as described in Chapter 5, Getting Started with a Use-Case Modeling Workshop) with more detailed objectives and a more specialized selection of stakeholder representatives.

Typically, when the use-case model is being constructed initially, there will be some areas of the model with which everybody agrees and others where consensus is harder to reach during the early project brainstorming and use-case modeling workshops. There is no need to wait for agreement on every area of the use-case model before proceeding to the authoring of detailed use-case descriptions. Once agreement has been reached that a use case is required, it can be driven through the authoring process to produce the fully detailed description and through the software development process to facilitate the design and implementation of the software. It is counterproductive to start doing detail work for use cases whose scope, purpose, and intention are still under debate. To evolve these beyond the essential outline stage is likely to cause large amounts of scrap and rework. The level of detail provided by the outlines should be sufficient to allow scoping and other decisions to be made.

The first use cases to stabilize and then proceed through the authoring process should be those of architectural significance, those that explicitly help to attack project risk, and those essential to the initial release. Once the authoring of any of these use cases is complete, they should be passed over to the designers so that they can progress through the rest of the software development life cycle. In the same way that there is no need for all the use cases to have been identified and outlined before detailed authoring starts, there is no need for all the use cases to have been authored before analysis, design, and the other downstream activities start. It is our recommendation that use cases be passed on to the other project teams as soon as they become available. This allows the downstream activities to start as soon as possible and will provide the use-case authors with the immediate feedback on their work that they can use to improve the quality of the use-case model as a whole.

Consolidate and Review the Use-Case Model

As the use cases, the Supplementary Specifications, and the use-case model evolve, it is worth taking some time to consolidate and review the team's work as a whole. This should be a group activity and should focus on achieving consistency and completeness across the whole of the requirements space. This is also the time when you may want to do some more detailed structuring of the use cases themselves. These topics are covered in more detail in Chapter 10, Here There Be Dragons, and Chapter 11, Reviewing Use Cases. It is also worthwhile to check the detailed requirements work against the vision for the system to make sure that they have not diverged as the use-case model has evolved.

These suggestions are not intended to imply that all of the use cases are to be reviewed in one go at the end of the process. Walkthroughs and reviews are an essential part of the authoring process, as we shall see in Chapter 11, Reviewing Use Cases. Here we are talking about looking at the model as a whole rather than at the individual use cases.

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Pearson may use third party web trend analytical services, including Google Analytics, to collect visitor information, such as IP addresses, browser types, referring pages, pages visited and time spent on a particular site. While these analytical services collect and report information on an anonymous basis, they may use cookies to gather web trend information. The information gathered may enable Pearson (but not the third party web trend services) to link information with application and system log data. Pearson uses this information for system administration and to identify problems, improve service, detect unauthorized access and fraudulent activity, prevent and respond to security incidents, appropriately scale computing resources and otherwise support and deliver this site and its services.

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This site uses cookies and similar technologies to personalize content, measure traffic patterns, control security, track use and access of information on this site, and provide interest-based messages and advertising. Users can manage and block the use of cookies through their browser. Disabling or blocking certain cookies may limit the functionality of this site.

Do Not Track

This site currently does not respond to Do Not Track signals.


Pearson uses appropriate physical, administrative and technical security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure.


This site is not directed to children under the age of 13.


Pearson may send or direct marketing communications to users, provided that

  • Pearson will not use personal information collected or processed as a K-12 school service provider for the purpose of directed or targeted advertising.
  • Such marketing is consistent with applicable law and Pearson's legal obligations.
  • Pearson will not knowingly direct or send marketing communications to an individual who has expressed a preference not to receive marketing.
  • Where required by applicable law, express or implied consent to marketing exists and has not been withdrawn.

Pearson may provide personal information to a third party service provider on a restricted basis to provide marketing solely on behalf of Pearson or an affiliate or customer for whom Pearson is a service provider. Marketing preferences may be changed at any time.

Correcting/Updating Personal Information

If a user's personally identifiable information changes (such as your postal address or email address), we provide a way to correct or update that user's personal data provided to us. This can be done on the Account page. If a user no longer desires our service and desires to delete his or her account, please contact us at customer-service@informit.com and we will process the deletion of a user's account.


Users can always make an informed choice as to whether they should proceed with certain services offered by InformIT. If you choose to remove yourself from our mailing list(s) simply visit the following page and uncheck any communication you no longer want to receive: www.informit.com/u.aspx.

Sale of Personal Information

Pearson does not rent or sell personal information in exchange for any payment of money.

While Pearson does not sell personal information, as defined in Nevada law, Nevada residents may email a request for no sale of their personal information to NevadaDesignatedRequest@pearson.com.

Supplemental Privacy Statement for California Residents

California residents should read our Supplemental privacy statement for California residents in conjunction with this Privacy Notice. The Supplemental privacy statement for California residents explains Pearson's commitment to comply with California law and applies to personal information of California residents collected in connection with this site and the Services.

Sharing and Disclosure

Pearson may disclose personal information, as follows:

  • As required by law.
  • With the consent of the individual (or their parent, if the individual is a minor)
  • In response to a subpoena, court order or legal process, to the extent permitted or required by law
  • To protect the security and safety of individuals, data, assets and systems, consistent with applicable law
  • In connection the sale, joint venture or other transfer of some or all of its company or assets, subject to the provisions of this Privacy Notice
  • To investigate or address actual or suspected fraud or other illegal activities
  • To exercise its legal rights, including enforcement of the Terms of Use for this site or another contract
  • To affiliated Pearson companies and other companies and organizations who perform work for Pearson and are obligated to protect the privacy of personal information consistent with this Privacy Notice
  • To a school, organization, company or government agency, where Pearson collects or processes the personal information in a school setting or on behalf of such organization, company or government agency.


This web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects Personal Information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site.

Requests and Contact

Please contact us about this Privacy Notice or if you have any requests or questions relating to the privacy of your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may revise this Privacy Notice through an updated posting. We will identify the effective date of the revision in the posting. Often, updates are made to provide greater clarity or to comply with changes in regulatory requirements. If the updates involve material changes to the collection, protection, use or disclosure of Personal Information, Pearson will provide notice of the change through a conspicuous notice on this site or other appropriate way. Continued use of the site after the effective date of a posted revision evidences acceptance. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about the Privacy Notice or any objection to any revisions.

Last Update: November 17, 2020