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9.5.2 How Viruses Work

Enough for potential damage scenarios. Now let us see how viruses work. Virgil writes his virus, probably in assembly language, and then carefully inserts it into a program on his own machine using a tool called a dropper. That infected program is then distributed, perhaps by posting it to a bulletin board or a free software collection on the Internet. The program could be an exciting new game, a pirated version of some commercial software, or anything else likely to be considered desirable. People then begin to download the infected program.

Once installed on the victim's machine, the virus lies dormant until the infected program is executed. Once started, it usually begins by infecting other programs on the machine and then executing its payload. In many cases, the pay-load may do nothing until a certain date has passed to make sure that the virus is widespread before people begin noticing it. The date chosen might even send a political message (e.g., if it triggers on the 100th or 500th anniversary of some grave insult to the author's ethnic group).

In the discussion below, we will examine seven kinds of viruses based on what is infected. These are companion, executable program, memory, boot sector, device driver, macro, and source code viruses. No doubt new types will appear in the future.

Companion Viruses

A companion virus does not actually infect a program, but gets to run when the program is supposed to run. The concept is easiest to explain with an example. In MS-DOS, when a user types


MS-DOS first looks for a program named prog.com. If it cannot find one, it looks for a program named prog.exe. In Windows, when the user clicks on Start and then Run, the same thing happens. Nowadays, most programs are .exe files; .com files are very rare.

Suppose that Virgil knows that many people run prog.exe from an MS-DOS prompt or from Run on Windows. He can then simply release a virus called prog.com, which will get executed when anyone tries to run prog (unless he actually types the full name: prog.exe). When prog.com has finished its work, it then just executes prog.exe and the user is none the wiser.

A somewhat related attack uses the Windows desktop, which contains shortcuts (symbolic links) to programs. A virus can change the target of a shortcut to make it point to the virus. When the user double clicks on an icon, the virus is executed. When it is done, the virus just runs the original target program.

Executable Program Viruses

One step up in complexity are viruses that infect executable programs. The simplest of these viruses just overwrites the executable program with itself. These are called overwriting viruses. The infection logic of such a virus is given in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1 A recursive procedure that finds executable files on a UNIX system.

The main program of this virus would first copy its binary program into an array by opening argv[0] and reading it in for safe keeping. Then it would traverse the entire file system starting at the root directory by changing to the root directory and calling search with the root directory as parameter.

The recursive procedure search processes a directory by opening it, then reading the entries one at a time using readdir until a NULL is returned, indicating that there are no more entries. If the entry is a directory, it is processed by changing to it and then calling search recursively; if it is an executable file, it is infected by calling infect with the name of the file to infect as parameter. Files starting with ''.'' are skipped to avoid problems with the . and .. directories. Also, symbolic links are skipped because the program assumes that it can enter a directory using the chdir system call and then get back to where it was by going to .. , something that holds for hard links but not symbolic links. A fancier program could handle symbolic links, too.

The actual infection procedure, infect (not shown), merely has to open the file named in its parameter, copy the virus saved in the array over the file, and then close the file.

This virus could be ''improved'' in various ways. First, a test could be inserted into infect to generate a random number and just return in most cases without doing anything. In, say, one call out of 128, infection would take place, thereby reducing the chances of early detection, before the virus has had a good chance to spread. Biological viruses have the same property: those that kill their victims quickly do not spread nearly as fast as those that produce a slow, lingering death, giving the victims plenty of chance to spread the virus. An alternative design would be to have a higher infection rate (say, 25%) but a cutoff on the number of files infected at once to reduce disk activity and thus be less conspicuous.

Second, infect could check to see if the file is already infected. Infecting the same file twice just wastes time. Third, measures could be taken to keep the time of last modification and file size the same as it was to help hide the infection. For programs larger than the virus, the size will remain unchanged, but for programs smaller than the virus, the program will now be bigger. Since most viruses are smaller than most programs, this is not a serious problem.

Although this program is not very long (the full program is under one page of C and the text segment compiles to under 2 KB), an assembly code version of it can be even shorter. Ludwig (1998) gives an assembly code program for MS-DOS that infects all the files in its directory and is only 44 bytes when assembled.

Later in this chapter we will study antivirus programs, that is programs that track down and remove viruses. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that the logic of Figure 9-1, which a virus could use to find all the executable files to infect them could also be used by an antivirus program to track down all the infected programs in order to remove the virus. The technologies of infection and disinfection go hand in hand, which is why it is necessary to understand in detail how viruses work in order to be able to fight them effectively.

From Virgil's point of view, the problem with an overwriting virus is that it is too easy to detect. After all, when an infected program executes, it may spread the virus some more, but it does not do what it is supposed to do, and the user will notice this instantly. Consequently, most viruses attach themselves to the program and do their dirty work, but allow the program to function normally afterward. Such viruses are called parasitic viruses.

Parasitic viruses can attach themselves to the front, the back, or the middle of the executable program. If a virus attaches itself to the front of a program, it has to first copy the program to RAM, write itself at the front of the file, and then copy the program back from RAM following itself, as shown in Fig. 9-2(b). Unfortunately, the program will not run at its new virtual address, so either the virus has to relocate the program as it is moved, or slide it back to virtual address 0 after finishing its own execution.

Figure 9-2 (a) An executable program. (b) With a virus at the front. (c) With a virus at the end. (d) With a virus spread over free space within the program.

To avoid either of the complex options required by these front loaders, most viruses are back loaders, attaching themselves to the end of the executable program instead of the front, changing the starting address field in the header to point to the start of the virus, as illustrated in Fig. 9-2(c). The virus will now execute at a different virtual address depending which infected program is running, but all this means is that Virgil has to make sure his virus is position independent, using relative instead of absolute addresses. That is not hard for an experienced programmer to do.

Complex executable program formats, such as .exe files on Windows and nearly all modern UNIX binary formats, allow a program to have multiple text and data segments, with the loader assembling them in memory and doing relocation on the fly. In some systems (Windows, for example), all segments (sections) are multiples of 512 bytes. If a segment is not full, the linker fills it out with 0s. A virus that understands this can try to hide itself in the holes. If it fits entirely, as in Fig. 9-2(d), the file size remains the same as that of the uninfected file, clearly a plus, since a hidden virus is a happy virus. Viruses that use this principle are called cavity viruses. Of course, if the loader does not load the cavity areas into memory, the virus will need another way of getting started.

Memory Resident Viruses

So far we have assumed that when an infected program is executed, the virus runs, passes control to the real program, and exits. In contrast, a memory-resident virus stays in memory all the time, either hiding at the very top of memory or perhaps down in the grass among the interrupt vectors, the last few hundred bytes of which are generally unused. A very smart virus can even modify the operating system's RAM bitmap to make the system think the virus' memory is occupied, to avoid the embarrassment of being overwritten.

A typical memory-resident virus captures one of the trap or interrupt vectors by copying the contents to a scratch variable and putting its own address there, thus directing that trap or interrupt to it. The best choice is the system call trap. In that way, the virus gets to run (in kernel mode) on every system call. When it is done, it just invokes the real system call by jumping to the saved trap address.

Why would a virus want to run on every system call? To infect programs, naturally. The virus can just wait until an exec system call comes along, and then, knowing that the file at hand is an executable binary (and probably a useful one at that), infect it. This process does not require the massive disk activity of Fig. 9-1 so it is far less conspicuous. Catching all system calls also gives the virus great potential for spying on data and performing all manner of mischief.

Boot Sector Viruses

As we discussed in Chap. 5, when most computers are turned on, the BIOS reads the master boot record from the start of the boot disk into RAM and executes it. This program determines which partition is active and reads in the first sector, the boot sector, from that partition and executes it. That program then either loads the operating system or brings in a loader to load the operating system. Unfortunately, many years ago one of Virgil's friends got the idea of creating a virus that could overwrite the master boot record or the boot sector, with devastating results. Such viruses, called boot sector viruses, are very common.

Normally, a boot sector virus, [which includes MBR (Master Boot Record) viruses], first copies the true boot sector to a safe place on the disk so it can boot the operating system when it is finished. The Microsoft disk formatting program, fdisk, skips the first track, so that is a good hiding place on Windows machines. Another option is to use any free disk sector and then update the bad sector list to mark the hideout as defective. In fact, if the virus is large, it can also disguise the rest of itself as bad sectors. If the root directory is large enough and in a fixed place, as it is in Windows 98, the end of the root directory is also a possibility. A really aggressive virus could even just allocate normal disk space for the true boot sector and itself and update the disk's bitmap or free list accordingly. Doing this requires an intimate knowledge of the operating system's internal data structures, but Virgil had a good professor for his operating systems course and studied hard.

When the computer is booted, the virus copies itself to RAM, either at the top or among the unused interrupt vectors. At this point the machine is in kernel mode, with the MMU off, no operating system, and no antivirus program running. Party time for viruses. When it is ready, it boots the operating system, usually staying memory resident.

One problem, however, is how to get control again later. The usual way is to exploit specific knowledge of how the operating system manages the interrupt vectors. For example, Windows does not overwrite all the interrupt vectors in one blow. Instead, it loads device drivers one at a time, and each one captures the interrupt vector it needs. This process can take a minute.

This design gives the virus the handle it needs. It starts out by capturing all the interrupt vectors as shown in Fig. 9-3(a). As drivers load, some of the vectors are overwritten, but unless the clock driver is loaded first, there will be plenty of clock interrupts later that start the virus. Loss of the printer interrupt is shown in Fig. 9-3(b). As soon as the virus sees that one of its interrupt vectors has been overwritten, it can overwrite that vector again, knowing that it is now safe (actually, some interrupt vectors are overwritten several times during booting, but the pattern is deterministic and Virgil knows it by heart). Recapture of the printer is shown in Fig. 9-3(c). When everything is loaded, the virus restores all the interrupt vectors and keeps only the system call trap vector for itself. After all, getting control on every system call is much more fun than getting control after every floppy disk operation, but during booting, it cannot take the risk of losing control forever. At this point we have a memory-resident virus in control of system calls. In fact, this is how most memory-resident viruses get started in life.

Figure 9-3 (a) After the virus has captured all the interrupt and trap vectors. (b) After the operating system has retaken the printer interrupt vector. (c) After the virus has noticed the loss of the printer interrupt vector and recaptured it.

Device Driver Viruses

Getting into memory like this is a little like spelunking (exploring caves)—you have to go through contortions and keep worrying about something falling down and landing on your head. It would be much simpler if the operating system would just kindly load the virus officially. With a little bit of work, that goal can be achieved. The trick is to infect a device driver, leading to a device driver virus. In Windows and some UNIX systems, device drivers are just executable programs that live on the disk and are loaded at boot time. If one of them can be infected using a parasitic virus, the virus will always be officially loaded at boot time. Even nicer, drivers run in kernel mode and after a driver is loaded, it is called, giving the virus a chance to capture the system call trap vector.

Macro Viruses

Many programs, such as Word and Excel, allow users to write macros to group several commands that can later be executed with a single keystroke. Macros can also be attached to menu items, so that when one of them is selected, the macro is executed. In Microsoft Office, macros can contain entire programs in Visual Basic, which is a complete programming language. The macros are interpreted rather than compiled, but that only affects execution speed, not what they can do. Since macros may be document specific, Office stores the macros for each document along with the document.

Now comes the problem. Virgil writes a document in Word and creates a macro that he attaches to the OPEN FILE function. The macro contains a macro virus. He then emails the document to the victim, who naturally opens it (assuming the email program has not already done this for him). Opening the document causes the OPEN FILE macro to execute. Since the macro can contain an arbitrary program, it can do anything, such as infect other Word documents, erase files, and more. In all fairness to Microsoft, Word does give a warning when opening a file with macros, but most users do not understand what this means and continue opening anyway. Besides, legitimate documents may also contain macros. And there are other programs that do not even give this warning, making it even harder to detect a virus.

With the growth of email, sending documents with viruses embedded in macros is an immense problem. Such viruses are much easier to write than concealing the true boot sector somewhere in the bad block list, hiding the virus among the interrupt vectors, and capturing the system call trap vector. This means that increasingly less skilled people can now write viruses, lowering the general quality of the product and giving virus writers a bad name.

Source Code Viruses

Parasitic and boot sector viruses are highly platform specific; document viruses are somewhat less so (Word runs on Windows and the Macintosh, but not on UNIX). The most portable viruses of all are source code viruses. Imagine the virus of Fig. 9-1, but with the modification that instead of looking for binary executable files, it looks for C programs, a change of only 1 line (the call to access). The infect procedure should be changed to insert the line

      #include <virus.h> 

at the top of each C source program. One other insertion is needed, the line

      run_virus( ); 

to activate the virus. Deciding where to put this line requires some ability to parse C code, since it must be at a place that syntactically allows procedure calls and also not at a place where the code would be dead (e.g., following a return statement). Putting it in the middle of a comment does not work either, and putting it inside a loop might be too much of a good thing. Assuming the call can be placed properly (for example, just before the end of main or before the return statement if there is one), when the program is compiled, it now contains the virus, taken from virus.h (although proj.h might attract less attention should somebody see it).

When the program runs, the virus will be called. The virus can do anything it wants to, for example, look for other C programs to infect. If it finds one, it can include just the two lines given above, but this will only work on the local machine, where virus.h is assumed to be installed already. To have this work on a remote machine, the full source code of the virus must be included. This can be done by including the source code of the virus as an initialized character string, preferably as a list of 32-bit hexadecimal integers to prevent anyone from figuring out what it does. This string will probably be fairly long, but with today's mul-timegaline code, it might easily slip by.

To the uninitiated reader, all of these ways may look fairly complicated. One can legitimately wonder if they could be made to work in practice. They can be. Virgil is an excellent programmer and has a lot of free time on his hands. Check your local newspaper for proof.

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Last Update: November 17, 2020