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Personal Development


Whether online, from well-meaning peers, or from the college career counselor, there is a lot of bad advice out there. This article discusses some of the most-often repeated and worst advice. It presents alternative advice to help you keep your career on the fast track for stability and growth.

What does it mean to have ownership of an experience, or of your life in general? In order for you to take ownership of your job as a student, you must first understand what the characteristics of ownership are.

Many technologists allow themselves to be defined by their job title or the technology they use. This can lead to missed opportunities, failure to adopt new technologies, and career stagnation. This article provides advice on how to avoid this situation and steps to become a well-rounded IT professional.

There are many reasons why working away from the main office can be a boon to productivity and happiness. It doesn't work for everyone, however. This chapter looks at some reasons why you might not want the Out of Office experience.

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