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New Era of Enterprise Business Intelligence, The: Using Analytics to Achieve a Global Competitive Advantage

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New Era of Enterprise Business Intelligence, The: Using Analytics to Achieve a Global Competitive Advantage

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  • Copyright 2011
  • Pages: 320
  • Edition: 1st
  • eBook (Watermarked)
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-265103-3
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-265103-5

A Complete Blueprint for Maximizing the Value of Business Intelligence in the Enterprise

The typical enterprise recognizes the immense potential of business intelligence (BI) and its impact upon many facets within the organization–but it’s not easy to transform BI’s potential into real business value. In The New Era of Enterprise Business Intelligence, top BI expert Mike Biere presents a complete blueprint for creating winning BI strategies and infrastructure, and systematically maximizing the value of information throughout the enterprise.

This product-independent guide brings together start-to-finish guidance and practical checklists for every senior IT executive, planner, strategist, implementer, and the actual business users themselves. Drawing on thousands of hours working with enterprise customers, Biere helps decision-makers choose from today’s unprecedented spectrum of options, including the latest BI platform suites and appliances. He offers practical, “in-the-trenches” insights on a wide spectrum of planning and implementation issues, from segmenting and supporting users to working with unstructured data.

Coverage includes

• Understanding the scope of today’s BI solutions and how they fit into existing infrastructure

• Assessing new options such as SaaS and cloud-based technologies

• Avoiding technology biases and other “project killers”

• Developing effective RFIs/RFPs and proofs of concept

• Setting up competency centers and planning for skills development

• Crafting a better experience for all your business users

• Supporting the requirements of senior executives, including performance management

• Cost-justifying BI solutions and measuring success

• Working with enterprise content management, text analytics, and search

• Planning and constructing portals, mashups, and other user interfaces

• Previewing the future of BI

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Chapter 1  Introduction to Business Intelligence Today    1

Setting Expectations    3

The Face of Business Intelligence Now    5

The Characteristics of a BI Vision and Strategy    8

Setting the Stage for BI Success    9

Within the IT Organization    9

Within the End User Community    11

Summary    12

Chapter 2  Defining Business Intelligence Today    13

Defining Business Intelligence within Your Organization    13

Platform Implications    15

What Is “Mission Critical”?    17

BI Solution Elements    18

Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse: Are They Synonymous?    21

Business Intelligence as a Key Differentiator from Competition    22

Productivity Factors–Working Smarter    25

Summary    27

Chapter 3 The History of Business Intelligence within Your Organization    29

Mapping Your Environment to the BI Evolutionary Tree    29

Creating an Internal Record of BI Usage    34

Analysis of Displacement    38

Summary    40

Chapter 4  The Scope of BI Solutions Today and How They May Relate to You    41

The BI Infrastructure    41

BI Drivers, Trends, Sources, and Deployment Options    44

Mergers and Acquisitions–The Emergence of BI “Mega-Vendors”    45

BI Suites/Platforms versus Independents    46

Open Source BI Tools    47

Software as a Service (SaaS)    48

Cloud Computing    49

BI Appliances    51

Dynamic Warehousing–Extending Beyond Structured Information    52

Operational and Real-Time BI    54

ETL and Change Data Capture–Their Impact and Importance on BI    55

Master Data Management (MDM) and Its Role within a BI Infrastructure    58

The Impact of XML Data    59

BI Provisioning Models–What Is Best for You?    61

Establishing a BI Competency Center (BICC)    62

Creating an Information Agenda    62

Summary    64

Chapter 5  Elements of BI Solutions: The End User Experience    65

End User Assumptions    65

Setting Up Data for BI    67

The Functional Area of BI Tools    69

Query Tools and Reporting    69

OLAP and Advanced Analytics    71

ROLAP Solutions Versus OLAP    73

Understanding the Critical Role of Time Dimensionality    74

Data Mining    76

Text Analytics    77

Spreadsheets–Effective Use and the Implications on Security/Compliance    79

Executive Information Systems (EIS)    80

Operational BI    83

Embedded BI and Event-Driven Processes    86

ETL/ELT and Real-Time Change Data Capture (CDC) Options    87

Summary    90

Chapter 6  The Impact of Business Intelligence on Roles within the Enterprise    93

End User Categories    93

End User Management    96

Skills Definitions    98

IT Support Roles    100

BI Tools Support Staff and Business Analysts    101

The Executive/Managerial Role    102

Non-Technical and Casual Users    104

Summary    105

Chapter 7  Corporate Performance Management and the Executive View of Business Intelligence    107

Defining CPM    108

Elements of a CPM System    109

Vision    111

Strategy Map    111

Balanced Scorecard    112

Dashboards    113

Feedback    114

The “PM”s Available Today    115

The Executive View of BI    117

Summary    118

Chapter 8  Enterprise Content Management, Unstructured Data, Text Analytics, and Enterprise Search    121

Enterprise Content Management (ECM)    123

Enterprise Search    125

Using RSS as a Conduit for External Information    129

Text Analytics    130

The Search and Text Analytics Project    132

Text Analytics as a Part of the Complete BI Picture    133

The Impact of XML on BI    134

Summary    135

Chapter 9   Key Influencers in the Enterprise    137

User Segmentation Reality Check    138

Identifying the Power Brokers–Key Influencers    140

Attributes of Key Influencers    143

Extending BI Beyond the Enterprise    144

Summary    145

Chapter 10  Justifying Business Intelligence Solutions and Measuring Success    147

Justification Scenarios    148

BI Roadmaps    148

Articulating Potential Benefits    150

Business Unit Impact on Justification    151

Big Purchase   No Plan    153

ROI, TCO, and TCA    156

Measuring BI Success    158

BI Clouds and Outsourcing    160

Summary    161

Chapter 11  Platform Selection, Technology Biases, and Other “Traps”    163

Platform Selection for BI Tools–The Database View    164

Platform Selection for BI Tools–The Tools View    166

Technology Biases    168

Other BI “Traps”    170

Handling Biases    170

Summary    172

Chapter 12  Intelligent Responses to an RFI/RFP and Setting Up a Proof of Concept/Technology    175

Creating a Better RFI/RFP    176

Get into the Details    176

Coordinating IT and Business Users–Ranking the Proper Criteria    179

Data Access and Performance Aspects of an RFI/RFP    179

Documenting RFP/RFI Information for the Future    181

The PoC/PoT Scenario    182

Matching RFI/RFP Checklists to a PoC/PoT and Documentation    184

Summary    185

Chapter 13  End-User Support and Productivity    187

WYNTK–What You Need to Know About BI Support    188

Centralized Support–A BI Competency Center (BICC)    191

Methodology of Work Submission and Success    195

Vendor BICCs    196

Productivity–A Valuable Offshoot of Effective BI    197

What Is End-User Productivity?    197

Summary    199

Chapter 14  Implementation of Business Intelligence Solutions    201

Setting User Expectations Early and Coping with the First Project    202

How to Scope the First Project    203

BI Skills Required    205

End-User Provisos    207

BI Solution Elements–Query, Reporting, OLAP    208

Query and Reporting Application Elements    208

OLAP Application Elements    210

System Sizing, Backup, and Recovery Issues    212

System Sizing    213

Backup and Recovery    214

Summary    215

Chapter 15  The Impact of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) on Business Intelligence Solutions    217

SOA   So What?    218

Is SOA Practical for BI?    220

Getting Started with a BI SOA    221

BI SOA Frameworks    225

Summary    227

Chapter 16  Enterprise Portals, Mashups, and Other User Interfaces    229

The Enterprise Portal–Its Purpose and Potential    230

Mashups–A Perfect BI Delivery Model    234

Understanding BI in the Context of Portals, Mashups, and Collaboration    235

Summary    239

Chapter 17  An End User Survival Guide    241

BI Basics    242

Ease of Use, Leprechauns, and the Yeti    243

Interacting with BI Tools and Features    244

The BI Skills Conundrum    247

So Who Are You?    248

BI Skills Assessment    250

Do You Have a Standard for Naming BI Objects?    253

White Board the Data Sources and Combinations    254

Summary    256

Chapter 18   Checklists for BI Planning    257

An Enterprise Checklist    258

The Business Unit Level Checklist    260

A BICC Checklist    262

An IT Checklist    264

Summary    266

Chapter 19  Speculation on the Future of Business Intelligence    269

Emerging BI Technologies    270

Technology Gaps    274

Trends to Monitor    276

Responding to Trends    278

Summary    279

Index    281


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