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Java Tutorial, The: A Short Course on the Basics, 6th Edition

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Java Tutorial, The: A Short Course on the Basics, 6th Edition

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  • Copyright 2015
  • Edition: 6th
  • eBook (Watermarked)
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-394997-4
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-394997-1

The Java® Tutorial, Sixth Edition, is based on the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 8. This revised and updated edition introduces the new features added to the platform, including lambda expressions, default methods, aggregate operations, and more. An accessible and practical guide for programmers of any level, this book focuses on how to use the rich environment provided by Java to build applications, applets, and components.

Expanded coverage includes a chapter on the Date-Time API and a new chapter on annotations, with sections on type annotations and pluggable type systems as well as repeating annotations.

In addition, the updated sections “Security in Rich Internet Applications” and “Guidelines for Securing Rich Internet Applications” address key security topics. The latest deployment best practices are described in the chapter “Deployment in Depth.”

If you plan to take one of the Java SE 8 certification exams, this book can help. A special appendix, “Preparing for Java Programming Language Certification,” details the items covered on the available exams. Check online for updates.

All of the material has been thoroughly reviewed by members of Oracle Java engineering to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date. This book is based on the online tutorial hosted on Oracle Corporation’s website at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial.

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Preface          xxiii

About the Authors          xxvii

Chapter 1: Getting Started          1

The Java Technology Phenomenon  1

The “Hello World!” Application  5

A Closer Look at the “Hello World!” Application  23

Common Problems (and Their Solutions)  27

Questions and Exercises: Getting Started  31

Chapter 2: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts         33

What Is an Object?  34

What Is a Class?  36

What Is Inheritance?  38

What Is an Interface?  39

What Is a Package?  40

Questions and Exercises: ObjectOriented Programming Concepts  41

Chapter 3: Language Basics         43

Variables  44

Operators  58

Expressions, Statements, and Blocks  68

Questions and Exercises: Expressions, Statements, and Blocks  71

Chapter 4: Classes and Objects         87

Classes  88

Objects  99

More on Classes  107

Nested Classes  121

Enum Types  157

Chapter 5: Annotations          163

Annotations Basics   164

Declaring an Annotation Type  165

Predefined Annotation Types  167

Type Annotations and Pluggable Type Systems  170

Repeating Annotations  171

Questions and Exercises: Annotations  173

Chapter 6: Interfaces and Inheritance         175

Interfaces  175

Inheritance  193

Chapter 7: Generics         219

Why Use Generics?  220

Generic Types  220

Generic Methods   226

Bounded Type Parameters  227

Generics, Inheritance, and Subtypes   229

Type Inference  232

Wildcards  236

Type Erasure  244

Restrictions on Generics  252

Questions and Exercises: Generics  256

Chapter 8: Packages          259

Creating and Using Packages  259

Questions and Exercises: Creating and Using Packages  269

Chapter 9: Numbers and Strings         271

Numbers  271

Characters  287

Strings  288

Chapter 10: Exceptions          309

What Is an Exception?  310

The Catch or Specify Requirement  311

Catching and Handling Exceptions  313

Specifying the Exceptions Thrown by a Method  323

How to Throw Exceptions  324

Unchecked Exceptions: The Controversy  329

Advantages of Exceptions  330

Summary  335

Questions and Exercises: Exceptions  336

Chapter 11: Basic I/O and NIO.2          339

I/O Streams  339

File I/O (Featuring NIO.2)  359

Summary  421

Questions and Exercises: Basic I/O  422

Chapter 12: Collections         423

Introduction to Collections  424

Interfaces  426

Aggregate Operations  471

Implementations  489

Algorithms  505

Custom Collection Implementations  509

Interoperability  513

Chapter 13: Concurrency         519

Processes and Threads  520

Thread Objects  521

Synchronization  527

Liveness  533

Guarded Blocks  535

Immutable Objects  539

High-Level Concurrency Objects  543

Questions and Exercises: Concurrency  555

Chapter 14: Regular Expressions         557

Introduction  558

Test Harness  559

String Literals  560

Character Classes  562

Predefined Character Classes  566

Quantifiers  568

Capturing Groups  574

Boundary Matchers  576

Methods of the Pattern Class  578

Methods of the Matcher Class  583

Methods of the PatternSyntaxException Class  589

Unicode Support  591

Questions and Exercises: Regular Expressions  592

Chapter 15: The Platform Environment          595

Configuration Utilities  595

System Utilities  603


Questions and Exercises: The Platform Environment  613

Chapter 16: Packaging Programs in JAR Files         615

Using JAR Files: The Basics  616

Working with Manifest Files: The Basics  627

Signing and Verifying JAR Files  635

Using JAR-Related APIs  642

Questions and Exercises: Packaging Programs in JAR Files  648

Chapter 17: Java Web Start         649

Developing a Java Web Start Application  650

Deploying a Java Web Start Application  653

Displaying a Customized Loading Progress Indicator  656

Running a Java Web Start Application  660

Java Web Start and Security  661

Common Java Web Start Problems  662

Questions and Exercises: Java Web Start  663

Chapter 18: Applets         665

Getting Started with Applets  666

Doing More with Applets  677

Solving Common Applet Problems  707

Questions and Exercises: Applets  708

Chapter 19: Doing More with Java Rich Internet Applications  711

Setting Trusted Arguments and Secure Properties  711


Cookies  719

Customizing the Loading Experience  722

Security in Rich Internet Applications  722

Guidelines for Securing RIAs  724

Questions and Exercises: Doing More with Rich Internet Applications  726

Chapter 20: Deployment in Depth         729

User Acceptance of RIAs  729

Deployment Toolkit  731

Java Network Launch Protocol  739

Deployment Best Practices  748

Questions and Exercises: Deployment in Depth  753

Chapter 21: Date-Time         755

Date-Time Overview  756

Date-Time Design Principles  756

The Date-Time Packages  757

Method Naming Conventions  758

Standard Calendar  759

Overview  759

DayOfWeek and Month Enums  760

Date and Time Classes  764

Time Zone and Offset Classes  766

Instant Class  770

Parsing and Formatting  772

The Temporal Package  774

Period and Duration  780

Clock  783

Non-ISO Date Conversion  784

Legacy Date-Time Code  787

Summary  789

Questions and Exercises: Date-Time  791

Chapter 22: Introduction to JavaFX          793

Appendix: Preparation for Java Programming Language Certification         795

Programmer Level I Exam  795

Programmer Level II Exam  801

Java SE 8 Upgrade Exam  801

Index            807


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