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JavaScript Progressive Enhancement in Practice
Jun 15, 2007
Learn to make a FAQ page using JavaScript Progressive Enhancement.
JavaScript: The Web Assembly Language?
Apr 16, 2012
People are increasingly generating JavaScript from other languages instead of writing it directly, making JavaScript the assembly language of the web. David Chisnall looks at the language's suitability to this role.
jQuery, jQuery UI, and jQuery Mobile: Communicating with the Server
Nov 28, 2012
This chapter discusses how to communicate with the server. To demonstrate this, a simple test server is written in Node.js, which is a server-side JavaScript execution environment. After that, various recipes show how to get JSON, HTML, XML, and JSONP from the server by using AJAX methods and functions. This chapter pays a lot of attention to error handling to assure the quality of the end result.
JSP Custom Tags
Sep 14, 2001
New Riders' author Westy Rockwell helps get you started building web applications by reviewing JSP custom tags and giving you tips for expanding your knowledge of this topic.
JSP Tag Libraries
Sep 14, 2001
New Riders' author Westy Rockwell helps get you started building web applications by reviewing JSP custom libraries and giving you tips for expanding your knowledge of this topic.
Jumping into jQuery and JavaScript Syntax
Jan 29, 2014
This chapter covers ways to add jQuery and JavaScript to your web pages, creating and manipulating arrays of objects, adding code logic to JavaScript, and implementing JavaScript functions for cleaner code.
Learning JavaScript: Variables, Functions, and Loops
Aug 30, 2012
Tim Wright expands on variables, then moves on to creating functions, and last, goes over how to loop through data to autoexecute the same code block over and over.
Prototypes in JavaScript
Aug 22, 2011
David Chisnall explores JavaScript as an example of prototype-based object orientation. In this article, he shows how it's possible to implement more complex object models on top of this simple abstraction.
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript and Ajax Video Learning: A JavaScript Library for Ajax
Mar 4, 2009
This video excerpt is lesson 23 from Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript and Ajax: Video Learning.
Swapping Out Image Maps
Feb 6, 2004
There are several ways to dynamically change an image's image map, for example to use a central image as the submenu for several navigation items. In this sample chapter from Advanced JavaScript: Insights and Innovative Techniques, you'll learn two different ways to use the appropriate image map for each image: keeping the image map information in the HTML of the page, and the keeping all the information in JavaScript.
Taming Networks with JavaScript and Node.js
Dec 10, 2012
Node.js offers developers an excellent modern platform for developing networked applications. George Ornbo, author of Sams Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours, explains how Node.js makes network programming easier and faster, with the help of a little language known as JavaScript.
Test-Driven JavaScript Development: Tools of the Trade
Oct 27, 2010
This chapter takes a look at essential and useful tools to support a test-driven workflow. After an overview of available testing frameworks, you will learn to set up and run JsTestDriver. In addition to a testing framework, this chapter looks at tools such as coverage reports and continuous integration.
Testing Your JavaScript/CoffeeScript, Part 1 of 2: Setting Up a Test Framework in Ruby on Rails
Aug 6, 2012
Are you part of the vast majority of people who don't bother with testing their JavaScript code? Mark Bates, author of Programming in CoffeeScript, has written in JavaScript for years, but admits that he only recently began testing it. In part 1 of this series, see why your familiar arguments against testing your JavaScript no longer wash.
Testing Your JavaScript/CoffeeScript, Part 2 of 2: Writing Tests
Sep 6, 2012
In part 1 of this series, you learned why testing your JavaScript or CoffeeScript code is important, and how to set up testing in a Ruby on Rails project. Mark Bates, author of Programming in CoffeeScript, concludes this series by showing how to use Mocha, Chai, and other libraries to write your tests.
The Dynamic Languages Renaissance
Jan 30, 2009
David Chisnall looks at the recent rebirth of dynamic languages and what it means for the future of programming.
The JavaScript Building Blocks: Data Types, Literals, and Variables
Feb 27, 2004
Ellie Quigley covers some fundamental aspects of programming.
Top 10 Changes for Building Windows Store Apps with Windows 8.1
Jan 8, 2014
If you are about to build a new Windows Store app, or you need to migrate an existing Windows 8 app to Windows 8.1, you need to be aware of changes Microsoft made that affect Windows Store app development. Stephen Walther outlines the top 10 in this article.
Understanding Variables in JavaScript
Jul 6, 2001
Learn the specifics behind the three things involved in scripting with variables: creating (or declaring) variables, assigning values to those variables, and including the variables in other statements in your code.
Using Dojo for Client-side Validation
Jun 23, 2008
Here are the Dojo features that allow you to easily add validation.
Using Functions in JavaScript
Nov 29, 2012
Functions are one of the basic building blocks of JavaScript and will appear in virtually every script you write. In this excerpt learn how to create and use functions.

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