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Browser BASIC (BBASIC): Adding an Easy-to-Use and Portable Language to a Web Page

With Browser BASIC (BBASIC), a JavaScript application that embeds a BASIC language interpreter in a web page, you can create and use programs written in a variation of BASIC. Jeff Friesen introduces BBASIC with a tutorial and tour of the BBASIC architecture.
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Browser BASIC (BBASIC) is a JavaScript application that embeds a BASIC language interpreter in a web page. BBASIC lets you load, enter, run, and save programs written in a variation of the BASIC language. BBASIC provides sophisticated control structures, includes a wide variety of functions, supports graphics, and offers other features.

I'll introduce BBASIC in this article by presenting an application-usage tutorial. (I've shown it in a Firefox browser context here, but I've also tested the software with other major desktop browsers.) We'll tour BBASIC's architecture by examining its HTML entry-point file, its three supporting JavaScript libraries, and its supporting PHP server code.


This section provides a brief tutorial on using BBASIC. To follow along, point your desktop browser to BBASIC's startup page. Figure 1 shows the startup screen in Firefox, revealing BBASIC 1.0.

Figure 1 BBASIC's startup screen tells you how to obtain help.

Getting Help

To get help on using the BBASIC application, enter the command HELP—or help, or any other combination of these four letters (BBASIC is not case-sensitive)—as indicated on the BBASIC startup screen.

BBASIC's help system offers many help screens. The first screen appears in response to your HELP command (see Figure 2). The next seven help screens require you to specify a digit for the screen number (2–8) after typing HELP. In addition to these initial eight help screens, individual commands, statements, and functions have their own help screens.

Figure 2 BBASIC's help is organized into multiple screens.

Checking Out the Demo Programs

After studying BBASIC's help screens, you'll probably want to create some programs. Start by checking out the demo programs that I've included with this application; they'll give you a sense of how a BBASIC program looks. You can obtain a list of demos by entering the FILES command. Figure 3 shows the resulting list of files.

Figure 3 Files whose names begin with an underscore are read-only.

The _inkey.bas, _loop.bas, and _readdata.bas files store short programs. For example, _inkey.bas prompts you to press a character key and displays the result. Figure 4 shows how to load, list, and run this program via the LOAD, LIST, and RUN commands, respectively.

Figure 4 Loading, listing, and running _inkey.bas.

_inkey.bas starts with three REM (remark) statements that identify the program. Next, a WHILE/ENDWHILE loop construct and the INKEY$ function drain the keyboard buffer before checking for a keystroke. Moving on, a DIM (dimension) statement defines a variable; in this case, a string variable (indicated by the $ suffix) named x.

At this point, a PRINT statement outputs a message telling the user to press a character key, and a REPEAT/UNTIL loop construct repeatedly invokes INKEY$ and assigns the result to x$ until this variable contains something other than the empty string. Once a character key is pressed, this loop terminates and another PRINT statement prints its value.

_loop.bas demonstrates a FOR/NEXT loop, along with CURSOR OFF and CURSOR ON statements for hiding and showing the cursor (flashing underscore character). _readdata.bas demonstrates the READ and DATA statements for accessing and defining embedded data, the IF/ENDIF decision statement, REPEAT/UNTIL, and CURSOR OFF/CURSOR ON.

Finally, _guess.bas and _welcome.bas respectively present a number-guessing game (guess a number from 0–100, inclusive), and present a short demonstration of BBASIC's graphics capabilities. _welcomeopt.bas provides a slightly optimized version of _welcome.bas. Figure 5 shows the graphical screen for _welcome/welcomeopt.

Figure 5 Graphics are rendered on the HTML5 canvas.

Creating Your Own BBASIC Programs

After playing with the BBASIC demos, you'll have a better idea of what a BBASIC program looks like. Before creating your own program, enter the NEW command to ensure that no program is in memory. NEW erases a stored program and resets important program variables to their initial values.

Each statement begins with a line number, and the result is known as a line. The line number isn't used by the program; it simply serves to identify lines, so you can easily insert new lines between existing lines. For example, consider the short program in Listing 1 for printing "Hello, World" five times via a loop:

Listing 1—hw.bas.

10 DIM i
20 FOR i = 1 TO 5
30 PRINT "Hello, World"

Create this program by entering each line verbatim, starting with the line number. After you press Enter/Return at the end of each line, BBASIC stores the line in memory. After you've finished entering all of the lines, enter the RUN command (with no preceding line number). BBASIC executes the program and produces the output shown in Figure 6.

You can save this listing to a file by using the SAVE command. For example, SAVE hw saves Listing 1 to hw.bas. Because files whose names don't begin with an underscore character can be erased, someone else might overwrite your file unless you privately host BBASIC on your own server. (SAVE doesn't let you prefix a filename with an underscore.)

Figure 6 BBASIC outputs five copies of the "Hello, World" message to the console.

Touring the BBASIC Architecture

Touring the BBASIC Architecture

In this section, we'll tour BBASIC's architecture. This architecture consists of an HTML entry-point file that defines a canvas-based user interface, along with interpreter, console, and scanner JavaScript libraries. Some of BBASIC's commands also depend on PHP server scripts. The files in the following table contribute to BBASIC's architecture.




BBASIC HTML-based user interface and controlling JavaScript code


BASIC interpreter JavaScript code


Console management JavaScript code (used by BBASIC.html and BASICI.js)


Scanner JavaScript code (used by BBASIC.html and BASICI.js)


Server support code for FILES command


Server support code for KILL command


Server support code for SAVE command


The BBASIC.html file drives this application. The file's header imports BASICI.js, Console.js, and Scanner.js, and its body declares a canvas element and a script, which executes when this file is loaded. The script accomplishes the following tasks:

  1. Declare string variables whose contents define the various help screens.
  2. Initialize the console and echo startup text.
  3. Initialize the BASIC interpreter.
  4. Declare a mode variable and initialize it to 0.
  5. Declare a tick() function that runs the interpreter. Pass this function, along with 15, to setInterval(), so that tick() is invoked every 15 milliseconds.

The real "meat" of BBASIC.html's JavaScript code lies in the tick() function. This function gives the interpreter a time-slice before returning control to the browser, in order to prevent the browser from displaying an "unresponsive script" dialog box (which wouldn't impress the user).

tick()'s behavior depends on the value assigned to mode. When this value is 0, tick() obtains the next line from the console by calling Console's getLine() function. If null is returned, no new line (line content followed by a newline character) has been entered.

When a line is entered, the line is passed to the scanner for parsing. The scanner returns the first token, which is a command (CLS, FILES, HELP, KILL, LIST, LOAD, NEW, RENUM, RUN, or SAVE) or one of these:

  • EOLN if a blank line was entered.
  • INTLIT if the user is entering a line number followed by a statement.
  • ID if an unknown command was entered.
  • Or something else (garbage).

The mode variable remains initialized to 0 until you execute the RUN, FILES, LOAD, KILL, or SAVE command. When you execute RUN, mode is initialized to 1. If you execute any of the other commands, mode is initialized to 2. This is done because these commands may take a while to execute, and they must not delay the browser thread.

When the mode value is 1, tick() knows that a program is being executed. Execution takes place by repeatedly calling BASICI.run() until this function returns false. All tick() has to do is invoke BASICI.run() again. When it detects that this function returns false, it shows the cursor (in case a program forgot to restore the cursor) and displays the > prompt.

When the mode value is 2, tick() knows that an Ajax call is in progress. This call will perform file I/O with the server asynchronously, perhaps to obtain a list of stored files or to load a file into memory. When the I/O completes (successfully or otherwise), mode is restored to 0 so that a new command can be entered by the user.

Supporting JavaScript Libraries

BBASIC.html depends on the supporting BASICI.js, Console.js, and Scanner.js JavaScript libraries. BASICI.js depends on Console.js and Scanner.js. This section reviews these supporting libraries, beginning with Console, continuing with Scanner, and concluding with BASICI.

Console Library

Console is a JavaScript library for managing a text-oriented console. It relies on the HTML5 canvas element for displaying console output and obtaining console input. BBASIC.html defines the following canvas element for use by Console:

<canvas id="screen">
HTML5 canvas element not supported by this browser.

In this code excerpt, the canvas is identified as screen. This identifier, along with the desired number of columns and rows, is passed to Console's init() function, which is used to initialize the console and connect it to the canvas:

Console.init("screen", 80, 26);

After the console initializes, introductory text is echoed to the console via Console's echo() function. Text is written to the cursor's current location, which advances to the right and down (scrolling canvas text vertically when necessary):

Console.echo("Browser BASIC 1.0\n");
Console.echo("Type 'help' (without the quotes) to obtain help.\n\n");

I mentioned previously that the getLine() function is used for obtaining the next entered line of text. You can learn more about getLine() and the other Console functions in a two-part series that I wrote for SitePoint:

After the SitePoint series was published, I upgraded Console to better support BBASIC. Specifically, I introduced several new functions, shown in the following table.



arc(), bezierCurveTo(), and other graphics functions

Support GRAPHICS statement

hideCursor() and showCursor() functions

Support CURSOR OFF and CURSOR ON statements


Supports LOCATE statement

getNumCols() and getNumRows() functions

Support SCREEN() function

getHeight() and getWidth() functions

Support SCREEN() function


Supports INKEY$() function


Used by getLine() and BASICI's run() function to determine that the user wants to stop an executing program prematurely

I also upgraded getLine() to detect an Esc keypress, erasing the current console row in response.

Scanner Library

Scanner is a JavaScript library for extracting tokens from a string. It's used by the parser to parse each entered command, or to parse each statement being executed.

Scanner provides a minimal API consisting of the following functions:

  • init(text) initializes the scanner. The text to be scanned is specified by text.
  • scan() scans the next token. Scanner.Token.type records the token's type, and Scanner.Token.lexeme records the token's lexeme (its character sequence). Scanner provides predefined token types for language tokens; for example, Scanner.Token.ABS.

After obtaining a line from the console, BBASIC.html executes the following code sequence to initialize the scanner to the line that was entered, as well as scanning the first token:

Scanner.init(line = line.trim());

BASICI Library

BASICI is a JavaScript library for interpreting a sequence of BASIC statements. Its public API consists of several functions. The following table describes the most interesting functions.




Initializes the interpreter.

list(begnum, endnum)

Lists program lines ranging from begnum (beginning number) to endnum (ending number).


Removes a program from memory.


Renumbers the stored program. The first line is assigned 10 and subsequent lines are assigned successive increments of 10.


Runs the program.

Additionally, addLine(), findLine(), and removeLine() are used to store a new line or remove an existing line; and getListing() returns a stored program for saving to a file by the SAVE command.

After outputting BBASIC's startup messages to the console, BBASIC.html's JavaScript code invokes BASICI.init() to initialize the BASIC interpreter. The other functions mentioned earlier are invoked from within tick() as necessary.

BASICI.js is fairly easy to follow. However, you might find the JavaScript code that handles BBASIC's INPUT statement to be somewhat confusing and deserving of explanation. Consider the following code excerpt:

parseInput: function()
               if (Scanner.Token.type != Scanner.Token.ID)
                  BASICI.throwError("identifier expected");
               var var_ = BASICI.parseVar();
               if (BASICI.vars[var_.name] == undefined)
                  BASICI.throwError("undefined var "+var_.name);
               if (var_.name.charAt(var_.name.length-1) != "$")
                  BASICI.throwError("string var expected");
               if (Scanner.Token.type != Scanner.Token.EOLN)
                  BASICI.throwError("extraneous text");
               BASICI.input = true;
               BASICI.inputVar = var_;

This excerpt specifies the private parseInput() function, which parses and partially executes the INPUT statement. Notice the final two lines, which initialize BASICI's input and inputVar variables: input is a flag tested each time the run() function is called. When true, a line is read from the console via Console.getLine() and stored in the variable identified by inputVar. The variable is then read. If it doesn't contain null, a line was input into the variable and input is cleared to false, which completes the INPUT statement. Otherwise, the variable isn't cleared, and the console is reread the next time run() is invoked.

The reason for this strange behavior is that each call to Console.getLine() processes only a single keystroke in the key buffer, and it returns null until an entire line has been entered (as signified by the newline keystroke). getLine() cannot wait until an entire line has been entered, because it could delay the browser thread excessively, leading to some kind of "unresponsive script" message—and an annoyed user.

Supporting PHP Server Code

BBASIC's FILES, KILL, LOAD, and SAVE commands access files stored on the server. Because this file access is slow, they use Ajax's XMLHttpRequest object to communicate with the server. Unlike LOAD, whose XMLHttpRequest call returns the specified file's contents, FILES, KILL, and SAVE need PHP scripts to help them perform their tasks.

Listing 2 presents the PHP script that satisfies the FILES command.

Listing 2—BBASIC_files.php.

$files = scandir('/home/jfriesen/public_html/articles/bb/programs');
foreach ($files as $file)
   if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
      echo "$file\n";

Listing 2 obtains the sorted names of all files in the following directory:


Then it echoes back to BBASIC the name of each file in this directory (except for the special . and .. files).

Listing 3 presents the PHP script that satisfies the KILL command.

Listing 3—BBASIC_kill.php.

echo "/home/jfriesen/public_html/articles/bb/programs/".$_GET["name"];
if (unlink("/home/jfriesen/public_html/articles/bb/programs/".$_GET["name"]) == FALSE)
   echo "unable to delete file\n";

Listing 3 obtains the name of the file to be killed; then it invokes unlink() with the file's path and name to kill the file. It returns an error message when it cannot kill the file.

Listing 4 presents the PHP script that satisfies the SAVE command.

Listing 4—BBASIC_save.php.

$name = $_POST["name"];
$listing = $_POST["listing"];
$fh = fopen("/home/jfriesen/public_html/articles/bb/programs/".$name, 'wb');
if ($fh == FALSE)
   echo "unable to save to file\n";
   fwrite($fh, $listing);
   echo "file saved\n";

Listing 4 obtains the name of the file to be written and the listing to be stored in the file, and then it attempts to create this file. If successful, the listing is saved. Whether successful or not, a suitable message is echoed back to BBASIC.



More work is needed to turn BBASIC into an easy-to-use and portable browser language for use on all kinds of devices. For one thing, BBASIC's production version probably wouldn't feature a command-oriented console, but would access a BBASIC program, like accessing a JavaScript script.

More importantly, BBASIC's performance needs to be improved before this application can be taken seriously. Performance is limited in part by having to reparse each statement before execution. Also, the constant need to return control to the browser thread greatly limits performance; this issue might be overcome by using web workers.

At some point, I might create a compiler to compile BBASIC listings into object files, and then create a virtual machine that leverages web workers to run those object files. Because the compiler can be embedded in a browser, this approach should solve the performance issue and help to obfuscate BBASIC code. Until then, I hope you have fun with the current BBASIC.

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Last Update: November 17, 2020