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Front-End Web Development Complete Video Course

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Front-End Web Development Complete Video Course

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  • Your Price: $199.99
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    Videos can be viewed on: Windows 8, Windows XP, Vista, 7, and all versions of Macintosh OS X including the iPad, and other platforms that support the industry standard h.264 video codec.

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  • Copyright 2016
  • Edition: 1st
  • Online Video
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-443393-9
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-443393-6


“Front-end” (or “client-side”) Web development involves using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and jQuery to make interactive applications that run inside a Web browser and can communicate with a Web server running remotely. HTML and CSS are the basic building blocks of Web pages. JavaScript is a full-fledged programming language and is the part that connects all the others together. jQuery is an open-source library that simplifies complex JavaScript applications, and jQuery UI enables you to build rich interfaces and basic widgets. In addition, front-end Web developers need to understand how to use the version control program Git and the collaboration website GitHub.

This course has been curated from three best-selling video training courses in the LiveLessons series. Marty Hall’s JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI full course is supplemented by selections from Learning HTML & CSS by Jennifer Kyrnin and Git & Github by Peter Bell to provide a full learning path for front-end Web development.

This Complete Video Course offers

  • More than 22 hours of video training
  • A pre-assessment test to gauge your understanding of fundamental HTML and CSS concepts
  • End-of-module quizzes to check your understanding of important topics every Web developer needs to know
  • Access to exercise files for hands-on practice and solutions to check against your work

Once complete, you will have the basic skills necessary to work as a front-end Web developer.

Who Should Take This Complete Video Course:

  • All beginning front-end Web developers
  • Programmers who know other languages but are new to JavaScript

People in the first category should go through every topic in order, whereas programmers in the second category can skim the first two JavaScript topics (and possibly the HTML and CSS sections) before slowing down and going through the other topics in detail.

Course Requirements

  • No HTML or CSS experience required
  • No prior programming experience required
  • Basic experience using text editors and managing files

Course Description:

Module 0: Pre-Requisite - HTML and CSS

In Module 0, experienced Web developer Jennifer Kyrnin helps you master the core skills needed to create your own Web pages using HTML and CSS and get those pages up on a Website. Before you begin, an optional pre-assessment test helps you determine whether you have the necessary HTML and CSS knowledge to get the most out of the course or whether you need a refresher.

What You Learn in Module 0: Pre-Requisite — HTML and CSS

  • Design and create eye-catching Web pages
  • Customize your pages with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Position images, columns, and headings on a page
  • Format text, links, and media
  • Publish your pages to a Web server
  • Create online forms
  • Enhance your site with dynamic content

Modules 1-4: JavaScript, HTML & CSS, jQuery and jQuery UI Basics

In Modules 1-4 covering JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI Basics, expert JavaScript developer, instructor, and author Marty Hall provides a practical, hands-on introduction to front-end Web programming with JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, along with the basics of HTML, and CSS

The modules provide thorough coverage of four key components of front-end Web development:

  • The core JavaScript language
  • An introduction to HTML and CSS
  • jQuery, the wildly popular open-source library that dramatically simplifies complex JavaScript applications
  • jQuery UI, a library built on top of jQuery that provides dialog boxes, popup calendars, autocompleting text fields, and other rich widgets that are not part of standard HTML

Each section provides details on the most important topics, surveys more advanced or lesser-used topics, stresses best practices, and provides plenty of working examples.

For hands-on learning and Web development practice, exercises with solution files are provided at the end of each lessons throughout Modules 1-4.

What You Learn in Modules 1-4:

  • Testing JavaScript interactively in your browser
  • Variables, operators, and functions
  • Conditional statements, loops, and mathematical functions
  • Arrays and array methods
  • Strings and regular expressions
  • Functions and functional programming
  • Objects and JSON
  • JavaScript unit testing
  • Basic structure of HTML5 documents
  • Hypertext links and URLs, headings and basic paragraphs, div and span, lists, and inline elements
  • HTML tables, forms, form input elements, and a small set of miscellaneous elements
  • Loading and applying style sheets
  • CSS selectors: how to decide which elements of the page apply
  • CSS properties: how to format the elements once they do apply
  • Downloading and installing jQuery
  • Basics of DOM manipulation in jQuery
  • Deploying your applications on a real Web server so that jQuery can access server-side results
  • An overview of Ajax
  • The $.ajax function
  • The load function
  • Collecting and sending data to server-side programs
  • How to display temporary messages in the Web page while waiting for a result from the server
  • How to handle data from the server that is in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
  • Options for the $.ajax function
  • Standard shortcuts that can be used in place of $.ajax
  • Using promises and deferred objects to handle asynchronous events
  • jQuery selectors
  • jQuery functions that operate on collections of elements
  • Unit testing of functions that use jQuery
  • Downloading, configuring, and installing jQuery UI
  • Styled jQuery UI buttons
  • Popup calendars
  • Number spinners
  • Sliders
  • Dialog boxes
  • Tabbed and accordion panels
  • Autocompleting textfields
  • Animation effects
  • Using themes (skins)

Module 5: Using Git and Github in Web Development
Module 5 teaches Web developers the essentials of Git and GitHub. You learn the key commands to quickly become productive using Git and best practices for using GitHub to collaborate with your team.

What You Learn in Module 5:
Featuring live, step-by-step demonstrations, the lessons in this workshop cover:

  • Concise configurations to get the best out of Git
  • Creating your first repo, committing in Git, and working with the staging area
  • Sharing your work by creating and configuring a GitHub repository
  • Renaming, deleting, and ignoring files in Git
  • Building with branches, merging a branch, resolving merge conflicts, and rebasing

About the Instructors
Marty Hall is the president of coreservlets.com, a training and consulting company focusing on JavaScript, jQuery, server-side Java, JSF, PrimeFaces, and other similar Web technologies. In addition to long experience with JavaScript and Java, Marty has an extensive background in corporate training, having conducted training courses on JavaScript, jQuery, Java EE, and other Web technology topics in dozens of U.S. venues and nine other countries.

A popular and entertaining speaker, Marty has also spoken at conferences and user groups around the world, including Comdex, the Web 2.0 Expo, JavaOne, and the Great Indian Developer Summit. Marty is also adjunct faculty in the Johns Hopkins University part-time graduate program in Computer Science, where he directs the Web-related concentration areas.

Marty Hall is also the lead author or co-author of seven popular Web programming books from Pearson, including Core Web Programming and Core JSF. He has previously produced four LiveLessons videos for Pearson, most recently Learning Modern Java: A Crash Course Using Java 8.

You can see more details on Marty's bio page: 

You can contact the author directly at hall@coreservlets.com with questions or suggestions or to inquire about customized training courses on JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 2, Java 8, JSF, PrimeFaces, Android programming, and other Java EE topics to be held onsite at your organization.

Jennifer Kyrnin has been teaching HTML, XML, and Web design since 1995. She has built and maintained websites of all sizes, from small, single-page brochure sites to large, million-page database-driven sites for international audiences. She is the author of Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Web Application Development in 24 Hours, and Sams Teach Yourself Responsive Web Design in 24 Hours.

Peter Bell is a contract member of the GitHub training team and presents internationally on using Git and GitHub effectively. He's also the co-founder of CTO School and the startup CTO Summit.


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