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Developing and Hosting Applications on the Cloud

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Developing and Hosting Applications on the Cloud

Safari PTG

  • Your Price: $50.00
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  • Copyright 2013
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
  • Edition: 1st
  • Safari PTG
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-306686-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-306686-9

A Complete, Practical Guide to Building and Hosting Cloud Services That Deliver Exceptional Business Value

In this unique title, key developers of the IBM SmartCloud Enterprise share indispensable insights for developing and operating cloud-based solutions on any cloud platform. Drawing on their unsurpassed in-the-trenches experience, the authors help you develop the new mindset and skills needed to succeed in cloud environments, where development, business, and system operations are linked more tightly than ever.

Using examples based on IBM SmartCloud Enterprise, the authors cover a wide variety of cloud "use cases," while also introducing general principles for automating and optimizing IT infrastructure in any cloud environment.

They begin by presenting an authoritative, accessible review of cloud computing and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud concepts. Next, they demonstrate how to use cloud tools, develop basic cloud applications, and utilize standards to establish interoperability between clouds. Finally, drawing on deep personal experience, they offer best-practice solutions for all facets of cloud hosting, including security, monitoring, performance, availability, and business support. Throughout, they emphasize real-world problem solving, offering numerous code examples and practical demonstrations of real-world tools and utilities.

Coverage includes

  • Understanding each cloud deployment model: private, community, public, and hybrid
  • Reviewing key cloud computing use cases, including those based on virtualization and collaboration
  • Developing for the cloud with the LAMP stack, Windows, J2EE, WebSphere, and other technologies
  • Building apps for the IBM SmartCloud Enterprise public infrastructure
  • Using the command line toolkit, Java, and REST APIs to manage IBM SmartCloud Enterprise resources
  • Exploring cloud computing standards and open source projects that promote interoperability among clouds
  • Building cloud applications to customize images, deliver network services, install/manage software, and provide remote desktops
  • Using IBM's powerful self-service and delegated administration models and best-of-breed VM images
  • Leveraging open source projects for cloud service management and virtualization
  • Understanding cloud service security: trusted certificates, identity/access management, SSH, HTTPS, IPSec, application hardening, and much more
  • Monitoring and optimizing performance and availability through the entire system lifecycle
  • Managing, scaling, and automating cloud applications to meet business needs

This title will be valuable to every enterprise developer, architect, and IT manager seeking the full benefits of cloud-based services; all ISVs building value-add services on public clouds; and everyone building applications that rely heavily on IaaS, Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), or Business as a Service (BaaS).

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Preface     xiii

Introduction     1

Part I: Background Information

Chapter 1 Infrastructure as a Service Cloud Concepts     7

Workloads     8

Use Cases     10

Actors     10

Web Site Hosting     10

Short-Term Peak Workloads     11

Proof-of-Concept     12

Extra Capacity     14

Open Source/Enterprise Collaboration     15

Storage System for Security Videos     15

Business Scenario: IoT Data Hosting Provider     16

Virtualization     17

Infrastructure as a Service Clouds     22

Other Cloud Layers     24

Virtual Machine Instances     26

Virtual Machine Images     26

Storage     27

Block Storage     27

File-Based Storage     28

Network Virtualization     29

IP Addresses     30

Network Virtualization     30

Desktop Virtualization     32

Part II: Developing Cloud Applications

Chapter 2 Developing on the Cloud     35

Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP     35

Windows     40

Java 2 Enterprise Edition     40

Java SDK     41

WebSphere Application Server     41

Relational Database     47

Data Persistence     49

Messaging     54

Scheduled Events     58

Business Scenario: Developing the IoT Data Portal     59

Integration of Application Lifecycle Management Tools with Clouds     67

Rational Application Developer     69

Rational Team Concert     72

Build and Deployment Automation     75

Business Scenario: Application Lifecycle Management Tools     84

Chapter 3 Developing with IBM SmartCloud Enterprise APIs     85

Resource Model     86

Entity Lifecycles     87

Command Line     91

Environment Setup     91

Querying the Catalog     92

Provisioning an Instance     92

Provisioning Storage     96

Provisioning an Instance with Parameters     97

Managing IP Addresses     98

Saving Images     99

Java API     100

Environment Setup     100

Querying the Catalog     101

Working with Virtual Machine Instances     104

Locations and Capabilities     108

Working with Images     110

Uploading Files When Creating a New Instance     111

Minimizing REST Calls     112

Example: Developing a Maven Cloud Plug-In     114

REST API     122

Background     122

Using PHP to Invoke the IBM SmartCloud Enterprise REST APIs     125

Example: create instance Form     130

Example: Page to Show a List of Instances     139

Using Java to Invoke the IBM SmartCloud Enterprise REST APIs     144

Rational Asset Manager     146

Business Scenario: Using Elastic Cloud Services to Scale     152

Chapter 4 Standards     157

Data Exchange     157

Extensible Markup Language (XML)      157

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)      160

REST     162

Background     163

HyperText Transfer Protocol     163

REST Architecture     164

Implementing and Consuming REST Services     165

Example: Uploading Files When Creating Instances with REST     169

JAX-RS     171

Virtualization     178

Open Virtualization Format     179

Cloud Computing     179

Cloud Computing Reference Architecture     180

Distributed Management Task Force Open Cloud Standards Incubator     180

Cloud Data Management Interface     181

Business Scenario: IoT Data Use of Standards     181

Chapter 5 Open Source Projects     183

Virtualization Projects     183

Kernel-Based Virtual Machine (KVM)      183

QEMU     185

libvirt     186

Xen     188

Cloud Projects     188

Eucalyptus     188

Apache Libcloud     189

Delta Cloud     190

OpenStack     190

Cloud Foundry     191

Hadoop     191

Setting up Hadoop     192

Business Scenario: Data Management     194

Chapter 6 Cloud Services and Applications     197

Creating and Customizing Images     197

Operating Systems Specifics     200

Modeling Deployment Topologies     200

Services     206

Linux Services     207

Windows Services     209

Networking     209

Basic Network Settings     209

Software Installation and Management     211

Red Hat Package Management and YUM     211

Software Management on SUSE     211

Cloud Software Bundles     212

Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGi)      213

Storage     223

Block Storage     224

File-Based Storage     226

File Systems     227

Network Storage Systems     230

Structured Storage     231

Managing Storage on IBM SmartCloud Enterprise     232

Remote Desktop Management     233

X Windows     233

Virtual Network Computing (VNC)      234

NX Remote Desktop     236

Composite Applications     237

Email     238

Setting up an SMTP Server     238

Software as a Service     239

Document-Management Systems     239

Email and Collaboration Suites     241

Business Scenario: The IoT Data Application     242

Part III: Exploring Hosting Cloud Applications

Chapter 7 Security     243

Background     243

Business Scenario: IoT Data Security Context     244

Public Key Infrastructures and Certificates     245

Example: Trusted Certificate Signing Authorities in WebSphere Application Server     249

Identity and Access Management     252

Configuring Authentication and Access in J2EE Applications     254

Managing Users with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol     256

Enabling an Application for Multitenant Access     260

Federated Identity Management     260

OAuth     261

Network Security     266

Firewalls     266

Example: Connecting to a VLAN through a Firewall     271

Operating System Network Security Mechanisms     271

Business Scenario: Network Deployment and Firewall Rules     272

Proxy Servers     273

Virtual Private Networks     276

Browser Security     278

Application Hardening     280

Cross-Site Scripting     280

Cross-Site Request Forgery     281

SQL and Other Injection Attacks     282

Secure Communication Protocols     282

Secure Shell (SSH)      283

HTTPS     290

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)      293

Operating System and Virtual Machine Security     293

Basic Operating System Tools     293

Security-Enhanced Linux     294

Security of Data at Rest     298

Security Events     298

Security Compliance     299

Business Scenario: IoT Data Security Architecture     300

Chapter 8 Performance,Availability, Monitoring, and Metering 301

Performance and Scalability     301

Compute Capacity     302

Network Performance     302

J2EE Application Performance and Scalability     304

Performance Analysis and Testing     307

Availability     310

Backup, Recovery, and Restore     311

Storage Availability     314

Availability of Relational Databases     315

Virtual IP Addresses     316

Monitoring and Metering     317

Operating System Monitoring     318

Network Monitoring     323

Application Monitoring     323

Comprehensive Monitoring Solutions     327

Business Scenario: IoT Data Performance,Availability, Monitoring, and Metering Plan     328

Chapter 9 Operations and Maintenance on the Cloud     331

Business Support Systems     331

Maintaining Compatibility with Future Versions of Software     333

An Evolving API     334

Java     334

REST     335

XML     336

JSON     336

Command Line     337

Data     337

Business Scenario: IoT Data Operations and Maintenance Plan     337

Further Reading     339

References     345

Index     355


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