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Building Success with Business Ethics: Advice from Business Leaders (Collection)

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Building Success with Business Ethics: Advice from Business Leaders (Collection)

Safari PTG

  • Your Price: $95.99
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  • Copyright 2012
  • Dimensions: 6" x 9"
  • Edition: 1st
  • Safari PTG
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-312360-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-312360-9

A brand new collection of powerful insights into ethical and effective business leadership… 4 pioneering books, now in a convenient e-format, at a great price!

4 remarkable eBooks help you lead more successfully by leading more ethically

Honor, ethics, and compassion are central to effective leadership. Now, an extraordinary new eBook collection reveals why this is true, and how you can lead more honorably and successfully in your own organization. In Winners Never Cheat: Even in Difficult Times, New and Expanded Edition, Jon M. Huntsman shows how to succeed at the top, without sacrificing the principles that make life worth living. Huntsman personally built a $12 billion company from scratch, the old-fashioned way: with integrity. Now, he tells you how he did it, and how you can, too. Along the way, he offers a powerful reminder of why you work, and why you were chosen to lead. Next, in Lead with LUV: A Different Way to Create Real Success, the legendary Ken Blanchard ("The One Minute Manager") and former Southwest Airlines CEO Colleen Barrett help you achieve amazing results by leading with love. They explain what "love" really means in the organizational context, why leading with love is not "soft" management, how to handle inappropriate behavior, how to make "servant leadership" work, and how to sustain leadership with love. In Moral Intelligence 2.0: Enhancing Business Performance and Leadership Success in Turbulent Times, Doug Lennick and Fred Kiel show why sustainable optimal business performance requires superior moral and emotional competencies. Using new case studies, they identify connections between moral intelligence and higher levels of trust, engagement, retention, and innovation. They deliver specific guidance on moral leadership in both large organizations and entrepreneurial ventures, plus a new step-by-step plan for measuring and strengthening organizational integrity, responsibility, compassion, and forgiveness. Finally, in The Power of Communication, Helio Fred Garcia focuses on the most indispensable leadership discipline: honorable and effective communication. Building on the U.S. Marine Corps' classic publication Warfighting, Garcia how to apply the Corps' proven leadership and strategy doctrine in all forms of public communication - and achieve truly extraordinary results. You'll learn indispensable lessons from leaders communicating effectively, and from the catastrophic mistakes of business and political leaders who got it wrong. If you need to earn and win hearts and minds, you need this book now.

From world-renowned business leaders, executive coaches, and consultants Helio Fred Garcia, Ken Blanchard, Colleen Barrett, Jon M. Huntsman, Doug Lennick, and Fred Kiel

Sample Content

Table of Contents

The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively

Foreword    xv

Introduction: Leadership, Discipline, and Effective Communication    xxv

PART I: Leadership and Communication: Connecting with Audiences

1  Words Matter    1

2  Taking Audiences Seriously    23

3  Words Aren’t Enough    55

4  Speed, Focus, and the First Mover Advantage    75

5  Initiative, Maneuver, and Disproportionality    105

PART II:  Strategy and Communication: Planning and execution

6  Goals, Strategies, and Tactics: Preparing and Planning    123

PART III:  Building Skills: Getting Good at Communicating Well

7  Performance: The Physicality of Audience Engagement    159

8  Content: Word Choice, Framing, and Meaning    185

9  Audiences: Attention, Retention, and How Hearts and Minds Work    207

10  Putting It All Together: Becoming a Habitually Strategic Communicator    233

Appendix  Warfighting Principles for Leadership Communication    251

Endnotes    263

Index    281


Foreword by Glenn Beck    xvii

Introduction Good Times, Bad Times    1

1  Lessons from the Sandbox    11

2  Check Your Moral Compass    25

3  Play by the Rules    39

4  Setting the Example    53

5  Keep Your Word    77

6  Why We Cross the Line    95

7  Pick Advisors Wisely    107

8  Get Mad, Not Even    125

9  Graciousness Is Next to Godliness    139

10  Your Name Is on the Door    157

11  The Obligation to Give Back    171

12  The Bottom Line    193

Perspective from Larry King    207

Perspective from Neil Cavuto    215

Perspective from Wayne Reaud    221

Lead with LUV: A Different Way to Create Real Success

Foreword    xi

What Is Leadership?    2

Celebrating Successes    7

Having Mentors    13

Servant Leadership is Love in Action    21

Understanding Servant Leadership    25

The Triple Bottom Line    28

Employer of Choice    34

Provider of Choice    39

Investment of Choice    51

Making Unions Your Business Partners    58

Citizen of Choice    60

A Compelling Vision    62

A Significant Purpose    64

A Picture of the Future    67

Clear Values    71

What Makes Servant Leadership Work?    94

Defining Love    104

Maintaining a Strong Culture    125

Differences Between Self-Serving and Servant Leaders    131

Final Words    134

Epilogue    144

Endnotes    146

LUV Notes    151

About the Leading at a Higher Level Series    154

About the Authors    157

Moral Intelligence 2.0: Enhancing Business Performance and Leadership Success in Turbulent Times

Foreword by Richard Leider    xiii

Foreword to Previous Edition by Richard E. Boyatzis    xvi

Introduction    xxix


1  Good Business    3

2  Born to Be Moral    35

3  Your Moral Compass    57

4  Staying True to Your Moral Compass    81


5  Integrity    97

6  Responsibility    113

7  Compassion and Forgiveness    125

8  Emotions    135

9  Making Moral Decisions    157


10  The Moral Leader    181

11  Leading Large Organizations    197

12  Moral Intelligence for the Entrepreneur    223

Epilogue Becoming a Global Moral Leader    243

A  Strengthening Your Moral Skills    251

B  Moral Competency Inventory (MCI)    263

C  Scoring the MCI    271

D  Interpreting Your MCI Scores    277

Index    285


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