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Matt Gottshalk

James Ball is a director of photography for HBO, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, and PBS (onlinejamesball.com). His work ranges from feature-length documentary projects to dramatic features to corporate projects.

Robbie Carman is a professional colorist who works on broadcast television series. He is a principal at Amigo Media (amigomediallc.com), a well-known trainer, author, and speaker at industry conferences, and the Creative COW forum host for DSLR video and Apple Color.

Matt Gottshalk is the principal of McGee Digital Media (mcgeedigital.com), which specializes in cinema-style HD production and post. He is a lighting director and camera assistant for a variety of clients and an active member of the dvxuser.com community.

Richard Harrington is a director and editor. He is a Creative COW forum leader, a member of the NAPP Instructor Dream Team, and a popular author, trainer, and speaker.