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James Henley

Matthew Johnson has 5+ years as senior environment/vehicle and UI artist for Firebrand Games.

James A. Henley is an experienced game developer who has worked on several major titles and franchises, including Mass Effect, Star Wars, and Skylanders, over the past decade.  He originally entered the industry via the Neverwinter Nights modding community, where he was able to indulge in his desires to craft content, tell stories, and write code all at the same time.  He turned that love into a job opportunity at BioWare, where he spent three years under the Edmonton studio and five more under the Austin studio in a variety of design roles before briefly working for Activision.  Presently, James is working as an independent developer on [TITLE REDACTED] and actively live streaming to share his love of games and game design in an interactive fashion.  He may or may not be also be a mad scientist.  Analysis proved inconclusive.