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Tony Blunden

John Thirlwell is non-executive director at Chase Cooper, a risk management solutions company that focuses on the financial sector to provide solutions for enterprise risk, operational risk, Sarbanes-Oxley, credit and market risk. He’s worked on the following books: co-author, Operational Risk Handbook (2001-4) (Securities Institute); A Guide to Business Continuity Management (2001) (BBA/KPMG); Chapters in Advanced Operational Risk (2002) and Basel Handbook (2003)(Risk Waters).

Tony Blunden is an Executive Director of Chase Cooper Ltd and heads its consultancy division. Both Tony and John are regular and sought-after speakers on the operational risk conference circuit. Tony’s book publications include: Co-author, Risk-Based Compliance (2001) (Butterworths); The Euromoney Derivatives and Risk Management Handbook 2001/02 (2001); Operational Risk: Regulation, Analysis and Management (2002) (FT Prentice Hall) and Managing Business Risk (2003) Kogan Page Limited.