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Carmela DiMauro

Carmela Di Mauro is Associate Professor of Business and Management Engineering at University of Catania, Italy.

After graduating from the University of Catania, she earned a Graduate Diploma from the Johns Hopkins University and a M. Sc. in Project Analysis and Investment at York University in the U.K. She holds a D.Phil. in Economics from the University of York.

Her current research focuses on Health Care Management, Organization, Behavioral Operations Management, and Public Procurement. Her recent publications on these topics have appeared in Social Science and Medicine, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, European Journal of Operations Research, and International Journal of Production Economics. She has coordinated several research projects and received research grants from the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR), the National Research Council (CNR), and Ente Luigi Einaudi. She is also involved in consultancy activity, mainly directed to hospitals and healthcare organizations but also to public administrations and local governments.

She was executive board member and member of the editorial committee of the Italian Evaluation Association from 2009 to 2011. She joined EDSI in 2010. In 2011, she served as Vice-President for Southern-Europe; since 2012, she has been a member of the Executive Board, first as Secretary General and Treasurer and currently as President Elect. She is Program Chair of EDSI 2015. She serves as a member of the DSI Global Activities committee.