Benjamin Lipchak

Benjamin Lipchak develops OpenGL drives at ATI Research in Marlboro, Massachusetts. Formerly writing Digital UNIX and Windows NT OpenGL drives for AlphaStations at DEC and Compaq, Benj recently joined ATI to help pioneer programmable shader technology. He participated in the OpenGL Architecture Review Board standardization of shader extensions and chaired the ARB_fragment_program working group.

Benjamin Lipchak

Richard S. Wright, Jr.has been using OpenGL for more than 12 years, since it first became available on the Windows platform, and teaches OpenGL programming in the game design degree program at Full Sail in Orlando, Florida. Currently, Richard is the president of Starstone Software Systems, Inc., where he develops third-party multimedia simulation software for the PC and Macintosh platforms using OpenGL.

Previously with Real 3D/Lockheed Martin, Richard was a regular OpenGL ARB attendee and contributed to the OpenGL 1.2 specification and conformance tests. Since then, Richard has worked in multidimensional database visualization, game development, medical diagnostic visualization, and astronomical space simulation.

Richard first learned to program in the eighth grade in 1978 on a paper terminal. At age 16, his parents let him buy a computer with his grass-cutting money instead of a car, and he sold his first computer program less than a year later (and it was a graphics program!). When he graduated from high school, his first job was teaching programming and computer literacy for a local consumer education company. He studied electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Louisville’s Speed Scientific School and made it half way through his senior year before his career got the best of him and took him to Florida. A native of Louisville, Kentucky, he now lives with his wife and three children in Lake Mary, Florida. When not programming or dodging hurricanes, Richard is an avid amateur astronomer and an Adult Sunday School teacher.


Benjamin Lipchak graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute with a double major in technical writing and computer science. “Why would anyone with a CS degree want to become a writer?” That was the question asked of him one fateful morning when Benj was interviewing for a tech writing job at Digital Equipment Corporation. Benj’s interview took longer than scheduled, and he left that day with job offer in hand to work on the software team responsible for DEC’s AlphaStation OpenGL drivers.

Benj’s participation in the OpenGL Architecture Review Board began when he chaired the working group that generated the GL_ARB_fragment_program extension spec. While chairing the Khronos OpenGL Ecosystem Technical SubGroup, he established the OpenGL SDK and created the OpenGL Pipeline newsletter, of which he remains editor.

Benj will now participate in the Khronos OpenGL ES Working Group. After 12 years of OpenGL driver development and driver team management at DEC, Compaq, and ATI, he is headed for smaller pastures. Benj recently became manager of AMD’s handheld software team. Although the API is familiar, the new challenges of size and power consumption make for a great change of scenery. In his fleeting spare time, Benj tries to get outdoors for some hiking or kayaking. He also operates an independent record label, Wachusett Records, specializing in solo piano music.


Nicholas Haemel, developer at AMD in the Graphics Products Group, was technical reviewer for OpenGL SuperBible, Third Edition, and contributed the chapters on GLX and OpenGL ES.

Richard S Wright

Richard S. Wright, Jr. has used OpenGL for 10 years and teaches OpenGL programming in the game design degree program at Full Sail in Orlando, Florida. He is a former Real 3D representative to the OpenGL Architecture Review Board and has delivered multiple commercial applications that use OpenGL extensively, including games, scientific and medical applications, database visualization and educational software. Lead author of the first and second editions of OpenGL SuperBible, he is also the founder and president of Starstone Software Systems, Inc., where he develops multimedia simulation software for the PC and Macintosh platforms using OpenGL.

Benjamin Lipchak develops OpenGL drives at ATI Research in Marlboro, Massachusetts. Formerly writing Digital UNIX and Windows NT OpenGL drives for AlphaStations at DEC and Compaq, Benj recently joined ATI to help pioneer programmable shader technology. He participated in the OpenGL Architecture Review Board standardization of shader extensions and chaired the ARB_fragment_program working group.

Richard S Wright

Graham Sellers is a senior manager and software architect on the OpenGL driver team at AMD. He represents AMD at the ARB and has contributed to many extensions and to the core OpenGL Specification. He holds several patents in the fields of computer graphics and image processing.


Richard S. Wright, Jr., senior software engineer for Software Bisque, develops multimedia astronomy and planetarium software using OpenGL. He has written many OpenGL-based games, scientific/medical applications, database visualization tools, and educational programs. He has taught OpenGL programming at Full Sail University’s game design degree program for over a decade.


Nicholas Haemel, senior manager of Tegra OpenGL driver development at NVIDIA, leads a development team working on NVIDIA mobile graphics drivers, represents NVIDIA at the Khronos Group standards body, has authored many OpenGL extensions, and contributed to all OpenGL specifications since version 3.0.