Jose Annunziato

Terry Ogletree is a consultant. He has worked with computers since 1980. Terry has worked with UNIX and TCP/IP since 1985 and has been involved with Windows NT since it first appeared. He is the lead author for Practical Firewalls (Que) and has contributed chapters to Special Edition Using UNIX, Third Edition (Que) and Windows NT Server Unleashed (SAMS).

Terry Ogletree

Terry Ogletree is a consultant currently working in the New Jersey area. He has worked with networked computers since 1980, starting on Digital Equipment PDP computers and OpenVMS-based VAX systems. Terry has worked with UNIX and TCP/IP since 1985 and has been involved with Windows NT since it first appeared.

Other books published by this author:

Upgrading and Repairing Networks, 2nd Edition

Practical Firewalls

Windows NT Server 4.0 Networking