Ewald Geschwinde

Ewald Geschwinde and Hans-Jüergen Schöenig are the founding partners of Cybertec Geschwinde and Schöenig, and Austrian company that provides commercial PostrgeSQL support, training, tuning, and remote administration for international clients. Geschwinde and Schöenig have used Mono extensively to develop high-end applications.

Other books by these authors include PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook (0-672-32360-9) and PHP PostgreSQL Advanced Web Development (0-672-32382-6).

Ewald Geschwinde

Ewald Geschwinde was born in Vienna, Austria on June 21, 1976. He attended the high school for economics in Oberpullendorf, and studied at the Technical University in Vienna. In 1999, he joined Synthesis, in which he focused on monitoring the development of unemployment and generating reports using C, EFEU, LaTex, and Perl. After focusing on Oracle databases, he left Synthesis to co-found Cybertec Geschwinde & Schoenig OEG (a company providing commercial support, training courses, tuning, and remote administration for PostgreSQL).

Hans-Juergen Schoenig

Hans-Juergen Schoenig was born in Knittelfeld, Austria on August 9, 1978. He studied Economics of Information at the Technical University and the University of Vienna. In 1998, he joined Synthesis (an Austrian research company focusing on forecasting the Austrian labor market). There he was responsible for the scientific analysis of data provided by the Austrian social security insurance (millions of records). During his tenure at Synthesis, he worked with UNIX systems and automated text production, using EFEU, LaTex, and Perl. He then co-founded Cybertec Geschwinde & Schoenig OEG (www.cybertec.at), which focuses entirely on PostgreSQL and UNIX databases.

Hans-Juergen Schoenig

Ewald Geschwinde and Hans-Jüergen Schöenig are the founding partners of Cybertec Geschwinde and Schöenig, and Austrian company that provides commercial PostrgeSQL support, training, tuning, and remote administration for international clients. Geschwinde and Schöenig have used Mono extensively to develop high-end applications.

Other books by these authors include PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook (0-672-32360-9) and PHP PostgreSQL Advanced Web Development (0-672-32382-6).