Paul McJones

Alexander Stepanov studied mathematics at Moscow State University from 1967 to 1972. He has been programming since 1972: first in the Soviet Union and, after emigrating in 1977, in the United States. He has programmed operating systems, programming tools, compilers, and libraries. His work on foundations of programming has been supported by GE, Brooklyn Polytechnic, AT&T,HP, SGI, and, since 2002, Adobe. In 1995 he received the Dr. Dobb’s Journal Excellence in Programming Award for the design of the C++ Standard Template Library.

Paul McJones
studied engineering mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1967 to 1971. He has been programming since 1967 in the areas of operating systems, programming environments, transaction processing systems, and enterprise and consumer applications. He has been employed by the University of California, IBM, Xerox, Tandem, DEC, and, since 2003, Adobe. In 1982 he and his coauthors received the ACM Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award for their paper “The Recovery Manager of the System R Database Manager.”

Alexander A. Stepanov

P.J. Plauger is President of Dinkumware, Ltd., which licenses standards-conforming C and C++ libraries and documentation. For many years, he served as Senior Editor of The C/C++ Users Journal and Contributing Editor to Embedded Systems Programming. Plauger has long been active in the development of C and C++ international standards.

Alex Stepanov, now at AT&T, formerly headed the Generic Programming Project at Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories in Palo Alto, California.

Meng Lee is currently a Technical Contributor at Hewlett-Packard Research Labs where she and Stepanov developed the original STL. The STL was proposed to and accepted by the ANCI/ISO C++ Standards Committee.

David R. Musser, Professor of Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, specializes in research on generic programming. His work with Stepanov provided the foundation for the STL.