Chad Pytel

Chad Pytel is the founder and CEO of thoughtbot, a software development firm specializing in Ruby on Rails, and creators of Paperclip, Shoulda, FactoryGirl, and Hoptoad, among other projects. thoughtbot embraces both agile development methodologies and a “getting real” project philosophy. Chad coauthored Pro Active Record: Databases with Ruby and Rails (Apress, 2007) and has presented at various conferences around the world. To follow along with Chad and the rest of the thoughtbot team’s ideas on development, design, technology, and business, visit their blog at

Tammer Saleh is the director of engineering at Engine Yard. He wrote the Shoulda testing framework, was the primary developer and project manager for thoughtbot’s fantastic Hoptoad service, and is an experienced Ruby on Rails trainer and speaker. In previous lives, he’s done AI development for the NCSA and the University of Illinois, as well as systems administration for both and Caltech’s Earthquake Detection Network. You can find him online at

Tammer Saleh

Chad Pytel is the founder and CEO of thoughtbot, a software development firm specializing in Ruby on Rails, and creators of Paperclip, Shoulda, FactoryGirl, and Hoptoad, among other projects. thoughtbot embraces both agile development methodologies and a “getting real” project philosophy. Chad coauthored Pro Active Record: Databases with Ruby and Rails (Apress, 2007) and has presented at various conferences around the world. To follow along with Chad and the rest of the thoughtbot team’s ideas on development, design, technology, and business, visit their blog at

Tammer Saleh
 has built a career developing, managing, and building the infrastructure that drives the modern day cloud.  He's acted as the VP of Engineering for Cloud Foundry at Pivotal, and before that he ran the BOSH team as product manager. He now runs SuperOrbital (, a consulting company that helps enterprise companies understand and adopt cloud-native technologies.