Paul Anderson

Paul L. Anderson is a founding member and Director of Training at the Anderson Software Group, Inc. ( Paul obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, San Diego, and his Master's degree in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Mr. Anderson has taught Java, JavaFX, C/C++, C#, Perl, Python, UML, and Linux courses for thousands of developers and specializes in making software engineering fun and understandable. He has taught courses internationally in Europe and Latin America and contributed articles to InformIT. Paul is a member of the NetBeans Dream Team and has been a featured speaker at JavaOne conferences.  He is the video instructor for Java Reflection LiveLessons and JavaFX Programming LiveLessons, Part 1.

Paul Anderson and Gail Anderson have co-authored eight textbooks:

Gail Anderson

Gail C. Anderson is a founding member and Director of Research at the Anderson Software Group, Inc. ( Gail obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, San Diego, and her Master's degree in Linguistics from San Diego State University. Ms. Anderson is a software specialist and author who has written numerous books on leading-edge Java technologies. Her main focus is researching and developing new course material topics. Gail has also been a featured speaker at JavaOne for the popular Hands-on-Labs.

Paul Anderson

Gail Anderson is a software specialist and author who has written numerous books on leading-edge Java technologies.  Gail is a founding member of the Anderson Software Group, Inc., a leading provider of software development training courses. Paul Anderson is a founding member of the Anderson Software Group, Inc., and a leading trainer in software technologies, such as Java, C++, C#, Perl, UML, and Linux.  Paul has taught courses for thousands of developers and specializes in making software engineering fun and understandable.

Gail Anderson

Gail Anderson and Paul Anderson are well-known authors and have written about a wide range of Java technologies. Their books include Enterprise JavaBean Components, Java Studio Creator Field Guide , and Essential JavaFX. They are cofounders of the Anderson Software Group, Inc., a leading provider of software training courses.