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16.8 Collectors

A collector encapsulates the functions required for performing reduction: the supplier, the accumulator, the combiner, and the finisher. It can provide these functions since it implements the Collector interface (in the java.util.stream package) that defines the methods to create these functions. It is passed as an argument to the collect(Collector) method in order to perform a reduction operation. In contrast, the collect(Supplier, BiConsumer, BiConsumer) method requires the functions supplier, accumulator, and combiner, respectively, to be passed as arguments in the method call.

Details of implementing a collector are not necessary for our purposes, as we will exclusively use the extensive set of predefined collectors provided by the static factory methods of the Collectors class in the java.util.stream package (Table 16.7, p. 1005). In most cases, it should be possible to find a predefined collector for the task at hand. The collectors use various kinds of containers for performing reduction— for example, accumulating to a map, or finding the minimum or maximum element. For example, the Collectors.toList() factory method creates a collector that performs mutable reduction using a list as a mutable container. It can be passed to the collect(Collector) terminal operation of a stream.

It is a common practice to import the static factory methods of the Collectors class in the code so that the methods can be called by their simple names.

import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;

However, the practice adopted in this chapter is to assume that only the Collectors class is imported, enforcing the connection between the static methods and the class to be done explicitly in the code. Of course, static import of factory methods can be used once familiarity with the collectors is established.

import java.util.stream.Collectors;

The three-argument collect() method is primarily used to implement mutable reduction, whereas the Collectors class provides collectors for both functional and mutable reduction that can be either used in a stand-alone capacity or composed with other collectors.

One group of collectors is designed to collect to a predetermined container, which is evident from the name of the static factory method that creates it: toCollection, toList, toSet, and toMap (p. 979). The overloaded toCollection() and toMap() methods allow a specific implementation of a collection and a map to be used, respectively—for example, a TreeSet for a collection and a TreeMap for a map. In addition, there is the joining() method that creates a collector for concatenating the input elements to a String—however, internally it uses a mutable StringBuilder (p. 984).

Collectors can be composed with other collectors; that is, the partial results from one collector can be additionally processed by another collector (called the downstream collector) to produce the final result. Many collectors that can be used as a downstream collector perform functional reduction such as counting values, finding the minimum and maximum values, summing values, averaging values, and summarizing common statistics for values (p. 998).

Composition of collectors is utilized to perform multilevel grouping and partitioning on stream elements (p. 985). The groupingBy() and partitionBy() methods return composed collectors to create classification maps. In such a map, the keys are determined by a classifier function, and the values are the result of a downstream collector, called the classification mapping. For example, the CDs in a stream could be classified into a map where the key represents the number of tracks on a CD and the associated value of a key can be a list of CDs with the same number of tracks. The list of CDs with the same number of tracks is the result of an appropriate downstream collector.

Collecting to a Collection

The method toCollection(Supplier) creates a collector that uses a mutable container of a specific Collection type to perform mutable reduction. A supplier to create the mutable container is specified as an argument to the method.

The following stream pipeline creates an ArrayList<String> instance with the titles of all CDs in the stream. The constructor reference ArrayList::new returns an empty ArrayList<String> instance, where the element type String is inferred from the context.

ArrayList<String> cdTitles1 = CD.cdList.stream() // Stream<CD>
    .map(CD::title)                              // Stream<String>
//[Java Jive, Java Jam, Lambda Dancing, Keep on Erasing, Hot Generics]

Collecting to a List

The method toList() creates a collector that uses a mutable container of type List to perform mutable reduction. This collector guarantees to preserve the encounter order of the input stream, if it has one. For more control over the type of the list, the toCollection() method can be used. This collector can be used as a downstream collector.

The following stream pipeline creates a list with the titles of all CDs in the stream using a collector returned by the Collectors.toList() method. Although the returned list is modified, this is implementation dependent and should not be relied upon.

List<String> cdTitles3 = CD.cdList.stream()      // Stream<CD>
    .map(CD::title)                              // Stream<String>
//[Java Jive, Java Jam, Lambda Dancing, Keep on Erasing, Hot Generics]
titles.add("Java Jingles");                      // OK

Collecting to a Set

The method toSet() creates a collector that uses a mutable container of type Set to perform mutable reduction. The collector does not guarantee to preserve the encounter order of the input stream. For more control over the type of the set, the toCollection() method can be used.

The following stream pipeline creates a set with the titles of all CDs in the stream.

Set<String> cdTitles2 = CD.cdList.stream()       // Stream<CD>
    .map(CD::title)                              // Stream<String>
//[Hot Generics, Java Jive, Lambda Dancing, Keep on Erasing, Java Jam]

Collecting to a Map

The method toMap() creates a collector that performs mutable reduction to a mutable container of type Map.

The collector returned by the method toMap() uses either a default map or one that is supplied. To be able to create an entry in a Map<K,U> from stream elements of type T, the collector requires two functions:

  • keyMapper: T -> K, which is a Function to extract a key of type K from a stream element of type T.

  • valueMapper: T -> U, which is a Function to extract a value of type U for a given key of type K from a stream element of type T.

Additional functions as arguments allow various controls to be exercised on the map:

  • mergeFunction: (U,U) -> U, which is a BinaryOperator to merge two values that are associated with the same key. The merge function must be specified if collision of values can occur during the mutable reduction, or a resounding exception will be thrown.

  • mapSupplier: () -> M extends Map<K,V>, which is a Supplier that creates a map instance of a specific type to use for mutable reduction. The map created is a subtype of Map<K,V>. Without this function, the collector uses a default map.

Figure 16.15 illustrates collecting to a map. The stream pipeline creates a map of CD titles and their release year—that is, a Map<String, Year>, where K is String and V is Year. The keyMapper CD::title and the valueMapper CD::year extract the title (String) and the year (Year) from each CD in the stream, respectively. The entries are accumulated in a default map (Map<String, Year>).

Figure 16.15

Figure 16.15 Collecting to a Map

What if we wanted to create a map with CDs and their release year—that is, a Map<CD, Year>? In that case, the keyMapper should return the CD as the key—that is, map a CD to itself. That is exactly what the keyMapper Function.identity() does in the pipeline below.

Map<CD, Year> mapCDToYear = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), CD::year)); // Map<CD, Year>

As there were no duplicates of the key in the previous two examples, there was no collision of values in the map. In the list dupList below, there are duplicates of CDs (CD.cd0, CD.cd1). Executing the pipeline results in a runtime exception at (1).

List<CD> dupList = List.of(CD.cd0, CD.cd1, CD.cd2, CD.cd0, CD.cd1);
Map<String, Year> mapTitleToYear1 = dupList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(CD::title, CD::year));       // (1)
// IllegalStateException: Duplicate key 2017

The collision values can be resolved by specifying a merge function. In the pipeline below, the arguments of the merge function (y1, y2) -> y1 at (1) have the same value for the year if we assume that a CD can only be released once. Note that y1 and y2 denote the existing value in the map and the value to merge, respectively. The merge function can return any one of the values to resolve the collision.

Map<String, Year> mapTitleToYear2 = dupList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(CD::title, CD::year, (y1, y2) -> y1));       // (1)

The stream pipeline below creates a map of CD titles released each year. As more than one CD can be released in a year, collision of titles can occur for a year. The merge function (tt, t) -> tt + ":" + t concatenates the titles in each year separated by a colon, if necessary. Note that tt and t denote the existing value in the map and the value to merge, respectively.

Map<Year, String> mapTitleToYear3 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(CD::year, CD::title,
                              (tt, t) -> tt + ":" + t));
//{2017=Java Jive:Java Jam, 2018=Lambda Dancing:Keep on Erasing:Hot Generics}

The stream pipeline below creates a map with the longest title released each year. For greater control over the type of the map in which to accumulate the entries, a supplier is specified. The supplier TreeMap::new returns an empty instance of a TreeMap in which the entries are accumulated. The keys in such a map are sorted in their natural order—the class java.time.Year implements the Comparable<Year> interface.

TreeMap<Year, String> mapYearToLongestTitle = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(CD::year, CD::title,
//{2017=Java Jive, 2018=Lambda Dancing}

The merge function specified is equivalent to the following lambda expression, returning the greater of two strings:

(str1, str2) -> str1.compareTo(str2) > 0 ? str1 : str2

Collecting to a ConcurrentMap

If the collector returned by the Collectors.toMap() method is used in a parallel stream, the multiple partial maps created during parallel execution are merged by the collector to create the final result map. Merging maps can be expensive if keys from one map are merged into another. To address the problem, the Collectors class provides the three overloaded methods toConcurrentMap(), analogous to the three toMap() methods, that return a concurrent collector—that is, a collector that uses a single concurrent map to perform the reduction. A concurrent map is thread-safe and unordered. A concurrent map implements the java.util.concurrent.Concur-rentMap interface, which is a subinterface of java.util.Map interface (§23.7, p. 1482).

Using a concurrent map avoids merging of maps during parallel execution, as a single map is created that is used concurrently to accumulate the results from the execution of each substream. However, the concurrent map is unordered—any encounter order in the stream is ignored. Usage of the toConcurrentMap() method is illustrated by the following example of a parallel stream to create a concurrent map of CD titles released each year.

ConcurrentMap<Year, String> concMapYearToTitles = CD.cdList
    .collect(Collectors.toConcurrentMap(CD::year, CD::title,
                                        (tt, t) -> tt + ":" + t));
//{2017=Java Jam:Java Jive, 2018=Lambda Dancing:Hot Generics:Keep on Erasing}


The joining() method creates a collector for concatenating the input elements of type CharSequence to a single immutable String. However, internally it uses a mutable StringBuilder. Note that the collector returned by the joining() methods performs functional reduction, as its result is a single immutable string.

The stream pipelines below concatenate CD titles to illustrate the three overloaded joining() methods. The CharSequence elements are Strings. The strings are concatenated in the stream encounter order, which is the positional order for lists. The zero-argument joining() method at (1) performs string concatenation of the CD titles using a StringBuilder internally, and returns the result as a string.

String concatTitles1 = CD.cdList.stream()         // Stream<CD>
    .map(CD::title)                               // Stream<String>
    .collect(Collectors.joining());               // (1)
//Java JiveJava JamLambda DancingKeep on ErasingHot Generics

The single-argument joining() method at (2) concatenates the titles using the specified delimiter.

String concatTitles2 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));           // (2) Delimiter
//Java Jive, Java Jam, Lambda Dancing, Keep on Erasing, Hot Generics

The three-argument joining() method at (3) concatenates the titles using the specified delimiter, prefix, and suffix.

String concatTitles3 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "[", "]"));  // (3) Delimiter, Prefix, Suffix
//[Java Jive, Java Jam, Lambda Dancing, Keep on Erasing, Hot Generics]


Classifying elements into groups based on some criteria is a very common operation. An example is classifying CDs into groups according to the number of tracks on them (this sounds esoteric, but it will illustrate the point). Such an operation can be accomplished by the collector returned by the groupingBy() method. The method is passed a classifier function that is used to classify the elements into different groups. The result of the operation is a classification map whose entries are the different groups into which the elements have been classified. The key in a map entry is the result of applying the classifier function on the element. The key is extracted from the element based on some property of the element—for example, the number of tracks on the CD. The value associated with a key in a map entry comprises those elements that belong to the same group. The operation is analogous to the group-by operation in databases.

There are three versions of the groupingBy() method that provide increasingly more control over the grouping operation.

Figure 16.16 illustrates the groupingBy() operation by grouping CDs according to the number of tracks on them. The classifier function CD::noOfTracks extracts the number of tracks from a CD that acts as a key in the classification map (Map<Integer, List<CD>>). Since the call to the groupingBy() method in Figure 16.16 does not specify a downstream collector, the default downstream collector Collector.to-List() is used to accumulate CDs that have the same number of tracks. The number of groups—that is, the number of distinct keys—is equal to the number of distinct values for the number of tracks on the CDs. Each distinct value for the number of tracks is associated with the list of CDs having that value as the number of tracks.

Figure 16.16

Figure 16.16 Grouping

The three stream pipelines below result in a classification map that is equivalent to the one in Figure 16.16. The call to the groupingBy() method at (2) specifies the downstream collector explicitly, and is equivalent to the call in Figure 16.16.

Map<Integer, List<CD>> map22 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CD::noOfTracks, Collectors.toList()));  // (2)

The call to the groupingBy() method at (3) specifies the supplier TreeMap:new so that a TreeMap<Integer, List<CD>> is used as the classification map.

Map<Integer, List<CD>> map33 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CD::noOfTracks,                         // (3)

The call to the groupingBy() method at (4) specifies the downstream collector Collector.toSet() that uses a set to accumulate the CDs for a group.

Map<Integer, Set<CD>> map44 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CD::noOfTracks, Collectors.toSet()));   // (4)

The classification maps created by the pipelines above will contain the three entries shown below, but only the groupingBy() method call at (3) can guarantee that the entries will be sorted in a TreeMap<Integer, List<CD>> according to the natural order for the Integer keys.

6=[<Jaav, "Java Jam", 6, 2017, JAZZ>],
8=[<Jaav, "Java Jive", 8, 2017, POP>,
   <Genericos, "Keep on Erasing", 8, 2018, JAZZ>],
10=[<Funkies, "Lambda Dancing", 10, 2018, POP>,
    <Genericos, "Hot Generics", 10, 2018, JAZZ>]

In general, any collector can be passed as a downstream collector to the groupingBy() method. In the stream pipeline below, the map value in the classification map is a count of the number of CDs having the same number of tracks. The collector Collector.counting() performs a functional reduction to count the CDs having the same number of tracks (p. 998).

Map<Integer, Long> map55 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CD::noOfTracks, Collectors.counting()));
//{6=1, 8=2, 10=2}

Multilevel Grouping

The downstream collector in a groupingBy() operation can be created by another groupingBy() operation, resulting in a multilevel grouping operation—also known as a multilevel classification or cascaded grouping operation. We can extend the multilevel groupingBy() operation to any number of levels by making the downstream collector be a groupingBy() operation.

The stream pipeline below creates a classification map in which the CDs are first grouped by the number of tracks in a CD at (1), and then grouped by the musical genre of a CD at (2).

Map<Integer, Map<Genre, List<CD>>> twoLevelGrp = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CD::noOfTracks,             // (1)
                 Collectors.groupingBy(CD::genre)));           // (2)

Printing the contents of the resulting classification map would show the following three entries, not necessarily in this order:

6={JAZZ=[<Jaav, "Java Jam", 6, 2017, JAZZ>]},
8={JAZZ=[<Genericos, "Keep on Erasing", 8, 2018, JAZZ>],
   POP=[<Jaav, "Java Jive", 8, 2017, POP>]},
10={JAZZ=[<Genericos, "Hot Generics", 10, 2018, JAZZ>],
    POP=[<Funkies, "Lambda Dancing", 10, 2018, POP>]}

The entries of the resulting classification map can also be illustrated as a two-dimensional matrix, as shown in Figure 16.16, where the CDs are first grouped into rows by the number of tracks, and then grouped into columns by the musical genre. The value of an element in the matrix is a list of CDs which have the same number of tracks (row) and the same musical genre (column).

Figure 16.17

Figure 16.17 Multilevel Grouping as a Two-Dimensional Matrix

The number of groups in the classification map returned by the above pipeline is equal to the number of distinct values for the number of tracks, as in the single-level groupingBy() operation. However, each value associated with a key in the outer classification map is now an inner classification map that is managed by the second-level groupingBy() operation. The inner classification map has the type Map<Genre, List<CD>>; in other words, the key in the inner classification map is the musical genre of the CD and the value associated with this key is a List of CDs with this musical genre. It is the second-level groupingBy() operation that is responsible for grouping each CD in the inner classification map. Since no explicit downstream collector is specified for the second-level groupingBy() operation, it uses the default downstream collector Collector.toList().

We can modify the multilevel groupingBy() operation to count the CDs that have the same musical genre and the same number of tracks by specifying an explicit downstream collector for the second-level groupingBy() operation, as shown at (3).

The collector Collectors.counting() at (3) performs a functional reduction by accumulating the count for CDs with the same number of tracks and the same musical genre in the inner classification map (p. 998).

Map<Integer, Map<Genre, Long>> twoLevelGrp2 = CD.cdList.stream()
                                       Collectors.counting())));   // (3)

Printing the contents of the resulting classification map produced by this multilevel groupingBy() operation would show the following three entries, again not necessarily in this order:

{6={JAZZ=1}, 8={JAZZ=1, POP=1}, 10={JAZZ=1, POP=1}}

It is instructive to compare the entries in the resulting classification maps in the two examples illustrated here.

To truly appreciate the groupingBy() operation, the reader is highly encouraged to implement the multilevel grouping examples in an imperative style, without using the Stream API. Good luck!

Grouping to a ConcurrentMap

If the collector returned by the Collectors.groupingBy() method is used in a parallel stream, the partial maps created during execution are merged to create the final map—as in the case of the Collectors.toMap() method (p. 983). Merging maps can carry a performance penalty. The Collectors class provides the three groupingBy-Concurrent() overloaded methods, analogous to the three groupingBy() methods, that return a concurrent collector—that is, a collector that uses a single concurrent map to perform the reduction. The entries in such a map are unordered. A concurrent map implements the java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap interface (§23.7, p. 1482).

Usage of the groupingByConcurrent() method is illustrated by the following example of a parallel stream to create a concurrent map of the number of CDs that have the same number of tracks.

ConcurrentMap<Integer, Long> map66 = CD.cdList
//{6=1, 8=2, 10=2}


Partitioning is a special case of grouping. The classifier function that was used for grouping is now a partitioning predicate in the partitioningBy() method. The predicate function returns the boolean value true or false. As the keys of the resulting map are determined by the classifier function, the keys are determined by the partitioning predicate in the case of partitioning. Thus the keys are always of type Boolean, implying that the classification map can have, at most, two map entries. In other words, the partitioningBy() method can only create, at most, two partitions from the input elements. The map value associated with a key in the resulting map is managed by a downstream collector, as in the case of the groupingBy() method.

There are two versions of the partitioningBy() method:

Figure 16.18 illustrates the partitioningBy() operation by partitioning CDs according to the predicate CD::isPop that determines whether a CD is a pop music CD. The result of the partitioning predicate acts as the key in the resulting map of type Map<Boolean, List<CD>>. Since the call to the partitioningBy() method in Figure 16.18 does not specify a downstream collector, the default downstream collector Collector.toList() is used to accumulate CDs that map to the same key. The resulting map has two entries or partitions: one for CDs that are pop music CDs and one for CDs that are not. The two entries of the resulting map are also shown below:

Figure 16.18

Figure 16.18 Partitioning

{false=[<Jaav, "Java Jam", 6, 2017, JAZZ>,
        <Genericos, "Keep on Erasing", 8, 2018, JAZZ>,
        <Genericos, "Hot Generics", 10, 2018, JAZZ>],
 true=[<Jaav, "Java Jive", 8, 2017, POP>,
       <Funkies, "Lambda Dancing", 10, 2018, POP>]}

The values in a partition can be obtained by calling the Map.get() method:

List<CD> popCDs = map1.get(true);
List<CD> nonPopCDs = map1.get(false);

The stream pipeline at (2) is equivalent to the one in Figure 16.18, where the downstream collector is specified explicitly.

Map<Boolean, List<CD>> map2 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(CD::isPop, Collectors.toList())); // (2)

We could have composed a stream pipeline to filter the CDs that are pop music CDs and collected them into a list. We would have to compose a second pipeline to find the CDs that are not pop music CDs. However, the partitioningBy() method does both in a single operation.

Analogous to the groupingBy() method, any collector can be passed as a downstream collector to the partitioningBy() method. In the stream pipeline below, the downstream collector Collector.counting() performs a functional reduction to count the number of CDs associated with a key (p. 998).

Map<Boolean, Long> map3 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(CD::isPop, Collectors.counting()));
//{false=3, true=2}

Multilevel Partitioning

Like the groupingBy() method, the partitioningBy() operation can be used in multilevel classification. The downstream collector in a partitioningBy() operation can be created by another partitioningBy() operation, resulting in a multilevel partitioning operation—also known as a cascaded partitioning operation. The downstream collector can also be a groupingBy() operation.

In the stream pipeline below, the CDs are partitioned at (1): one partition for CDs that are pop music CDs, and one for those that are not. The CDs that are associated with a key are grouped by the year in which they were released. Note that the CDs that were released in a year are accumulated into a List by the default downstream collector Collector.toList() that is employed by the groupingBy() operation at (2).

Map<Boolean, Map<Year, List<CD>>> map1 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(CD::isPop,                     // (1)
                 Collectors.groupingBy(CD::year)));                   // (2)

Printing the contents of the resulting map would show the following two entries, not necessarily in this order.

{false={2017=[<Jaav, "Java Jam", 6, 2017, JAZZ>],
        2018=[<Genericos, "Keep on Erasing", 8, 2018, JAZZ>,
              <Genericos, "Hot Generics", 10, 2018, JAZZ>]},
 true={2017=[<Jaav, "Java Jive", 8, 2017, POP>],
       2018=[<Funkies, "Lambda Dancing", 10, 2018, POP>]}}

Filtering Adapter for Downstream Collectors

The filtering() method of the Collectors class encapsulates a predicate and a downstream collector to create an adapter for a filtering operation. (See also the filter() intermediate operation, p. 912.)

The following code uses the filtering() operation at (2) to group pop music CDs according to the number of tracks on them. The groupingBy() operation at (1) creates the groups based on the number of tracks on the CDs, but the filtering() operation only allows pop music CDs to pass downstream to be accumulated.

// Filtering downstream from grouping.
Map<Integer, List<CD>> grpByTracksFilterByPopCD = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CD::noOfTracks,                        // (1)
                 Collectors.filtering(CD::isPop, Collectors.toList())));  // (2)

Printing the contents of the resulting map would show the entries below, not necessarily in this order. Note that the output shows that there was one or more CDs with six tracks, but there were no pop music CDs. Hence the list of CDs associated with key 6 is empty.

 8=[<Jaav, "Java Jive", 8, 2017, POP>],
 10=[<Funkies, "Lambda Dancing", 10, 2018, POP>]}

However, if we run the same query using the filter() intermediate stream operation at (1) prior to grouping, the contents of the result map are different, as shown below.

// Filtering before grouping.
Map<Integer, List<CD>> filterByPopCDGrpByTracks = CD.cdList.stream()
    .filter(CD::isPop)                                                     // (1)
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CD::noOfTracks, Collectors.toList()));

Contents of the result map show that only entries that have a non-empty list as a value are contained in the map. This is not surprising, as any non-pop music CD is discarded before grouping, so only pop music CDs are grouped.

{8=[<Jaav, "Java Jive", 8, 2017, POP>],
 10=[<Funkies, "Lambda Dancing", 10, 2018, POP>]}

There are no surprises with partitioning, regardless of whether filtering is done before or after the partitioning, as partitioning always results in a map with two entries: one for the Boolean.TRUE key and one for the Boolean.FALSE key. The code below partitions CDs released in 2018 according to whether a CD is a pop music CD or not.

// Filtering downstream from partitioning.
Map<Boolean, List<CD>> partbyPopCDsFilterByYear = CD.cdList.stream()     // (1)
                 Collectors.filtering(cd -> cd.year().equals(Year.of(2018)),
                                      Collectors.toList()))); // (2)
// Filtering before partitioning.
Map<Boolean, List<CD>> filterByYearPartbyPopCDs = CD.cdList.stream()     // (2)
    .filter(cd -> cd.year().equals(Year.of(2018)))
    .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(CD::isPop, Collectors.toList()));

Both queries at (1) and (2) above will result in the same entries in the result map:

{false=[<Genericos, "Keep on Erasing", 8, 2018, JAZZ>,
        <Genericos, "Hot Generics", 10, 2018, JAZZ>],
 true=[<Funkies, "Lambda Dancing", 10, 2018, POP>]}

Mapping Adapter for Downstream Collectors

The mapping() method of the Collectors class encapsulates a mapper function and a downstream collector to create an adapter for a mapping operation. (See also the map() intermediate operation, p. 921.)

The mapping() method at (1) creates an adapter that accumulates a set of CD titles in each year for a stream of CDs. The mapper function maps a CD to its title so that the downstream collector can accumulate the titles in a set.

Map<Year, Set<String>> titlesByYearInSet = CD.cdList.stream()
        Collectors.mapping(                           // (1)
            CD::title,                                // Mapper
            Collectors.toSet())));                    // Downstream collector
// {2017=[Java Jive, Java Jam],
//  2018=[Hot Generics, Lambda Dancing, Keep on Erasing]}

The mapping() method at (2) creates an adapter that joins CD titles in each year for a stream of CDs. The mapper function maps a CD to its title so that the downstream collector can join the titles.

Map<Year, String> joinTitlesByYear = CD.cdList.stream()
        Collectors.mapping(                           // (2)
// {2017=Java Jive:Java Jam,
//  2018=Lambda Dancing:Keep on Erasing:Hot Generics}

The mapping() method at (3) creates an adapter that counts the number of CD tracks for each year for a stream of CDs. The mapper function maps a CD to its number of tracks so that the downstream collector can count the total number of tracks.

Map<Year, Long> TotalNumOfTracksByYear = CD.cdList.stream()
       Collectors.mapping(                            // (3)
System.out.println(TotalNumOfTracksByYear);           // {2017=2, 2018=3}

Flat Mapping Adapter for Downstream Collectors

The flatMapping() method of the Collectors class encapsulates a mapper function and a downstream collector to create an adapter for a flat mapping operation. (See also the flatMap() intermediate operation, p. 924.)

Given the lists of CDs below, we wish to find all unique CD titles in the lists. A stream of CD lists is created at (1). Each CD list is used to create a stream of CDs whose elements are flattened into the output stream of CDs at (2). Each CD is then mapped to its title at (3), and unique CD titles are accumulated into a set at (4). (Compare this example with the one in Figure 16.9, p. 925, using the flatMap() stream operation.)

// Given lists of CDs:
List<CD> cdListA = List.of(CD.cd0, CD.cd1);
List<CD> cdListB = List.of(CD.cd0, CD.cd1, CD.cd1);

// Find unique CD titles in the given lists:
Set<String> set =
  Stream.of(cdListA, cdListB)                         // (1) Stream<List<CD>>
        .collect(Collectors.flatMapping(List::stream, // (2) Flatten to Stream<CD>
             Collectors.mapping(CD::title,            // (3) Stream<String>
                 Collectors.toSet())));               // (4) Set<String>

Set of unique CD titles in the CD lists:

[Java Jive, Java Jam]

The collectors returned by the flatMapping() method are designed to be used in multilevel grouping operations (p. 987), such as downstream from groupingBy() or partitionBy() operations. Example 16.13 illustrates such a use with the groupingBy() operation.

In Example 16.13, the class RadioPlaylist at (1) represents a radio station by its name and a list of CDs played by the radio station. Three CD lists are constructed at (2) and used to construct three radio playlists at (3). The radio playlists are stored in a common list of radio playlists at (4). A query is formulated at (5) to find the unique titles of CDs played by each radio station. Referring to the line numbers in Example 16.13:

  • (6) A stream of type Stream<RadioPlaylist> is created from the list radioPlaylists of type RadioPlaylist.

  • (7) The radio playlists are grouped according to the name of the radio station (String).

  • (8) Each radio playlist of type RadioPlaylist is used as the source of a stream, which is then flattened into the output stream of type Stream<CD> by the flatMapping() operation.

  • (9) Each CD in the stream is mapped to its title.

  • (10) Each unique CD title is accumulated into the result set of each radio station (Set<String>).

The query at (5) uses four collectors. The result map has the type Map<String, List<String>>. The output shows the unique titles of CDs played by each radio station.

Example 16.13 Flat mapping
import java.util.List;

// Radio station with a playlist.
public class RadioPlaylist {                                               // (1)
  private String radioStationName;
  private List<CD> Playlist;

  public RadioPlaylist(String radioStationName, List<CD> cdList) {
    this.radioStationName = radioStationName;
    this.Playlist = cdList;

  public String getRadioStationName() { return this.radioStationName; }
  public List<CD> getPlaylist() { return this.Playlist; }
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class CollectorsFlatMapping {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Some lists of CDs:                                                     (2)
    List<CD> cdList1 = List.of(CD.cd0, CD.cd1, CD.cd1, CD.cd2);
    List<CD> cdList2 = List.of(CD.cd0, CD.cd0, CD.cd3);
    List<CD> cdList3 = List.of(CD.cd0, CD.cd4);

    // Some radio playlists:                                                  (3)
    RadioPlaylist pl1 = new RadioPlaylist("Radio JVM", cdList1);
    RadioPlaylist pl2 = new RadioPlaylist("Radio JRE", cdList2);
    RadioPlaylist pl3 = new RadioPlaylist("Radio JAR", cdList3);

    // List of radio playlists:                                               (4)
    List<RadioPlaylist> radioPlaylists = List.of(pl1, pl2, pl3);

    // Map of radio station names and set of CD titles they played:           (5)
    Map<String, Set<String>> map = radioPlaylists.stream()                 // (6)
        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(RadioPlaylist::getRadioStationName, // (7)
             Collectors.flatMapping(rpl -> rpl.getPlaylist().stream(),     // (8)
                 Collectors.mapping(CD::title,                             // (9)
                     Collectors.toSet()))));                               // (10)

Output from the program (edited to fit on the page):

{Radio JAR=[Hot Generics, Java Jive],
 Radio JVM=[Java Jive, Lambda Dancing, Java Jam],
 Radio JRE=[Java Jive, Keep on Erasing]}

Finishing Adapter for Downstream Collectors

The collectingAndThen() method encapsulates a downstream collector and a finisher function to allow the result of the collector to be adapted by the finisher function.

In the call to the collectAndThen() method at (1), the collector Collectors.maxBy() at (2) produces an Optional<Integer> result that is the maximum CD by number of tracks in each group. The finisher function at (3) extracts the value from the Optional<Integer> result, if there is one; otherwise, it returns 0. The collectAndThen() method adapts the Optional<Integer> result of its argument collector to an Integer value by applying the finisher function.

Map<Year, Integer> maxTracksByYear = CD.cdList.stream()
         Collectors.collectingAndThen(                                  // (1)
             Collectors.maxBy(Comparator.comparing(CD::noOfTracks)),    // (2)
             optCD -> optCD.map(CD::noOfTracks).orElse(0)))             // (3)
System.out.println(maxTracksByYear);                      // {2017=8, 2018=10}

In the call to the collectAndThen() method at (4), the collector Collectors.averaging-Double() at (5) produces a result of type Double that is the average number of tracks in each group. The finisher function at (6) maps the Double average value to a string with the specified number format.

Map<Genre, String> avgTracksByGenre = CD.cdList.stream()
         Collectors.collectingAndThen(                                  // (4)
             Collectors.averagingDouble(CD::noOfTracks),                // (5)
             d -> String.format("%.1f", d)))                            // (6)
System.out.println(avgTracksByGenre);                   // {JAZZ=8.0, POP=9.0}

Downstream Collectors for Functional Reduction

The collectors we have seen so far perform a mutable reduction to some mutable container, except for the functional reduction implemented by the joining() method (p. 984). The Collectors class also provides static factory methods that implement collectors which perform functional reduction to compute common statistics, such as summing, averaging, finding maximum and minimum values, and the like.

Like any other collector, the collectors that perform functional reduction can also be used in a standalone capacity as a parameter of the collect() method and as a downstream collector in a composed collector. However, these collectors are most useful when used as downstream collectors.

Collectors performing functional reduction have counterparts in terminal operations for streams that provide equivalent reduction operations (Table 16.8, p. 1008).


The collector created by the Collectors.counting() method performs a functional reduction to count the input elements.

In the stream pipeline at (1), the collector Collectors.counting() is used in a standalone capacity to count the number of jazz music CDs.

Long numOfJazzCds1 = CD.cdList.stream().filter(CD::isJazz)
    .collect(Collectors.counting());                  // (1) Standalone collector
System.out.println(numOfJazzCds1);                    // 3

In the stream pipeline at (2), the collector Collectors.counting() is used as a downstream collector in a grouping operation that groups the CDs by musical genre and uses the downstream collector to count the number of CDs in each group.

Map<Genre, Long> grpByGenre = CD.cdList.stream()
                 Collectors.counting()));             // (2) Downstream collector
System.out.println(grpByGenre);                       // {POP=2, JAZZ=3}
System.out.println(grpByGenre.get(Genre.JAZZ));       // 3

The collector Collectors.counting() performs effectively the same functional reduction as the Stream.count() terminal operation (p. 953) at (3).

long numOfJazzCds2 = CD.cdList.stream().filter(CD::isJazz)
    .count();                                         // (3) Stream.count()
System.out.println(numOfJazzCds2);                    // 3

Finding Min/Max

The collectors created by the Collectors.maxBy() and Collectors.minBy() methods perform a functional reduction to find the maximum and minimum elements in the input elements, respectively. As there might not be any input elements, an Optional<T> is returned as the result.

The natural order comparator for CDs defined at (1) is used in the stream pipelines below to find the maximum CD. The collector Collectors.maxBy() is used as a standalone collector at (2), using the natural order comparator to find the maximum CD. The Optional<CD> result can be queried for the value.

Comparator<CD> natCmp = Comparator.naturalOrder(); // (1)

Optional<CD> maxCD = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.maxBy(natCmp));            // (2) Standalone collector
System.out.println("Max CD: "
    + maxCD.map(CD::title).orElse("No CD."));      // Max CD: Java Jive

In the pipeline below, the CDs are grouped by musical genre, and the CDs in each group are reduced to the maximum CD by the downstream collector Collectors.maxBy() at (3). Again, the downstream collector uses the natural order comparator, and the Optional<CD> result in each group can be queried.

// Group CDs by musical genre, and max CD in each group.
Map<Genre, Optional<CD>> grpByGenre = CD.cdList.stream()
        Collectors.maxBy(natCmp)));       // (3) Downstream collector
//{JAZZ=Optional[<Jaav, "Java Jam", 6, 2017, JAZZ>],
// POP=Optional[<Jaav, "Java Jive", 8, 2017, POP>]}

System.out.println("Title of max Jazz CD: "
    + grpByGenre.get(Genre.JAZZ)
                .orElse("No CD."));       // Title of max Jazz CD: Java Jam

The collectors created by the Collectors.maxBy() and Collectors.minBy() methods are effectively equivalent to the max() and min() terminal operations provided by the stream interfaces (p. 954), respectively. In the pipeline below, the max() terminal operation reduces the stream of CDs to the maximum CD at (4) using the natural order comparator, and the Optional<CD> result can be queried.

Optional<CD> maxCD1 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .max(natCmp);                         // (4) max() on Stream<CD>.
System.out.println("Title of max CD: "
    + maxCD1.map(CD::title)
            .orElse("No CD."));           // Title of max CD: Java Jive


The summing collectors perform a functional reduction to produce the sum of the numeric results from applying a numeric-valued function to the input elements.

The collector returned by the Collectors.summingInt() method is used at (1) as a standalone collector to find the total number of tracks on the CDs. The mapper function CD::noOfTracks passed as an argument extracts the number of tracks from each CD on which the functional reduction is performed.

Integer sumTracks = CD.cdList.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.summingInt(CD::noOfTracks));   // (1) Standalone collector
System.out.println(sumTracks);                         // 42

In the pipeline below, the CDs are grouped by musical genre, and the number of tracks on CDs in each group summed by the downstream collector is returned by the Collectors.summingInt() method at (2).

Map<Genre, Integer> grpByGenre = CD.cdList.stream()
         Collectors.summingInt(CD::noOfTracks)));    // (2) Downstream collector
System.out.println(grpByGenre);                      // {POP=18, JAZZ=24}
System.out.println(grpByGenre.get(Genre.JAZZ));      // 24

The collector Collectors.summingInt() performs effectively the same functional reduction at (3) as the IntStream.sum() terminal operation (p. 973).

int sumTracks2 = CD.cdList.stream()                  // (3) Stream<CD>
    .mapToInt(CD::noOfTracks)                        // IntStream
System.out.println(sumTracks2);                      // 42


The averaging collectors perform a functional reduction to produce the average of the numeric results from applying a numeric-valued function to the input elements.

The collector returned by the Collectors.averagingInt() method is used at (1) as a standalone collector to find the average number of tracks on the CDs. The mapper function CD::noOfTracks passed as an argument extracts the number of tracks from each CD on which the functional reduction is performed.

Double avgNoOfTracks1 = CD.cdList.stream()
        .averagingInt(CD::noOfTracks));             // (1) Standalone collector
System.out.println(avgNoOfTracks1);                 // 8.4

In the pipeline below, the CDs are grouped by musical genre, and the downstream collector Collectors.averagingInt() at (2) calculates the average number of tracks on the CDs in each group.

Map<Genre, Double> grpByGenre = CD.cdList.stream()
       Collectors.averagingInt(CD::noOfTracks)      // (2) Downstream collector
System.out.println(grpByGenre);                     // {POP=9.0, JAZZ=8.0}
System.out.println(grpByGenre.get(Genre.JAZZ));     // 8.0

The collector created by the Collectors.averagingInt() method performs effectively the same functional reduction as the IntStream.average() terminal operation (p. 974) at (3).

OptionalDouble avgNoOfTracks2 = CD.cdList.stream()  // Stream<CD>
    .mapToInt(CD::noOfTracks)                       // IntStream
    .average();                                     // (3)
System.out.println(avgNoOfTracks2.orElse(0.0));     // 8.4


The summarizing collector performs a functional reduction to produce summary statistics (count, sum, min, max, average) on the numeric results of applying a numeric-valued function to the input elements.

The collector Collectors.summarizingInt() is used at (1) as a standalone collector to summarize the statistics for the number of tracks on the CDs. The mapper function CD::noOfTracks passed as an argument extracts the number of tracks from each CD on which the functional reduction is performed.

IntSummaryStatistics stats1 = CD.cdList.stream()
      Collectors.summarizingInt(CD::noOfTracks)      // (1) Standalone collector
// IntSummaryStatistics{count=5, sum=42, min=6, average=8.400000, max=10}

The IntSummaryStatistics class provides get methods to access the individual results (p. 974).

In the pipeline below, the CDs are grouped by musical genre, and the downstream collector created by the Collectors.summarizingInt() method at (2) summarizes the statistics for the number of tracks on the CDs in each group.

Map<Genre, IntSummaryStatistics> grpByGenre = CD.cdList.stream()
     Collectors.summarizingInt(CD::noOfTracks)));    // (2) Downstream collector
//{POP=IntSummaryStatistics{count=2, sum=18, min=8, average=9.000000, max=10},
// JAZZ=IntSummaryStatistics{count=3, sum=24, min=6, average=8.000000, max=10}}

System.out.println(grpByGenre.get(Genre.JAZZ));   // Summary stats for Jazz CDs.
// IntSummaryStatistics{count=3, sum=24, min=6, average=8.000000, max=10}

The collector returned by the Collectors.summarizingInt() method performs effectively the same functional reduction as the IntStream.summaryStatistics() terminal operation (p. 974) at (3).

IntSummaryStatistics stats2 = CD.cdList.stream()
    .summaryStatistics();                         // (3)
// IntSummaryStatistics{count=5, sum=42, min=6, average=8.400000, max=10}


Collectors that perform common statistical operations, such as counting, averaging, and so on, are special cases of functional reduction that can be implemented using the Collectors.reducing() method.

Collectors returned by the Collectors.reducing() methods effectively perform equivalent functional reductions as the reduce() methods of the stream interfaces. However, the three-argument method Collectors.reducing(identity, mapper, bop) performs a map-reduce operation using a mapper function and a binary operator bop, whereas the Stream.reduce(identity, accumulator, combiner) performs a reduction using an accumulator and a combiner (p. 955). The accumulator is a BiFunction<U,T,U> that accumulates a partially accumulated result of type U with an element of type T, whereas the bop is a BinaryOperator<U> that accumulates a partially accumulated result of type U with an element of type U.

The following comparators are used in the examples below:

// Comparator to compare CDs by title.
Comparator<CD> cmpByTitle = Comparator.comparing(CD::title);        // (1)
// Comparator to compare strings by their length.
Comparator<String> byLength = Comparator.comparing(String::length); // (2)

The collector returned by the Collectors.reducing() method is used as a standalone collector at (3) to find the CD with the longest title. The result of the operation is an Optional<String> as there might not be any input elements. This operation is equivalent to using the Stream.reduce() terminal operation at (4).

Optional<String> longestTitle1 = CD.cdList.stream()
        BinaryOperator.maxBy(byLength)));            // (3) Standalone collector
System.out.println(longestTitle1.orElse("No title"));// Keep on Erasing

Optional<String> longestTitle2 = CD.cdList.stream()  // Stream<CD>
    .map(CD::title)                                  // Stream<String>
    .reduce(BinaryOperator.maxBy(byLength));         // (4) Stream.reduce(bop)

The collector returned by the one-argument Collectors.reducing() method is used as a downstream collector at (5) to find the CD with the longest title in each group classified by the year a CD was released. The collector at (5) is equivalent to the collector returned by the Collectors.maxBy(cmpByTitle) method.

Map<Year, Optional<CD>> cdWithMaxTitleByYear = CD.cdList.stream()
         Collectors.reducing(                        // (5) Downstream collector
// {2017=Optional[<Jaav, "Java Jive", 8, 2017, POP>],
//  2018=Optional[<Funkies, "Lambda Dancing", 10, 2018, POP>]}
                       .map(CD::title).orElse("No title")); // Lambda Dancing

The collector returned by the three-argument Collectors.reducing() method is used as a downstream collector at (6) to find the longest title in each group classified by the year a CD was released. Note that the collector maps a CD to its title. The longest title is associated with the map value for each group classified by the year a CD was released. The collector will return an empty string (i.e., the identity value "") if there are no CDs in the stream. In comparison, the collector Collectors.mapping() at (7) also maps a CD to its title, and uses the downstream collector Collectors.maxBy(byLength) at (7) to find the longest title (p. 993). The result in this case is an Optional<String>, as there might not be any input elements.

Map<Year, String> longestTitleByYear = CD.cdList.stream()
         Collectors.reducing("", CD::title,          // (6) Downstream collector
System.out.println(longestTitleByYear);  // {2017=Java Jive, 2018=Keep on Erasing}
System.out.println(longestTitleByYear.get(Year.of(2018)));      // Keep on Erasing

Map<Year, Optional<String>> longestTitleByYear2 = CD.cdList.stream()
         Collectors.mapping(CD::title,               // (7) Downstream collector
// {2017=Optional[Java Jive], 2018=Optional[Keep on Erasing]}
                       .orElse("No title."));        // Keep on Erasing

The pipeline below groups CDs according to the year they were released. For each group, the collector returned by the three-argument Collectors.reducing() method performs a map-reduce operation at (8) to map each CD to its number of tracks and accumulate the tracks in each group. This map-reduce operation is equivalent to the collector returned by the Collectors.summingInt() method at (9).

Map<Year, Integer> noOfTracksByYear = CD.cdList.stream()
         Collectors.reducing(                        // (8) Downstream collector
             0, CD::noOfTracks, Integer::sum)));
System.out.println(noOfTracksByYear);                   // {2017=14, 2018=28}
System.out.println(noOfTracksByYear.get(Year.of(2018)));// 28

Map<Year, Integer> noOfTracksByYear2 = CD.cdList.stream()
         Collectors.summingInt(CD::noOfTracks)));    // (9) Special case collector

Summary of Static Factory Methods in the Collectors Class

The static factory methods of the Collectors class that create collectors are summarized in Table 16.7. All methods are static generic methods, except for the overloaded joining() methods that are not generic. The keyword static is omitted, as are the type parameters of a generic method, since these type parameters are evident from the declaration of the formal parameters to the method. The type parameter declarations have also been simplified, where any bound <? super T> or <? extends T> has been replaced by <T>, without impacting the intent of a method. A reference is also provided for each method in the first column.

The last column in Table 16.7 indicates the function type of the corresponding parameter in the previous column. It is instructive to note how the functional interface parameters provide the parameterized behavior to build the collector returned by a method. For example, the method averagingDouble() returns a collector that computes the average of the stream elements. The parameter function mapper with the functional interface type ToDoubleFunction<T> converts an element of type T to a double when the collector computes the average for the stream elements.

Table 16.7 Static Methods in the Collectors Class

Method name (ref.)

Return type

Functional interface parameters

Function type of parameters

(p. 1000)


(ToDoubleFunction<T> mapper)

T -> double

(p. 1000)


(ToIntFunction<T> mapper)

T -> int

(p. 1000)


(ToLongFunction<T> mapper)

T -> long

(p. 997)


(Collector<T,A,R> downstream,

Function<R,RR> finisher)

(T,A) -> R,

R -> RR

(p. 998)




(p. 992)


(Predicate<T> predicate,

Collector<T,A,R> downstream)

T -> boolean,

(T,A) -> R

(p. 994)


(Function<T, Stream<U>> mapper,

Collector<U,A,R> downstream)


(U,A) -> R

(p. 985)

Collector<T,?, Map<K,List<T>>>

(Function<T,K> classifier)

T -> K

(p. 985)

Collector<T,?, Map<K,D>>

(Function<T,K> classifier,

Collector<T,A,D> downstream)

T -> K,
(T,A) -> D

(p. 985)


(Function<T,K> classifier,

Supplier<Map<K,D>> mapSupplier,

Collector<T,A,D> downstream)

T -> K,



(p. 984)




(p. 984)


(CharSequence delimiter)


(p. 984)


(CharSequence delimiter,

CharSequence prefix, CharSequence suffix)


(p. 993)


(Function<T,U> mapper,

Collector<U,A,R> downstream)

T -> U,
(U,A) -> R

(p. 999)


(Comparator<T> comparator)

(T,T) -> T

(p. 999)


(Comparator<T> comparator)

(T,T) -> T

(p. 989)


(Predicate<T> predicate)

T -> boolean

(p. 989)


(Predicate<T> predicate,

Collector<T,A,D> downstream)

T -> boolean,
(T,A) -> D

(p. 1002)


(BinaryOperator<T> op)

(T,T) -> T

(p. 1002)


(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> op)

T -> T,
(T,T) -> T

(p. 1002)


(U identity, Function<T,U> mapper,

BinaryOperator<U> op)

U -> U,
T -> U,

(U,U) -> U

(p. 1001)


(ToDoubleFunction<T> mapper)

T -> double

(p. 1001)


(ToIntFunction<T> mapper)

T -> int

(p. 1001)


(ToLongFunction<T> mapper)

T -> long

(p. 978)


(ToDoubleFunction<T> mapper)

T -> double

(p. 978)


(ToIntFunction<T> mapper)

T -> int

(p. 978)


(ToLongFunction<T> mapper)

T -> long

(p. 979)


(Supplier<C> collFactory)

() -> C

(p. 980)




(p. 981)


(Function<T,K> keyMapper,

Function<T,U> valueMapper)

T -> K,
T -> U

(p. 981)


(Function<T,K> keyMapper,

Function<T,U> valueMapper,
BinaryOperator<U> mergeFunction)

T -> K,
T -> U,
(U,U) -> U

(p. 981)


(Function<T,K> keyMapper,

Function<T,U> valueMapper,

BinaryOperator<U> mergeFunction,

Supplier<Map<K,U>> mapSupplier)

T -> K,
T -> U,
(U,U) -> U,
()-> Map<K,U>

(p. 980)




Table 16.8 shows a comparison of methods in the stream interfaces that perform reduction operations and static factory methods in the Collectors class that implement collectors with equivalent functionality.

Table 16.8 Method Comparison: The Stream Interfaces and the Collectors Class

Method names in the stream interfaces

Static factory method names in the Collectors class

collect (p. 964)

collectingAndThen (p. 997)

count (p. 953)

counting (p. 998)

filter (p. 912)

filtering (p. 992)

flatMap (p. 924)

flatMapping (p. 994)

map (p. 921)

mapping (p. 993)

max (p. 954)

maxBy (p. 999)

min (p. 954)

minBy (p. 999)

reduce (p. 955)

reducing (p. 1002)

toList (p. 972)

toList (p. 980)

average (p. 972)

averagingInt, averagingLong, averagingDouble (p. 1001)

sum (p. 972)

summingInt, summingLong, summingDouble (p. 978)

summaryStatistics (p. 972)

summarizingInt, summarizingLong, summarizingDouble (p. 1001)

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Users can always make an informed choice as to whether they should proceed with certain services offered by InformIT. If you choose to remove yourself from our mailing list(s) simply visit the following page and uncheck any communication you no longer want to receive: www.informit.com/u.aspx.

Sale of Personal Information

Pearson does not rent or sell personal information in exchange for any payment of money.

While Pearson does not sell personal information, as defined in Nevada law, Nevada residents may email a request for no sale of their personal information to NevadaDesignatedRequest@pearson.com.

Supplemental Privacy Statement for California Residents

California residents should read our Supplemental privacy statement for California residents in conjunction with this Privacy Notice. The Supplemental privacy statement for California residents explains Pearson's commitment to comply with California law and applies to personal information of California residents collected in connection with this site and the Services.

Sharing and Disclosure

Pearson may disclose personal information, as follows:

  • As required by law.
  • With the consent of the individual (or their parent, if the individual is a minor)
  • In response to a subpoena, court order or legal process, to the extent permitted or required by law
  • To protect the security and safety of individuals, data, assets and systems, consistent with applicable law
  • In connection the sale, joint venture or other transfer of some or all of its company or assets, subject to the provisions of this Privacy Notice
  • To investigate or address actual or suspected fraud or other illegal activities
  • To exercise its legal rights, including enforcement of the Terms of Use for this site or another contract
  • To affiliated Pearson companies and other companies and organizations who perform work for Pearson and are obligated to protect the privacy of personal information consistent with this Privacy Notice
  • To a school, organization, company or government agency, where Pearson collects or processes the personal information in a school setting or on behalf of such organization, company or government agency.


This web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects Personal Information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site.

Requests and Contact

Please contact us about this Privacy Notice or if you have any requests or questions relating to the privacy of your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may revise this Privacy Notice through an updated posting. We will identify the effective date of the revision in the posting. Often, updates are made to provide greater clarity or to comply with changes in regulatory requirements. If the updates involve material changes to the collection, protection, use or disclosure of Personal Information, Pearson will provide notice of the change through a conspicuous notice on this site or other appropriate way. Continued use of the site after the effective date of a posted revision evidences acceptance. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about the Privacy Notice or any objection to any revisions.

Last Update: November 17, 2020