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P.2 A Short Overview of Architecture Documentation

P.2.1 Why Document Software Architecture?

Even the best architecture, most perfectly suited for the job, will be essentially useless if the people who need to use it do not know what it is, cannot understand it well enough to apply it, or (worst of all) misunderstand it and apply it incorrectly. All of the effort, analysis, hard work, and insightful design on the part of the architecture team will have been wasted. They might as well have gone on vacation for all the good their architecture will do.

Creating an architecture isn’t enough. It has to be communicated in a way to let its stakeholders use it properly to do their jobs. If you go to the trouble of creating a strong architecture, you must go to the trouble of describing it in enough detail, without ambiguity, and organized so that others can quickly find needed information.

Documentation speaks for the architect. It speaks for the architect today, when the architect should be doing other things besides answering a hundred questions about the architecture. And it speaks for the architect tomorrow, when he or she has left the project and now someone else is in charge of its evolution and maintenance.

Documentation is often treated as an afterthought, something people do because they have to. Maybe a contract requires it. Maybe a customer demands it. Maybe a company’s standard process calls for it. In fact, these may be legitimate reasons. But none of them are compelling enough to produce high-quality documentation. Why should the architect spend valuable time and energy just so a manager can check off a deliverable?

The best architects produce the best documentation not because it’s “required,” but because they see that it is essential to the matter at hand: producing a high-quality product, predictably and with as little rework as possible. They see their immediate stakeholders as the people most intimately involved in this undertaking: developers, deployers, testers, and analysts.

But the best architects also see documentation as delivering value to themselves. Documentation serves as the receptacle to hold the results of design decisions as they are made. A well-thought-out documentation scheme can make the process of design go much more smoothly and systematically. Documentation helps the architect while the architecting is in progress, whether in a six-month design phase or a six-day Agile sprint.

P.2.2 Uses and Audiences for Architecture Documentation

Architecture documentation must serve varied purposes. It should be sufficiently abstract to be quickly understood by new employees. It should be sufficiently concrete to serve as a blueprint for construction. It should have enough information to serve as a basis for analysis.

Architecture documentation is both prescriptive and descriptive. For some audiences, it prescribes what should be true, placing constraints on decisions yet to be made. For other audiences, it describes what is true, recounting decisions already made about a system’s design.

The best architecture documentation for, say, performance analysis may well be different from the best architecture documentation we would wish to hand to an implementer. And both of these will be different from what we put in a new hire’s “welcome aboard” package or a briefing we put together for an executive. The process of documentation planning and review needs to ensure support for all the relevant needs.

We can see that many different kinds of people are going to have a vested interest in an architecture document. They hope and expect that the architecture document will help them do their respective jobs. Understanding their uses of architecture documentation is essential, as those uses determine the important forms.

Fundamentally, architecture documentation has three uses.

  1. Architecture serves as a means of education. The educational use consists of introducing people to the system. The people may be new members of the team, external analysts, or even a new architect. In many cases, the “new” person is the customer to whom you’re showing your solution for the first time, a presentation you hope will result in funding or go-ahead approval.

  2. Architecture serves as a primary vehicle for communication among stakeholders. An architecture’s precise use as a communication vehicle depends on which stakeholders are doing the communicating. Some examples are described in Table P.1.

    Table P.1 Some of the stakeholders of architecture documentation, their roles, and how they might use it



    Use for Architecture Documentation


    Responsible for analyzing the architecture to make sure it meets certain critical quality attribute requirements. Analysts are often specialized; for instance, performance analysts, safety analysts, and security analysts may have well-defined positions in a project.

    Analyzing satisfaction of quality attribute requirements of the system based on its architecture.


    Responsible for the development of the architecture and its documentation. Focus and responsibility is on the system.

    Negotiating and making trade-offs among competing requirements and design approaches. A vessel for recording design decisions. Providing evidence that the architecture satisfies its requirements.

    Business manager

    Responsible for the functioning of the business/organizational entity that owns the system. Includes managerial/executive responsibility, responsibility for defining business processes, and more.

    Understanding the ability of the architecture to meet business goals.

    Conformance checker

    Responsible for assuring conformance to standards and processes to provide confidence in a product’s suitability.

    Basis for conformance checking, for assurance that implementations have been faithful to the architectural prescriptions.


    Pays for the system and ensures its delivery. The customer often speaks for or represents the end user, especially in a government acquisition context.

    Assuring required functionality and quality will be delivered, gauging progress, estimating cost, and setting expectations for what will be delivered, when, and for how much.

    Database administrator

    Involved in many aspects of the data stores, including database design, data analysis, data modeling and optimization, installation of database software, and monitoring and administration of database security.

    Understanding how data is created, used, and updated by other architectural elements, and what properties the data and database must have for the overall system to meet its quality goals.


    Responsible for accepting the completed system from the development effort and deploying it, making it operational, and fulfilling its allocated business function.

    Understanding the architectural elements that are delivered and to be installed at the customer’s or end user’s site, and their overall responsibility toward system function.


    Responsible for systems and/or software design downstream of the architecture, applying the architecture to meet specific requirements of the parts for which they are responsible.

    Resolving resource contention and establishing performance and other kinds of runtime resource consumption budgets. Understanding how their part will communicate and interact with other parts of the system.


    Responsible for conducting a formal evaluation of the architecture (and its documentation) against some clearly defined criteria.

    Evaluating the architecture’s ability to deliver required behavior and quality attributes.


    Responsible for the development of specific elements according to designs, requirements, and the architecture.

    Understanding inviolable constraints and exploitable freedoms on development activities.


    Responsible for taking individual components and integrating them, according to the architecture and system designs.

    Producing integration plans and procedures, and locating the source of integration failures.


    Responsible for fixing bugs and providing enhancements to the system throughout its life (including adaptation of the system for uses not originally envisioned).

    Understanding the ramifications of a change.

    Network administrator

    Responsible for the maintenance and oversight of computer hardware and software in a computer network. This may include the deployment, configuration, maintenance, and monitoring of network components.

    Determining network loads during various use profiles and understanding uses of the network.

    Product line manager

    Responsible for development of an entire family of products, all built using the same core assets (including the architecture).

    Determining whether a potential new member of a product family is in or out of scope and, if out, by how much.

    Project manager

    Responsible for planning, sequencing, scheduling, and allocating resources to develop software components and deliver components to integration and test activities.

    Helping to set budget and schedule, gauging progress against established budget and schedule, and identifying and resolving development-time resource contention.

    Representative of external systems

    Responsible for managing a system with which this one must interoperate, and its interface with our system.

    Defining the set of agreement between the systems.

    System engineer

    Responsible for design and development of systems or system components in which software plays a role.

    Assuring that the system environment provided for the software is sufficient.


    Responsible for the (independent) test and verification of the system or its elements against the formal requirements and the architecture.

    Creating tests based on the behavior and interaction of the software elements.


    The actual end users of the system. There may be distinct kinds of users, such as administrators, superusers, and so on.

    Users, in the role of reviewers, might rely on architecture documentation to check whether desired functionality is being delivered. Users might also refer to the documentation to understand what the major system elements are, which can aid them in emergency field maintenance.

    Perhaps one of the most avid consumers of architecture documentation is none other than the architect in the project’s future. The future architect may be the same person as the present one, or he or she may be a replacement, but in either case he or she is guaranteed to have an enormous stake in the documentation. New architects are interested in learning how their predecessors tackled the difficult issues of the system and why particular decisions were made. Even if the future architect is the same person, he or she will use the documentation as a repository of thought, a storehouse of design decisions too numerous and hopelessly intertwined ever to be reproducible from memory alone.

    Even in the short term, documenting an architecture helps in the process of designing the architecture. First, the documentation provides dedicated compartments for recording various kinds of design decisions as soon as they are made. Second, the documentation gives you a rough but helpful way to gauge progress and the work remaining: As “TBD”s disappear from the document, completion draws near. Finally, documentation provides a framework for systematic attack on designing the architecture. Key design decisions, usually made early, should be written down so that the shadow they cast on subsequent design decisions is explicit and remembered.

  3. Architecture serves as the basis for system analysis and construction.
    • Architecture tells implementers what to implement.
    • For those interested in the ability of the design to meet the system’s quality objectives, the architecture documentation serves as the fodder for evaluation. The architecture documentation must contain the information necessary to evaluate a variety of attributes, such as security, performance, usability, availability, and modifiability. Analyses of each one of these attributes have their own information needs.
    • For system builders who use automatic code-generation tools, the documentation may incorporate the models used for generation.

P.2.3 Architecture Documentation and Quality Attributes

If architecture is largely about the achievement of quality attributes, and if one of the main uses of architecture documentation is to serve as a basis for analysis (to make sure the architecture will achieve its required quality attributes), where do quality attributes show up in the documentation? There are five major ways:

  1. Any major design approach (such as an architecture pattern or style) chosen by the architect will have quality attribute properties associated with it. Client-server is good for scalability, layering is good for portability, an information-hiding-based decomposition is good for modifiability, services are good for interoperability, and so forth. Explaining the choice of approach is likely to include a discussion about the satisfaction of quality attribute requirements and trade-offs incurred. Look for the place in the documentation where such an explanation occurs. In our approach, we call that rationale.
  2. Individual architectural elements that provide a service often have quality attribute bounds assigned to them. Consumers of the services need to know how fast, secure, or reliable those services are. These quality attribute bounds are defined in the interface documentation for the elements, sometimes in the form of a Quality of Service contract. Or they may simply be recorded as properties that the elements exhibit.
  3. Quality attributes often impart a “language” of things that you would look for. Security involves things like security levels, authenticated users, audit trails, firewalls, and the like. Performance brings to mind buffer capacities, deadlines, periods, event rates and distributions, clocks and timers, and so on. Availability conjures up mean time between failure, failover mechanisms, primary and secondary functionality, critical and noncritical processes, and redundant elements. Someone fluent in the “language” of a quality attribute can search for the kinds of architectural elements (and properties of those elements) that were put in place precisely to satisfy that quality attribute requirement.
  4. Architecture documentation often contains a mapping to requirements that shows how requirements (including quality attribute requirements) are satisfied. If your requirements document establishes a requirement for availability, for instance, then you should be able to look up that requirement by name or reference in your architecture document to see the place(s) where that requirement is satisfied.
  5. Every quality attribute requirement will have a constituency of stakeholders who want to know that that quality attribute requirement is going to be satisfied. For these stakeholders, the architect should provide a special place in the documentation’s introduction that either provides what the stakeholder is looking for or tells the stakeholder where in the document to find it. It would say something like “If you are a performance analyst, you should pay attention to the processes and threads and their properties (defined [here]), and their deployment on the underlying hardware platform (defined [here]).” In our documentation approach, we put this here’s-what-you’re-looking-for information in a section called the documentation roadmap.

P.2.4 Economics of Architecture Documentation

We’d all like to make our stakeholders happy, of course. Giddy, in fact. So why is producing high-quality architecture documentation often relegated to the “I’ll do it if I have time” category of an architect’s many tasks? Why do project managers often fail to insist that architecture documentation accompany the other archival artifacts produced during development? The answer, of course, is that an architecture document, let alone one that induces giddiness, costs time and money.

Project managers are, by and large, rational people. (No, seriously, they are.) They are willing to invest resources in activities that yield demonstrable benefit, and not so much otherwise. As architects, we should be able to make a business case for producing and maintaining architecture documentation. And here it is: Activities that the project manager is going to have to fund will be less costly in the presence of high-quality, up-to-date documentation than they would otherwise.

A formula to show the savings looks like this:


where “Cost of A without AD” and “Cost of A with AD” are the cost of performing activity A without and with (respectively) an architecture document. “Cost of AD” is the cost of producing and maintaining the architecture documentation. In other words, the payback from good architecture documentation should exceed the effort to create it. Payback is measured in terms of effort saved.

This formula gives us a way to think about documentation, its effort, and its payoff. When deciding whether you should produce a particular piece of documentation, ask yourself how much effort it will take to do so, and what activities will be cheaper as a result. By choosing even a small number of key activities that will benefit from the presence of documentation, you should be able to make a convincing back-of-the-envelope argument that the effort invested will more than pay for itself.

And if you can’t—that is, if the effort doesn’t pay for itself—then you shouldn’t expend it. Put your resources elsewhere.

The formula is nicely general; it does not require that you actually enumerate all the activities involved. The ones that are not affected by the presence or absence of architecture documentation at all simply wash out of the formula. But other activities such as coding, re-engineering, launching a change effort, and so on should have significant cost savings.

P.2.5 The Views and Beyond “Method”

We call our approach to documentation Views and Beyond. This is to emphasize that we use the concept of a view—explained in the next section—as the fundamental organizing principle for architecture documentation, but also because we go beyond views to include additional information that belongs in an architecture document.

Views and Beyond is not actually a method. It does not have a sequence of steps, with entry and exit criteria for each. Rather, it is more a collection of techniques that carry out an underlying philosophy. The philosophy is that an architecture document should be helpful to the people who depend on it to do their work (far from least of which is the architect). The techniques can be bundled into a few categories:

  1. Finding out what stakeholders need. If you don’t do this, you’re going to end up with documentation that may serve no one.
  2. Providing the information to satisfy those needs by recording design decisions according to a variety of views, plus the beyond-view information.
  3. Checking the resulting documentation to see if it satisfied the needs.
  4. Packaging the information in a useful form to its stakeholders.

While items 3 and 4 denote document-centric activities, items 1 and 2 denote activities that should be carried out in conjunction with performing the architecture design. That is, we don’t want Views and Beyond to be an architecture documentation method; rather, we want it to help the architect identify and record the necessary design decisions as they are made. Documentation should be the helpful result of making an architecture decision, not a separate step in the architecture process. The more that documentation is treated like a followon to design, with its own separate method, the less likely it is to be done at all.

P.2.6 Views and Beyond in an Agile Environment

It is an unfortunate myth that Agile development and documentation (particularly architecture documentation) are at odds with each other. They aren’t, and there are many examples of Agile leaders saying exactly that. Nevertheless, it is possible to interpret the advice in this book as prescribing a heavyweight and cumbersome approach to documentation. You can imagine an architect lagging hopelessly behind the project, which has gone on to deliver the product while he or she is still struggling to complete a Views-and-Beyond-style documentation package from six iterations ago. Neither the architect (nor this book) would likely be invited back to the next project.

Here is some advice that applies to all projects but especially to Agile projects: The Views and Beyond approach provides guidance for documenting many kinds of architecture information: structures, elements, relations, behavior, interfaces, rationale, traces to requirements, style guides, system context, and a whole lot more. But nowhere is it written that you have to do all of that. Decide what is useful (you can use the formula in Section P.2.4 to help you decide). Then, for example, if you decide that documenting the rationale behind a certain design decision is going to pay off in the future, then you can use the available guidance to help you do it. If you decide that documenting certain views is useful, then you can use the available guidance to help you do it. And so forth.

Choose what’s useful and cost-effective to document. Document that. Period.

P.2.7 Architectures That Change Faster Than You Can Document Them

When your Web browser encounters a file type it’s never seen before, odds are that it will go to the Internet, download the appropriate plug-in to handle the file, install it, and reconfigure itself to use it. Without even needing to shut down, let alone go through the code-integrate-test development cycle, the browser is able to change its own architecture by adding a new component.

Service-oriented systems that utilize dynamic service discovery and binding also exhibit these properties. More challenging systems that are highly dynamic, self-organizing, and reflective (meaning self-aware) are on the horizon. In these cases, the identities of the components interacting with each other cannot be pinned down, let alone their interactions, in any static architecture document.

Another kind of architectural dynamism, equally challenging from a documentation perspective, is found in systems that are rebuilt and redeployed with great rapidity. Some development shops, such as those responsible for commercial Web sites, build and “go live” with their system many dozens of times every single day.

Whether an architecture changes at runtime, or as a result of a high-frequency release-and-deploy cycle, both share something in common with respect to documentation: They change much faster than the documentation cycle. In either case, nobody is going to hold up things until a new architecture document is produced, reviewed, and released.

But knowing the architecture of these systems is every bit as important, and arguably more so, than for systems in the world of more traditional life cycles. Here’s what you can do if you’re an architect in a highly dynamic environment:

  1. Document what is true about all versions of your system. Your Web browser doesn’t go out and grab just any piece of software when it needs a new plug-in; a plug-in must have specific properties and a specific interface. And it doesn’t just plug in anywhere, but in a predetermined location in the architecture. Record those invariants as you would for any architecture. This may make your documented architecture more a description of constraints or guidelines that any compliant version of the system must follow. That’s fine.

  2. Document the ways the architecture is allowed to change. In the previous examples, this will usually mean adding new components and/or replacing components with new implementations. In the Views and Beyond approach, the place to do this is called the variability guide.

  3. Make your system capture its own architecture-of-the-moment automatically. When your Web browser or SOA system crashes, your recovery team is going to want to know exactly what configuration was running when the problem occurred. This ability can run the spectrum from primitive (write changes in a log file) to sophisticated (drive a realtime display of the components and their interactions, much like what is found in network service centers).

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