PrintNumber ErrorLocation Error Correction DateAdded
1 pii remove
Programming in Objective-C
Stephen G. Kochan
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-56615-7
fixed 1/29/2009
1 piv First Printing December 2008 Second Printing, January 2009 1/29/2009
1 piv Sams Publishing cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Pearson cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. 1/29/2009
1 pxvi About the Technical Reviewers About the Technical Reviewer 1/29/2009
1 pxvii Mark Taub
Associate Publisher
Sams Publishing
Mark Taber
Associate Publisher
Pearson Education
1 pxvii Visit our website and register this book at for convenient access to any updates, downloads, or errata that might be available for this book. Visit our website and register this book at for convenient access to any updates, downloads, or errata that might be available for this book. 1/29/2009
1 p1 This software is in the public domain, which means that anyone who wants to learn how to program in Objective-C can do so by downloading its tools at no charge. The copyrights for all Free Software Foundation (FSF) products are owned by the FSF. It is released under the GNU General Public License. 1/29/2009
1 p9 #import Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 1/29/2009
1 p14 // First program example

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
// First program example
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
1 p18 // First program example

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
// First program example
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
1 p50 See Table B.2 in Appendix B, “Objective-C Language Summary,” for more information about data type sizes. See Table B.3 in Appendix B, “Objective-C Language Summary,” for more information about data type sizes. 1/29/2009
1 p51 The value 1.7e4 is a floating-point value expressed in this notation that represents the value 1.7 x 10-4. The value 1.7e4 is a floating-point value expressed in this notation that represents the value 1.7 x 104. 1/29/2009
1 p163 NSLog ( w = %i, h = %i", NSLog (@"Rectangle: w = %i, h = %i", 1/29/2009
1 p180 -(id) dealloc
if (origin)
[origin release];

return [super dealloc];
-(void) dealloc
if (origin)
[origin release];
[super dealloc];
1 p180 The dealloc method is defined to return a value of type id. You know this by looking inside the header file <NSObject.h> where it is declared. The dealloc method is defined to not return a value. 1/29/2009
1 p180 -(id) dealloc
[origin release];
return [super dealloc];
-(void) dealloc
[origin release];
[super dealloc];
1 p203 Add Note after Exercise 4.

You'll have to change the name of the methods to something other than add:. That’s because the system’s NSObjectController class also has an add: method. As noted on the top of page 195, if multiple methods of the same name exist in different classes and the type of the receiver isn’t known at compile time, the compiler will perform a consistency check to make sure the arguments and return types are consistent among the similarly named methods.
fixed 1/29/2009
1 p204 Delete Exercise 6.

fixed 1/29/2009
1 p219 typedef enum _NSComparisonResult {
NSOrderedAscending = -1, NSOrderedSame, NSOrderedDescending
} NSComparisonResult
enum _NSComparisonResult {
NSOrderedAscending = -1, NSOrderedSame, NSOrderedDescending
typedef NSInteger NSComparisonResult;
1 p237 @interface Square: Object
Rectangle *rect;
-(Square*) initWithSide: (int) s;
-(void) setSide: (int) s;
-(int) side;
-(int) area;
-(int) perimeter;
-(id) dealloc; // Override to release the Rectangle object’s memory
@interface Square: NSObject
Rectangle *rect;
-(Square*) initWithSide: (int) s;
-(void) setSide: (int) s;
-(int) side;
-(int) area;
-(int) perimeter;
-(void) dealloc; // Override to release the Rectangle object’s memory
1 p360 -(BOOL) isEqual (AddressCard *) theCard -(BOOL) isEqual: (AddressCard *) theCard 1/29/2009
1 p480 Program 21.2 code missing last line, “@end”. fixed 1/29/2009
1 p480 Program 21.2 Fraction_CalculatorViewController.m Interface File Program 21.2 Fraction_CalculatorViewController.h Interface File 1/29/2009
1 p481 #import “Fraction_CalculatorAppDelegate.h”
@implementation Fraction_CalculatorAppDelegate

@synthesize window, displayString, display;

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
#import "Fraction_CalculatorViewController.h"
@implementation Fraction_CalculatorViewController
@synthesize display, displayString;
-(void) viewDidLoad {
1 p482 delete line:
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
fixed 1/29/2009
1 p484 delete line:
[window release];
fixed 1/29/2009
1 p514 Integer value; that is, a value that contains no decimal point; guaranteed to contain at least 16 bits of accuracy Integer value; that is, a value that contains no decimal point; guaranteed to contain at least 32 bits of accuracy 1/30/2009
1 p514 Positive integer value; can store positive values up to twice as large as an int; guaranteed to contain at least 16 bits of accuracy Positive integer value; can store positive values up to twice as large as an int; guaranteed to contain at least 32 bits of accuracy 1/30/2009
1 p28 For example, washing you car applies to an instance (in fact, all the methods listed in Table 3.1 can be considered instance methods). For example, washing your car applies to an instance (in fact, all the methods listed in Table 3.1 can be considered instance methods). 1/30/2009
NSLog (@” n Sum from 1 to n”);
NSLog (@”-- --------””);
NSLog (@” n Sum from 1 to n”);
NSLog (@”-- --------”);
1 p130 -50.000000 = -50.000000 1/30/2009
1 p156 1. Add the following methods to the Fraction class to round out the arithmetic operations on fractions. Reduce the result within the method in each case:
// Subtract argument from receiver
–(Fraction *) subtract (Fraction *) f;
// Multiply receiver by argument
–(Fraction *) multiply (Fraction *) f;
// Divide receiver by argument
–(Fraction *) divide (Fraction *) f;
1. Add the following methods to the Fraction class to round out the arithmetic operations on fractions. Reduce the result within the method in each case:
// Subtract argument from receiver
–(Fraction *) subtract: (Fraction *) f;
// Multiply receiver by argument
–(Fraction *) multiply: (Fraction *) f;
// Divide receiver by argument
–(Fraction *) divide: (Fraction *) f;
1 p156 3. Modify Program 7.7 to also display the resulting sum as a fraction, not just as a real number. 3. Modify Program 7.6 to also display the resulting sum as a fraction, not just as a real number. 1/30/2009
1 p156 6. Exercise 7 in Chapter 4, “Data Types and Expressions,” defined a new class called Complex for working with complex imaginary numbers. Add a new method called add: that can be used to add two complex numbers. To add two complex numbers, you simply add the real parts and the imaginary parts, as shown here:
(5.3 + 7i) + (2.7 + 4i) = 8 + 11i
Have the add: method store and return the result as a new Complex number, based on the following method declaration:
-(Complex *) add: (Complex * complexNum);
Make sure you address any potential memory leakage issues in your test program.
6. Exercise 6 in Chapter 4, “Data Types and Expressions,” defined a new class called Complex for working with complex imaginary numbers. Add a new method called add: that can be used to add two complex numbers. To add two complex numbers, you simply add the real parts and the imaginary parts, as shown here:
(5.3 + 7i) + (2.7 + 4i) = 8 + 11i
Have the add: method store and return the result as a new Complex number, based on the following method declaration:
-(Complex *) add: (Complex *) complexNum;
Make sure you address any potential memory leakage issues in your test program.
1 p156 7. Given the Complex class developed in exercise 7 of Chapter 4 and the extension made in exercise 6 of this chapter, create separate Complex.h and Complex.m interface and implementation files. 7. Given the Complex class developed in exercise 6 of Chapter 4 and the extension made in exercise 6 of this chapter, create separate Complex.h and Complex.m interface and implementation files. 1/30/2009
1 p161 then ClassC would inherit all of ClassB’s methods and instance variables, which in turn inherited all of ClassA’s methods and instance variables, which in turn inherited all of Object’s methods and instance variables.
Be sure you understand that each instance of a class gets it own instance variables, even if they’re inherited.
then ClassC would inherit all of ClassB’s methods and instance variables, which in turn inherited all of ClassA’s methods and instance variables, which in turn inherited all of NSObject’s methods and instance variables.
Be sure you understand that each instance of a class gets its own instance variables, even if they’re inherited.
1 p163 NSLog ( w = %i, h = %i”, NSLog ( @”rectangle: w = %i, h = %i”, 1/30/2009
1 p163 The first printf call verifies this. The first line of output verifies this. 1/30/2009
1 p167 To illustrate an important point, we’re won’t synthesize the accessor methods for the origin now. To illustrate an important point, we won’t synthesize the accessor methods for the origin now. 1/30/2009
1 p168 Program 8.4 XPoint.h Interface File
Program 8.4 XYPoint.h Interface File
1 p170 –(void) setOrigin: (Point *) pt –(void) setOrigin: (XYPoint *) pt 1/30/2009
1 p171 The three printf calls then retrieve and print the values. The three NSLog calls then retrieve and print the values. 1/30/2009
1 p177 Figure 8.9 error: Class Object should be NSObject fixed 1/30/2009
1 p184 Identify the hierarchical relationship between the Object class, ClassA, ClassB, and ClassB2. Identify the hierarchical relationship between the NSObject class, ClassA, ClassB, and ClassB2. 1/30/2009
1 p192 The Fraction f1 is set to 2/5, and the Complex number c2 is set to (10 + 2.5i). The Fraction f1 is set to 2/5, and the Complex number c1 is set to (10 + 2.5i). 1/30/2009
1 p290 Fraction *fractsPtr Fraction **fractsPtr 1/30/2009
1 p290 [fractsPtr print] [*fractsPtr print] 1/30/2009
1 p292 result = [fractsPtr add: fractsPtr + 1] result = [*fractsPtr add: *(fractsPtr + 1)]; 1/30/2009
1 p74 5. (3.31 x 10-8 x + 2.01 x 10-7) / (7.16 x 10-6 + 2.01 x 10-8) (3.31 x 10-8 + 2.01 x 10-7) / (7.16 x 10-6 + 2.01 x 10-8) 2/4/2009
1 p139 delete:
-(void) setTo: (int) n over: (int) d;
fixed 2/4/2009
1 p139 7. delete:
NSString *format = “x = %i”;
fixed 2/4/2009
1 p334 // Create immutable string from nonmutable // Create mutable string from nonmutable 2/4/2009
1 p337 The remaining lines in the program example show how to perform a search and replace. First, you locate the string @”This is” inside the string mstr, which contains The remaining lines in the program example show how to perform search and replace operations. In the first case, you locate the string @”This is” inside the string mstr, which has been set to @”This is a mutable string”. This string is found inside the search string and gets replaced by the string @”An example of”. The net result is that mstr gets changed to the string @”An example of a mutable string”. 2/4/2009
1 p337 The search string is set to @”a” and the replacement string is set to The search string is set to @”a” and the replacement string is set to @”X”. 2/4/2009
1 p342 You can use the class method arrayWithObjects: can be to create an array with a list of objects as its elements. You can use the class method arrayWithObjects: to create an array with a list of objects as its elements. 2/4/2009
1 p342 Each retrieved element is converted to a C string and then displayed with printf. Each retrieved element is displayed with NSLog. 2/4/2009
1 p5 I am extremely grateful to Michael de Haan and Wendy Mui for doing an
incredible, unsolicited job proofreading this second edition. Their
meticulous attention to detail has resulted in a list of both typographical
and substantive errors that have been addressed in the second printing.
Publishers take note: these two pairs of eyes are priceless!
added text. 2/13/2009
1 p51 For example, 0x0.3p10 represents the value 3/16 X 210 = 0.5. For example, 0x0.3p10 represents the value 3/16 X 210 = 192. 2/13/2009
1 p105 “The number is even” displays. “The number is even.” displays. 2/13/2009
1 p212 The static declaration of counter makes it accessible to any method defined in the implementation section, yet it does not make it accessible from outside the file. The static declaration of gCounter makes it accessible to any method defined in the implementation section, yet it does not make it accessible from outside the file. 2/13/2009
1 p213 When the program begins execution, the value of counter is automatically set to 0 (recall that you can override the inherited class initialize method if you want to perform any special initialization of the class as a whole, such as set the value of other static variables to some nonzero values). When the program begins execution, the value of gCounter is automatically set to 0 (recall that you can override the inherited class initialize method if you want to perform any special initialization of the class as a whole, such as set the value of other static variables to some nonzero values). 2/13/2009
1 p222 On some machines (such as on on the Intel processors used in the current Macintosh line of computers as well as on the ARM processors currenly used in the iPhone and iTouch), characters are treated as signed quantities. On some machines (such as on the Intel processors used in the current Macintosh line of computers as well as on the ARM processors currently used in the iPhone and iTouch), characters are treated as signed quantities. 2/13/2009
1 p226 After “@interface Fraction : NSObject” add:
int numerator;
int denominator;
fixed 2/13/2009
1 p235 The previously-described @optional directive that was added the Objective C 2.0 language is meant to replace the use of informal protocols. The previously-described @optional directive that was added to the Objective-C 2.0 language is meant to replace the use of informal protocols. 2/13/2009
1 p235 You’ve learned several ways to extend the definition of a class through techniques such as subclassing, using categories, and posing. You’ve learned several ways to extend the definition of a class through techniques such as subclassing and using categories. 2/13/2009
1 p244 assigns the value of v2 to y. Think about would happen in the case of the following statement: assigns the value of v2 to y. Think about what would happen in the case of the following statement: 2/13/2009
1 p318 You should also take advantage of the Foundation framework documentation that is stored on your system (buried deep in the /Develop/Documentation directory) and that is also available online at Apple’s website. You should also take advantage of the Foundation framework documentation that is stored on your system (buried deep in the /Developer/Documentation directory) and that is also available online at Apple’s website. 2/13/2009
1 p331 // Extract first 4 chars from string

res = [str1 substringToIndex: 3];
NSLog (@”First 3 chars of str1: %@”, res);

// Extract chars to end of string starting at index 6
// Extract first 3 chars from string

res = [str1 substringToIndex: 3];
NSLog (@”First 3 chars of str1: %@”, res);

// Extract chars to end of string starting at index 5
1 p333 str1 = [str1 stringFromIndex: 5]; str1 = [str1 substringFromIndex: 5]; 2/16/2009
1 p337 Finally, the NSString class also contains a method called replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range: that you can use to do a search-and-replace-all on a string. Finally, the NSMutableString class also contains a method called replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range: that you can use to do a search-and-replace-all on a string. 2/16/2009
1 p344 You define kMaxPrime to the maximum prime number you want the program to calculate, which, in this case, is 50. You define MAXPRIME to the maximum prime number you want the program to calculate, which, in this case, is 50. 2/16/2009
1 p344 The program then enters a for loop to find prime numbers starting with 5, going up to kMaxPrime and skipping the even numbers in between (p += 2). The program then enters a for loop to find prime numbers starting with 5, going up to MAXPRIME and skipping the even numbers in between (p += 2). 2/16/2009
1 p358 NSLog (@”Stephen Kochan”); NSLog (@”Lookup: Stephen Kochan”); 2/16/2009
1 p361 NSLog (@”Stephen Kochan”); NSLog (@”Lookup: Stephen Kochan”); 2/16/2009
1 p367 NSLog (@”%@”, [glossary objectForKey: @”adopt”]);
NSLog (@”%@”, [glossary objectForKey: @”archiving”]);
NSLog (@”adopt: %@”, [glossary objectForKey: @”adopt”]);
NSLog (@”archiving: %@”, [glossary objectForKey: @”archiving”]);
1 p371 @interface NSSet (Printing);
-(void) print;

@implementation NSSet (Printing);
@interface NSSet (Printing)
-(void) print;

@implementation NSSet (Printing)
1 p372 if ([set1 isEqualToSet: set2] == NO) if ([set1 isEqualToSet: set2] == YES) 2/16/2009
1 p378 -(NSData *) createFileAtPath: path contents: (NSData *) data -(BOOL) createFileAtPath: path contents: (BOOL) data 2/16/2009
1 p381 NSLog(@”%@” [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: @”newfile2”]); NSLog(@”%@” [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: @”newfile2” encoding:
NSUTF8StringEncoding error: nil]);
1 p384 Many of these methods are the same as are used for ordinary files, as listed in Table 16.1. Many of these methods are the same as those for ordinary files, as listed in Table 16.1. 2/16/2009
1 p388 NSLog (@”Contents of %@:”, path; NSLog (@”Contents of %@:”, path); 2/16/2009
1 p389 An NSDirectortyEnumerator object gets returned by the enumeratorAtPath: method, which is stored inside dirNum. An NSDirectortyEnumerator object gets returned by the enumeratorAtPath: method, which is stored inside dirEnum. 2/16/2009
1 p389 NSLog (“%@”, dirArray); NSLog (@“%@”, dirArray); 2/16/2009
1 p391 ~stevekochan/progs/../ch16/./path.m => ~stevekochan/ch16/path.m ~stevekochan/progs/../ch16/./path.m => /Users/stevekochan/ch16/path.m 2/16/2009
1 p396 Usage: copy from-file to-file Usage: copy src dest 2/16/2009
1 p397 So, if the value of source is the string ch16/copy1.m and the value of dest is /Users/stevekochan/progs and the latter is a directory, you change the value of dest to /Users/stevekochan/ progs/copy1.m. So, if the value of source is the string ch16/copy1.m and the value of dest is /Users/stevekochan/progs and the latter is a directory, you change the value of dest to /Users/stevekochan/progs/copy1.m. 2/16/2009
1 p398 -(void) seekToEndOfFile -(unsigned long long) seekToEndOfFile 2/16/2009
1 p399 NSLog(@”%@”, [NSString StringWithContentOfFile: @”testout”]); -(unsigned long long) seekToEndOfFile 2/16/2009
1 p419 after poolrelease = 1 after pool drain = 1 2/16/2009
1 p420 The system automatically keeps tracks of what objects own what other objects, automatically freeing up (or garbage-collecting) objects that are no longer referenced as space is needed during the program’s execution. The system automatically keeps track of what objects own what other objects, automatically freeing up (or garbage-collecting) objects that are no longer referenced as space is needed during the program’s execution. 2/16/2009
1 p422 Return to the Fraction class you worked with throughout Part I, “The Objective-C Language.” Return to the Fraction class you worked with throughout Part I, “The Objective-C 2.0 Language.” 2/16/2009
1 p427 You retrieved the first element of dataArray2 with the following statement:
mStr = [dataArray2 objectAtIndex: 0];d
You retrieved the first element of dataArray with the following statement:
mStr = [dataArray objectAtIndex: 0];d
1 p434 2. Modify the Rectangle and XYoint classes defined in Chapter 8 to conform to the <NSCopying> protocol. 2. Modify the Rectangle and XYPoint classes defined in Chapter 8 to conform to the <NSCopying> protocol. 2/16/2009
1 p436 if ([glossary writeToFile: @”glossary” atomically: YES] == NO) if ([glossary writeToFile: @”glossary” atomically: YES
encoding: NSUTF8Encoding error: nil] == NO)
1 p436 The writeToFile:atomically: message is sent to your dictionary object glossary, causing the dictionary to be written to the file glossary in the form of a property list. The writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error: message is sent to your dictionary object glossary, causing the dictionary to be written to the file glossary in the form of a property list. 2/16/2009
1 p442 Each instance variable is then decoded by invoking the decodeObject:forKey: method and passing the same key that was used to encode the variable. Each instance variable is then decoded by invoking the decodeObject:ForKey: method and passing the same key that was used to encode the variable. 2/16/2009
1 p448 // Write the archived data are to a file
if ( [dataArea writeToFile: @”myArchive” atomically: YES] == NO)
// Write the archived data area to a file
if ([dataArea writeToFile: @”myArchive” atomically: YES
encoding: NSUTF8Encoding error: nil] == NO)
1 p448 You can use encodeObject: for these objects because you previously implemented encoder and decoder methods for the AddressBook, AddressCard, and Foo classes. You can use encodeObject:forKey: for these objects because you previously implemented encoder and decoder methods for the AddressBook, AddressCard, and Foo classes. 2/16/2009
1 p449 The message expression
[data writeToFile: @”myArchive” atomically: YES]
sends the writeToFile:atomically: message to your data stream to ask it to write its data to the specified file, which you named myArchive.
As you can see from the if statement, the writeToFile:atomically: method returns a BOOL value: YES if the write operation succeeds and NO if it fails (perhaps an invalid pathname for the file was specified or the file system is full).
The message expression
[dataArea writeToFile: @”myArchive” atomically: YES
encoding: NSUTF8Encoding error: nil]
sends the writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error: message to your data stream to ask it to write its data to the specified file, which you named myArchive.
As you can see from the if statement, the writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error: method returns a BOOL value: YES if the write operation succeeds and NO if it fails (perhaps an invalid pathname for the file was specified or the file system is full).
1 p450 In Program 19.2, you tried to make a copy of an array containing mutable string elements and you saw how a shallow copy of the array was made. In Program 18.2, you tried to make a copy of an array containing mutable string elements and you saw how a shallow copy of the array was made. 2/16/2009
1 p452 1. In Chapter 15, Program 15.8 generated a table of prime numbers. 1. In Chapter 15, Program 15.7 generated a table of prime numbers. 2/16/2009
4 p 17 We’ll call the program prog1; here, then, is the command line to compile your first Objective-C program:
$ gcc –framework Foundation prog1.m -o prog1 Compile prog1.m & call it prog1
We’ll call the program prog1; here, then, is the command line to compile your first Objective-C program:
$ gcc –framework Foundation prog1.m -o prog1 Compile prog1.m & call it prog1
4 p 26 6. What output would you expect from the following program?
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char *argv[]))
6. What output would you expect from the following program?
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
4 p 29 [yourCar topDown]; if it’s a convertible
[yourCar topUp];
currentMileage = [suesCar currentOdometer];
[yourCar topDown]; if it’s a convertible
[yourCar topUp];
currentMileage = [yourCar currentOdometer];
4 p 38 //---- @implementation section ----
@implementation Fraction
–(void) print
NSLog (“%i/%i”, numerator, denominator);
//---- @implementation section ----
@implementation Fraction
–(void) print
NSLog (@“%i/%i”, numerator, denominator);
4 p 50 The format characters %x display a value in hexadecimal format without the leading 0x and using lowercase letters a–f for hexidecimal digits. To display the value with the leading 0x, you use the format characters %#x, as in the following:
The format characters %x display a value in hexadecimal format without the leading 0x and using lowercase letters a–f for hexadecimal digits. To display the value with the leading 0x, you use the format characters %#x, as in the following:
4 p 70 w1 1010 0101 0010 1111 0xa52f
~w1 0101 1010 1101 0000 0x5ab0
w1 1010 0101 0010 1111 0xa52f
~w1 0101 1010 1101 0000 0x5ad0
4 p 71 The fifth NSLog call illustrates DeMorgan’s rule: ~(~a & ~b) is equal to a | b, and ~(~a | ~b) is equal to a & b. The sequence of statements that follows next in the program verifies that the exchange operation works as discussed in the section on the exclusive-OR operator.
The fifth NSLog call illustrates DeMorgan’s rule: ~(~a & ~b) is equal to a | b, and ~(~a | ~b) is equal to a & b.
4 p 97 4. A minus sign placed in front of a field width specification causes the field to be displayed left-justified. Substitute the following NSLog statement for the corresponding statement in Program 5.2, run the program, and compare the outputs produced by both programs:
4. A minus sign placed in front of a field width specification causes the field to be displayed left-justified. Substitute the following NSLog statement for the corresponding statement in Program 5.3, run the program, and compare the outputs produced by both programs:
4 p 109 Using blank spaces to set off the various operators still makes the previous expression readable. If you decided to ignore this and removed the unnecessary set of parentheses, you could end up with an expression that looked like this:
Using blank spaces to set off the various operators still makes the previous expression readable. If you decided to ignore this and removed the unnecessary set of parentheses, you could end up with an expression that looked like this:
4 p 115 Let’s suppose for the next example that you want to write a program that allows the user to type in simple expressions of the following form:[[STYLE_FIRST]]
Let’s suppose for the next example that you want to write a program that allows the user to type in simple expressions of the following form: 5/8/2009
4 p 146 Later in this chapter, you’ll redefine the add: method so that add: does not affect the value of its argument.
Later in this chapter, you’ll redefine the add: method so that add: does not affect the value of its receiver.
4 p 153 [result setTo: numerator * f.denominator + denominator * f.numerator
over: denominator * f.denominator;
[result setTo: numerator * f.denominator + denominator * f.numerator
over: denominator * f.denominator];
4 p 155 -(void) print;
-(double) convertToNum;
-(Fraction *) add: (Fraction *) f;
-(void) reduce;
-(void) print;
-(void) setTo: (int) n over: (int) d;
-(double) convertToNum;
-(Fraction *) add: (Fraction *) f;
-(void) reduce;
4 p 163 Program 8.2
#import “Rectangle.h”
#import <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
Program 8.2
#import “Rectangle.h”

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
4 p 170 –(Point *) origin
return origin;
–(XYPoint *) origin
return origin;
4 p 171 NSLog (@”Area = %i, Perimeter = %i”,
[myRect area], [myRect perimeter]);
[myRect release];
[myPoint release];
NSLog (@”Area = %i, Perimeter = %i”,
[myRect area], [myRect perimeter]);
[myRect release];
[myPoint release];
4 p 176 Program 8.6 Output
x = 200
Clearly, the message
[b initVar];
Program 8.6 Output
x = 200
Clearly, the message
[b initVar];
4 p 185 Add note to end of page 185. Note
You should use printf to draw your characters, since NSLog will display a new line each time it’s called.
4 p 188 You should have completed the implementation section for this class in Exercise 6 from Chapter 4, “Data Types and Expressions.” You should have completed the implementation section for this class in Exercises 6 and 7 from Chapter 7, “More on Classes.” 5/11/2009
4 p 191 We’ll talk about that more in Chapter 18, “Copying Objects.” We’ll talk about that more in Chapter 17, “Memory Management.” 5/11/2009
4 p 196 Table 9.1 summarizes some of the basic methods that the Object class supports for asking these types of questions. Table 9.1 summarizes some of the basic methods that the NSObject class supports for asking these types of questions. 5/11/2009
4 p 197 To see if my Fraction class, you test the result from the expression, like this: To see if the variable myFract is a Fraction class object, you test the result from the expression, like this: 5/11/2009
4 p 216 Program 10.3
// print the number of days in a month
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
Program 10.3
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// print the number of days in a month
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
4 p 222 1. Using the Rectangle class from Chapter 8, “Inheritance,” add an initializer method according to the following declaration:
-(Rectangle *) initWithWidth: (int) w: andHeight: (int) h;
1. Using the Rectangle class from Chapter 8, “Inheritance,” add an initializer method according to the following declaration:
-(Rectangle *) initWithWidth: (int) w andHeight: (int) h;
4 p 226 #import <stdio.h>

// Define the Fraction class

@interface Fraction : NSObject
// Define the Fraction class

@interface Fraction : NSObject
4 p 251 As already mentioned, conditional compilation is useful when debugging programs. You might have many printf calls embedded in your program that are used to display intermediate results and trace the flow of execution. As already mentioned, conditional compilation is useful when debugging programs. You might have many NSLog calls embedded in your program that are used to display
intermediate results and trace the flow of execution.
4 p 255 Note
There are ways to work with multibyte characters at the Objective-C level, but Foundation provides a much more elegant solution with its NSString class.
On the other hand, some applications can require you to use a lower-level approach, perhaps for the sake of optimization. If you’re working with large arrays of data, for example, you might want to use the built-in array data structures of Objective-C instead of the array objects of Foundation (which are described in Chapter 15, “Numbers, Strings, and Collections”). Functions also come in handy if used properly to group repetitive operations and modularize a program.o
There are ways to work with multibyte characters at the C level, but Foundation provides a much more elegant solution with its NSString class.
On the other hand, some applications can require you to use a lower-level approach, perhaps for the sake of optimization. If you’re working with large arrays of data, for example, you might want to use the built-in data structures of C instead of the array objects of Foundation (which are described in Chapter 15, “Numbers, Strings, and Collections”). Functions also come in handy if used properly to group repetitive operations and modularize a program.
4 p 263 Program 13.4 Output
Programming is fun.
Program 13.3 Output
Programming is fun.
4 p 273 The remainder of today.year divided by 100 is calculated before being passed to the NSLog function so that just 04 displays for the year. The remainder of today.year divided by 100 is calculated before being passed to the NSLog function so that just 09 displays for the year. 5/11/2009
4 p 310 Several routines are available in the program library for doing such conversions: sscanf, atof, atoi, strtod, and strotol. In Part II, you’ll learn how to use a class called NSProcessInfo to access the command-line arguments as string objects instead of as C strings.a Several routines are available in the program library for doing such conversions: sscanf, atof, atoi, strtod, and strtol. In Part II, you’ll learn how to use a class called NSProcessInfo to access the command-line arguments as string objects instead of as C strings.a 5/11/2009
4 p 325 numberWithInt:
4 p 326 This statement generates an error when the program is executed. All number objects must be newly created, meaning that you must invoke either one of the methods listed in the first column ofTable 15.1 on the NSNumber class or one of the methods listed in column 2 with the result from the alloc method: This statement generates an error when the program is executed. All number objects must be newly created, meaning that you must invoke either one of the methods listed in the first column of Table 15.1 on the NSNumber class or one of the methods listed in column 2 with the result from the alloc method: 5/11/2009
4 p 327 Program 15.2 Output
Programming is fun
In the line
NSString *str = @”Programming is fun”;
Program 15.2 Output
Programming is fun
In the line
NSString *str = @”Programming is fun”;
4 p 356 The program sets up four address cards and then creates a new address book called Linda’s Address Book. The four cards are then added to the address book using the addCard: method, and the list method is used to list the and verify that contents of the address book. The program sets up four address cards and then creates a new address book called Linda’s Address Book. The four cards are then added to the address book using the addCard: method, and the list method is used to list and verify the contents of the
address book.
4 p 359 Program 15.12 Addressbook.h Interface File
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import “AddressCard.h”

@interface AddressBook: NSObject
NSString *bookName;
NSMutableArray *book;

-(AddressBook *) initWithName: (NSString *) name;
Program 15.12 Addressbook.h Interface File
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import “AddressCard.h”

@interface AddressBook: NSObject
NSString *bookName;
NSMutableArray *book;

-(id) initWithName: (NSString *) name;
4 p 361 AddressBook *myBook = [AddressBook alloc];
AddressCard *myCard
AddressBook *myBook = [AddressBook alloc];
AddressCard *myCard;
4 p 366 -(BOOL) writeToFile: path
automically: (BOOL) flagy
-(BOOL) writeToFile: path
atomically: (BOOL) flagy
4 p 376 10. Write a program that takes an array of NSInteger objects and produces a frequency chart that lists each integer and how many times it occurs in the array. Use an NSCountedSet object to construct your frequency counts. 10. Write a program that takes an NSArray of NSNumber objects (where each NSNumber represents an integer) and produces a frequency chart that lists each integer and how many times it occurs in the array. Use an NSCountedSet object to construct your frequency counts. 5/11/2009
4 p 383 For a 64-bit application, it can hold up to 8EB (that’s exabytes) or 8,000GB of data! For a 64-bit application, it can hold up to 8EB (that’s exabytes) or 8 billion gigabytes of data! 5/11/2009
4 p 419 Reread this explanation of the autorelease pool if it still seems a little fuzzy to you. When you understand Program 17.6, you will thoroughly understand of the autorelease pool and how it works. Reread this explanation of the autorelease pool if it still seems a little fuzzy to you. When you understand Program 17.6, you will thoroughly understand the autorelease pool and how it works. 5/11/2009
4 p 436 if ([glossary writeToFile: @”glossary” atomically: YES
encoding: NSUTF8Encoding error: nil] == NO)
NSLog (@”Save to file failed!”);
[pool drain];
return 0;
if ([glossary writeToFile: @”glossary” atomically: YES] == NO)
NSLog (@”Save to file failed!”);
[pool drain];
return 0;
4 p 443 [encoder encodeObject: bookName forKey: “AddressBookBookName”];
[encoder encodeObject: book forKey: @”AddressBookBook”];
[encoder encodeObject: bookName forKey: @“AddressBookBookName”];
[encoder encodeObject: book forKey: @”AddressBookBook”];
4 p 443 Program 19.6 Test Program
#import “AddressBook.h”
#import <Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
NSString *aName = @”Julia Kochan”;
Program 19.6 Test Program
#import “AddressBook.h”
#import <Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

NSString *aName = @”Julia Kochan”;
4 p 447 So to archive a short int, store it in an int first and then archive it with encodeInt:forKey:. Reverse the process to get it back: Use decodeInt:forKey: and then assign it to your short int variable. So to archive a short int, store it in an int first and then archive it with encodeIntForKey:. Reverse the process to get it back: Use decodeInt:forKey: and then assign it to your short int variable.y 5/11/2009
4 p 448 // Write the archived data area to a file
if ([dataArea writeToFile: @”myArchive” atomically: YES
encoding: NSUTF8Encoding error: nil] == NO)
NSLog (@”Archiving failed!”);
// Write the archived data area to a file
if ([dataArea writeToFile: @”myArchive” atomically: YES] == NO)
NSLog (@”Archiving failed!”);
4 p 449 The area you set aside and named dataArea now contains your archived objects in a form that you can write to a file. The message expression
[dataArea writeToFile: @”myArchive” atomically: YES
encoding: NSUTF8Encoding error: nil] == NO)
sends the writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error: message to your data stream to ask it to write its data to the specified file, which you named myArchive.
As you can see from the if statement, the writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error: method returns a BOOL value: YES if the write operation succeeds and NO if it fails (perhaps an invalid pathname for the file was specified or the file system is full).
The area you set aside and named dataArea now contains your archived objects in a form that you can write to a file. The message expression
[dataArea writeToFile: @”myArchive” atomically: YES]
sends the writeToFile:atomically: message to your data stream to ask it to write its data to the specified file, which you named myArchive.
As you can see from the if statement, the writeToFile:atomically: method returns a BOOL value: YES if the write operation succeeds and NO if it fails (perhaps an invalid pathname for the file was specified or the file system is full).
4 p 450 if (! dataArea) {
NSLog (@“Can’t read back archive file!”);
Return (1);
if (! dataArea) {
NSLog (@“Can’t read back archive file!”);
return 1;
4 p 451 NSLog (@”dataArray: “);
for ( NSString *elem in dataArray )
NSLog (“%@”, elem);

NSLog (@”\ndataArray2: “);
for ( NSString *elem in dataArray2 )
NSLog (“%@”, elem);

[pool drsin];
return 0;
NSLog (@”dataArray: “);
for ( NSString *elem in dataArray )
NSLog (@"%@", elem);

NSLog (@”\ndataArray2: “);
for ( NSString *elem in dataArray2 )
NSLog (@"%@", elem);

[pool drain];
return 0;
4 p 457 Whereas the Cocoa frameworks are designed for application development for Mac OS X desktop and notebook computers, the Cocoa Touch frameworks are for applications targeted for the iPhone and iTouch. Whereas the Cocoa frameworks are designed for application development for Mac OS X desktop and notebook computers, the Cocoa Touch frameworks are for applications targeted for the iPhone and iPod Touch. 5/12/2009
4 p 459 It combines what you learned while developing the first application with what you’ll learned throughout the rest of the book. It combines what you learned while developing the first application with what you learned throughout the rest of the book. 5/12/2009
4 p 468 Make sure your Inspector window is labeled Window Attributes, as shown in Figure 21.8. If it isn’t, click on the leftmost tab in the top tab bar to get the correct window displayed. Make sure your Inspector window is labeled Window Attributes, as shown in Figure 21.9. If it isn’t, click on the leftmost tab in the top tab bar to get the correct window displayed. 5/12/2009
4 p 481 -(void) processDigit: (int) digit;
-(void) processOp: (char) op;
-(void) storeFracPart;
-(void) processDigit: (int) digit;
-(void) processOp: (char) theOp;
-(void) storeFracPart;
4 p 484 - (void)dealloc {
[myCalculator dealloc];
[super dealloc];
- (void)dealloc {
[myCalculator release];
[super dealloc];
5 p7 Part 1
1 Introduction
1 Introduction comes before the parts page. Removed. 8/24/2009
5 p25 NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init; NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 8/24/2009
5 p39 Chapter 8, “Classes, Objects, and Methods” deals with this topic in detail. Chapter 8, “Inheritance” deals with this topic in detail. 8/24/2009
5 p50 However, once again, it’s not guaranteed. delete sentence 8/24/2009
5 p53 charVar = 'W' charVar = W 8/24/2009
5 p58 This is because the value of a (100) would be added to the value of b (2) before multiplication by the value of Objective-C (25) would take place. This is because the value of a (100) would be added to the value of b (2) before multiplication by the value of c (25) would take place. 8/24/2009
5 p59 int result; delete sentence 8/24/2009
5 p59 This gives the intermediate result of 4. This gives the intermediate result of 5. 8/24/2009
5 p67 Add Note before Table 4.2 Note:
You won’t use bitwise operators much, if at all, in your Objective-C programs. As this material may be a little dense for new programmers, you can just skim this section and refer back to it later, if necessary.
5 p93 Thus, 1234 % 10 gives a result of 123, and 123 % 10 gives you 3, which is the next digit of the reversed number. Thus, 1234 / 10 gives a result of 123, and 123 % 10 gives you 3, which is the next digit of the reversed number. 8/24/2009
5 p136 Program 7.2 Interface File Fraction.h Program 7.1 Interface File Fraction.h 8/24/2009
5 p151 (Fraction *) add: (Fraction *) f; (Fraction *) add: (Fraction *) f 8/24/2009
5 p152 resultFaction = [aFraction add: bFraction]; resultFraction = [aFraction add: bFraction]; 8/24/2009
5 p156 2. Modify the print method from your Fraction class so that it takes an optional BOOL argument that indicates whether the fraction should be reduced for display. 2. Modify the print method from your Fraction class so that it takes an additional BOOL argument that indicates whether the fraction should be reduced for display. 8/24/2009
5 p165 You’ll learn about categories in Chapter 11, “Tying Up Some Loose Ends.” You’ll learn about categories in Chapter 11, “Categories and Protocols.” 8/25/2009
5 p167 -(void) setWidth: (int) w andHeight: (int) h -(void) setWidth: (int) w andHeight: (int) h; 8/25/2009
5 p197 [graphicObject perform: action] [graphicObject performSelector: action] 8/25/2009
5 p210 [myFoo setgGlobalVar: 100] [myFoo setgGlobalVar: 100]; 8/25/2009
5 p227 Program 11.1 is missing the last few lines of code. }

-(Fraction *) sub: (Fraction *) f
5 p245 #define MakeFract(x,y) ([[Fraction alloc] initWith: x over: y]]) #define MakeFract(x,y) ([[Fraction alloc] initWith: x over: y]) 8/25/2009
5 p245 Delete the following:
or even
sum = [MakeFract (n1, d1) add: MakeFract (n2, d2)];
to add the fractions n1/d1 and n2/d2.
fixed 8/25/2009
5 p351 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h> 8/25/2009
5 p352 Program 15.10 Addressbook.h Interface File Program 15.10 AddressBook.h Interface File 8/25/2009
5 p353 Program 15.10 Addressbook.m Implementation File Program 15.10 AddressBook.m Implementation File 8/25/2009
5 p354 If AddressBook is subclassed, the argument to initWithName: isn’t an AddressBook object; its type is that of the subclass. If AddressBook is subclassed, the receiver to the initWithName: message (and therefore the return value) isn’t an AddressBook object; its type is that of the subclass. 8/25/2009
5 p420 If you directly create an object using an alloc or copy method (or with an allocWithZone:, copyWithZone:, or mutableCopy method), you are responsible for releasing it. If you directly create an object using the new, alloc, or copy method (or with an allocWithZone:, copyWithZone:, or mutableCopy method), you are responsible for releasing it. 8/25/2009
5 p422 For your convenience, it is listed in Appendix D, “Resources.” For your convenience, it is listed in Chapter 21, “Writing iPhone Applications.” 8/25/2009
5 p427 ...but not why its copy was as well. When you get an element from a collection, you get a... delete, as it repeats on p428 8/25/2009
5 p436 Missing last 2 lines of page:

To read an XML property list from a file into your program, you use the dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: or arrayWithContentsOfFile: methods. To read
fixed 8/25/2009
5 p486 -(NSString *) convertToString; -(NSString *) convertToString 8/25/2009