PrintNumber ErrorLocation Error Correction DateAdded
6 p 222 replace ad done 10/10/2008
6 p 224 replace ad done 10/10/2008
6 p14-15 Figure 2-1 and 2-2 switched.

Annotating this on the page map shows the boundardies of trust, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Web proxy programs can help. Tools like IEHttpHeaders2 and Paros3 help uncover what is being sent between pages (See Figure 2-2).


Web proxy programs can help. Tools like IEHttpHeaders2 and Paros3 help uncover what is being sent between pages (See Figure 2-2).
6 p15 Application programming languages (PHP, ASP, Perl, and so on) use their own commenting style (// or */ … /*). Application programming languages (PHP, ASP, Perl, and so on) use their own commenting style (// or /* … */). 2/26/2009