/* * alarm_cond.c * * This is an enhancement to the alarm_mutex.c program, which * used only a mutex to synchronize access to the shared alarm * list. This version adds a condition variable. The alarm * thread waits on this condition variable, with a timeout that * corresponds to the earliest timer request. If the main thread * enters an earlier timeout, it signals the condition variable * so that the alarm thread will wake up and process the earlier * timeout first, requeueing the later request. */ #include #include #include "errors.h" /* * The "alarm" structure now contains the time_t (time since the * Epoch, in seconds) for each alarm, so that they can be * sorted. Storing the requested number of seconds would not be * enough, since the "alarm thread" cannot tell how long it has * been on the list. */ typedef struct alarm_tag { struct alarm_tag *link; int seconds; time_t time; /* seconds from EPOCH */ char message[64]; } alarm_t; pthread_mutex_t alarm_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t alarm_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; alarm_t *alarm_list = NULL; time_t current_alarm = 0; /* * Insert alarm entry on list, in order. */ void alarm_insert (alarm_t *alarm) { int status; alarm_t **last, *next; /* * LOCKING PROTOCOL: * * This routine requires that the caller have locked the * alarm_mutex! */ last = &alarm_list; next = *last; while (next != NULL) { if (next->time >= alarm->time) { alarm->link = next; *last = alarm; break; } last = &next->link; next = next->link; } /* * If we reached the end of the list, insert the new alarm * there. ("next" is NULL, and "last" points to the link * field of the last item, or to the list header.) */ if (next == NULL) { *last = alarm; alarm->link = NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG printf ("[list: "); for (next = alarm_list; next != NULL; next = next->link) printf ("%d(%d)[\"%s\"] ", next->time, next->time - time (NULL), next->message); printf ("]\n"); #endif /* * Wake the alarm thread if it is not busy (that is, if * current_alarm is 0, signifying that it's waiting for * work), or if the new alarm comes before the one on * which the alarm thread is waiting. */ if (current_alarm == 0 || alarm->time < current_alarm) { current_alarm = alarm->time; status = pthread_cond_signal (&alarm_cond); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Signal cond"); } } /* * The alarm thread's start routine. */ void *alarm_thread (void *arg) { alarm_t *alarm; struct timespec cond_time; time_t now; int status, expired; /* * Loop forever, processing commands. The alarm thread will * be disintegrated when the process exits. Lock the mutex * at the start -- it will be unlocked during condition * waits, so the main thread can insert alarms. */ status = pthread_mutex_lock (&alarm_mutex); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Lock mutex"); while (1) { /* * If the alarm list is empty, wait until an alarm is * added. Setting current_alarm to 0 informs the insert * routine that the thread is not busy. */ current_alarm = 0; while (alarm_list == NULL) { status = pthread_cond_wait (&alarm_cond, &alarm_mutex); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Wait on cond"); } alarm = alarm_list; alarm_list = alarm->link; now = time (NULL); expired = 0; if (alarm->time > now) { #ifdef DEBUG printf ("[waiting: %d(%d)\"%s\"]\n", alarm->time, alarm->time - time (NULL), alarm->message); #endif cond_time.tv_sec = alarm->time; cond_time.tv_nsec = 0; current_alarm = alarm->time; while (current_alarm == alarm->time) { status = pthread_cond_timedwait ( &alarm_cond, &alarm_mutex, &cond_time); if (status == ETIMEDOUT) { expired = 1; break; } if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Cond timedwait"); } if (!expired) alarm_insert (alarm); } else expired = 1; if (expired) { printf ("(%d) %s\n", alarm->seconds, alarm->message); free (alarm); } } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int status; char line[128]; alarm_t *alarm; pthread_t thread; status = pthread_create ( &thread, NULL, alarm_thread, NULL); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Create alarm thread"); while (1) { printf ("Alarm> "); if (fgets (line, sizeof (line), stdin) == NULL) exit (0); if (strlen (line) <= 1) continue; alarm = (alarm_t*)malloc (sizeof (alarm_t)); if (alarm == NULL) errno_abort ("Allocate alarm"); /* * Parse input line into seconds (%d) and a message * (%64[^\n]), consisting of up to 64 characters * separated from the seconds by whitespace. */ if (sscanf (line, "%d %64[^\n]", &alarm->seconds, alarm->message) < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "Bad command\n"); free (alarm); } else { status = pthread_mutex_lock (&alarm_mutex); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Lock mutex"); alarm->time = time (NULL) + alarm->seconds; /* * Insert the new alarm into the list of alarms, * sorted by expiration time. */ alarm_insert (alarm); status = pthread_mutex_unlock (&alarm_mutex); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Unlock mutex"); } } }