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Clark# Copyright 2002 Prentice Hall PTRJ This software may be freely copied and used so long as this disclaimer,K together with the above copyright notice, are included in all copies andL any accompanying documentation. These example programs are made availableK "as-is" without any explicit or implied warranty. Neither the author norG publisher warrant that these programs are error free or will operate without inter<jx #<+@KQ[@bHu!= &HK|txHK|t+@KQ[@bHME(SLSS6"N0{8E75D913-3D21-11D2-85C4-080009A0C626} (%H` % %`h8@tt0=;$*\Rffff*0;3b0535f24 xpаAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDrawing" Bas0{8E75D913-3D21-11D2-85C4-080009A0C626} |@GlobalSpacFalse dCreatablPredeHclaIdTru BExposeTemplateDerivBustomizD2Option /licit $9 `$a `( ` +$`n ruption. Example 15-1. Example 15-2. Example 15-3. Example 15-4. Example 15-5. Example 15-6.8]жAttribute VB_Name = "Plotting" Option Explicit @ ' A for AutoCAD 2002: Wril*@MacrosbJeffrey E. Clark*CopyrightA Prentice Hall PTRoThis software may be Oely copied and usso long as t6discla imer,ttogether withe above$FnoB, 6inclubd+in J7s7&any ac0comp dPocumca. These example programcd=vailable'"as-iDs"Mout3y i#wranty. Necfi aut"hnor&publisuar9watyIEerNrTAwi_operat%J#int up7gED715-1.Sub ACon0figu@s() Dim Collec As Acad G ObjectV Q MsgA S@nFgCSet=cisDrawj.If .Count0qnC0/.Adda=J_:@A M ModelL , TruY EIfCCFeEach yDAInD& == A& vbCr4 & . 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HThe media for the active layout is: !i;n`5 &Model_Configuration :HP LaserJet 2100 Series PCL 6 .No active layout media. ,Active layout media =  StyleSheet :No active layout style sheet. 8Active layout style sheet = &Paper_Configuration has ( PlotConfigurations:GetPaperMargins}TnQ`5   Model  millimeter(s) FThe paper size for this layout is:   X .The paper margins are:  Left ( ) Right Top Bottom PThe paper plot area for this layout is:  Finished...  *_____________________ fPaper plot information for the current drawing is:   inchesJm &Layout paper size:  Plot area:  Top  Bottom Left  Right Paper margins: " Paper margins:   Plot area:  * Layout paper size:  Paper size:  :Paper setup for ThisDrawing:   ` > Paper setup for ThisDrawing: SetLayoutsToPlot()`5u!= & Plot layout: M^  $Cancel batch plot? &Batch plot stopped.PlotView View name... Plot ViewDդ c()`5 (View does not exist. Plot file...  T  (PublishT