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(N|-L- F not found.A@o- Example 9-37.orH]#]#]#+F+F++F+F+   !$%T.PDMODE" B@|]$  !$%z.X  !$%z.XA@op) Example 9-38.or Example 9-40.]p$]$]$+F+F++F+F+   !$%T.PDMODE" B@|]%  !$%z.X  !$%z.XA@+F+F+  (Z  !$%z.Xo' Example 9-42.])])+F++F+  !$%2b]&(*+F+F++F+F++F+F+ +F +F + +F +F++F+F++F+F+ +F+F+ +F+F++F+F++F+F +!+F"+F#+$+F%+F&+  !$%22b @$b(l]`* b !$%j'PDMODE" B@|]x*]*]*]*$!p'p F p p F$p F+ F  !$%z.o X  ]P-]p-]-]-]-L8bat'+,F+,F+,'H'J+ in radians  , H J !$%.n! @'J  , H J !$%.|0L(Shape file not found.A@o Example 9-44.oh    " !$%.+"F+"F+"++ F+ F+ ++F+F++ +F+F++"]]( ]X ] ]  P  ]p/]/]/]0]80?+F?+F+?+F+F++ F?+ F+ +"F+"F+"    " !$%.o Example 9-46.]0]0]1]@1 @+vF+vF+v?+xF+xF+x+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+, +,F+,F+, , v x !$%z.o Example 9-48.]1]1]1](2]`2 @+vF+vF+v?+xF+xF+x+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+, +,F+,F+, F? , v x !$%z. F (| F +,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+, F?? , v x !$%z. F B@ F+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,!+,F+,F+,]2 F , v x !$%z.+F F+F+  B@ B@ Fo( ]5]85]P5]5?'R Base Point'd+,F+,F+, d , R !$%.X Second Point'd+,F+,F+, d , R !$%.Xo ]x6+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,+,F +,F+, +,F +,F +, +,F +,F+,]6]6 0.25' F  F$,$ \, F $,$ \$ ' FFILLMODE B@|_TRACE   B@o] 7] @7+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,+,F +,F+, +,F +,F +,FILLMODE B@| , !$%.o`] 9]@9]x9+F+F++F+F+   !$%.PDMODE" B@|]9  !$%z.X  !$%z.XA@o~~C:/A2K2_VBA/RasterFile.jpg'Fjpg' Example 9-16.@/C:/...AutoCAD Directory.../Support/ltypeshp.shx B@/ VBA for AutoCAD 2002: Writing AutoCAD Macros Jeffrey E. Clark # Copyright 2002 Prentice Hall PTR!$%J This software may be freely copied and used so long as this disclaimer,K together with the above copyright notice, are included in all copies and+L any accompanying documentation. These example programs are made available - worK "as-is" without any explicit or implied warranty. Neither the author norG publisher warrant that these programs are error free or will operate without interruption. Example 9-3.  ]X H Example 9-33.,  Example 9-1. Example 9-7. 9'6 Example 9-5.Th] -n! @'8, AngB > (<,+4F+4F+4;n! @':ot fou 4 6 8 : !$%0.0002 4 !BB@D]p  F? H@BF H0 F+4F+4F+4  4 (4T F (6- Fn! @'8 8 (J 4 6 8 : !$%0. B@L+ F0o Example 9-8. h ', Example 9-18., ?Bring me my Bow of burning gold: Bring me my Arrows of Desire: ?Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of fire'd  Example 9-23.  Example 9-28.F]]8]JoSURFU B@|SURFV B@|+,F+,F+, 8 +,F+,FQ?+,+,F+,F?+, +,F +,FQ? +, +,F +,F+,y Spea+,F+,F+,'d +,F+,F?+,+,F+,F+, Desir+,F+,F?+,+,F+,F+,xample+,F+,F +, !+,F"+,F#+,$+,F%+,F&+,;n'+,F(+,F)+,%0*+,F++,F,+, F-+,F.+,F/+, H0+,F1+,F?2+,3+,F4+,F5+,6+,F7+,F?8+,9+,F:+,F;+,0<+,F=+,F>+,ing.Se?+,F@+,FQ?A+,B+,FC+,F?D+,E+,FF+,FQ?G+,H+,FI+,FJ+,8'&F'(P & ( , !$%*.: Example 9-29. (see PolygonMesh Excel macro in Ch09.xls) , (l0! B@L!B Example 9-31. Example 9-35.  Example 9-unnumbered.F Example 9-unnumbered., Example 9-50.,]XXPing.Se?+,F@+,FQ?A+,B+,FC+,F?D+,E+,FF+,FQ?G+,H+,FI+,FJ+,8'&F'(P & ( , !$%*.: Example 9-29. (see PolygonMesh Excel macro in Ch09.xls) , (l0! B@L!B Example 9-31. Example 9-35.  Example 9-unnumbered.F Example 9-unnumbered., Example 9-50.,@I+,FJ+,8'&F'(P & ( , !$%*.: Example 9-29. (see PolygonMesh Excel macro in Ch09.xls) , (l0! B@L!B Example 9-31. Example 9-35.  Example 9-unnumbered.F Example 9-unnumbered., Example 9-50.,'+,F(+,F)+,%0*+,F++,F,+, F-+,F.+,F/+, H0+,F1+,F?2+,3+,F4+,F5+,6+,F7+,F?8+,9+,F:+,F;+,0<+,F=+,F>+,ing.Se?+,F@+,FQ?A+,B+,FC+,F?D+,E+,FF+,FQ?G+,H+,FI+,FJ+,8'&F'(P & ( , !$%*.: Example 9-29. (see PolygonMesh Excel macro in Ch09.xls) , (l0! B@L!B Example 9-31. Example 9-35.  9-31.xD 6 8 : !$%0.'J+4F+4F+4;n! @':ot fou 4 6 8 : !$%0.0002 4 !BB@D]p  F? H@BF H0 F+4F+4F+4  4 (4T F (6- Fn! @'8 8 (J 4 6 8 : !$%0. B@L+ F0ox+F+  !$%T.DE" B@| B@~] !$%z.X !$%z.X]  F%Z F+   !$%z.XH$ \ $ $ \ $ $ \A@o@#, 000510 - works with Text example]#]#]#+F+F++F+F+   !$%T.PDMODE" B@|]$  !$%z.X  !$%z.XA@op)0$, 000512 - works with Text example]p$]$]$+F+F++F+F+   !$%T.PDMODE" B@|]%  !$%z.X  !$%z.XA@+F+F+  (Z  !$%z.Xo'r,000216]]]]]0+,F+,F+,z @': (d 8 : !$%02b0b!f$b!h !$%r2b] b!$%j' l$(<or,000508]]]]]0+,F+,F+,z @': (d 8 : !$%02b0b!f$b!h !$%r2b] b!$%j'DE" B@|]]]!p'p  p p F F+r  !$%z.or,000508]]]]8+vF @+vF+v0?+xF+xF+x0+,F+,F+,0+,F+,F+, 0+,F+,F+, v x !$%z2b$b(| v x !$%z2b$b(|] b!$%j'DE" B@|]]]!~'p*Centroid  p p F F+r  !$%z.op),000509])])+F++F+  !$%2b]&(*+F+F++F+F++F+F+ +F +F + +F +F++F+F++F+F+ +F+F+ +F+F++F+F++F+F +!+F"+F#+$+F%+F&+  !$%22b @$b(l]`* b !$%j'PDMODE" B@|]x*]*]*]*$!p'p F p p F$p F+ F  !$%z.o +, AutoCAD documentation for Region+ This example creates a box in model space.2 It then returns the MomentOfInertia for that box.]@+]`+x++]+ Define the box@+4F@+4F+4@'F'F$@'R/ Create the box (3DSolid) object in model space 4   R !$%.C Change the viewing direction of the viewport to better see the box]++F+F+  !( ! (A@' Return the MomentOfInertia for the box], !~'~#The MomentOfInertia for the box is $~, $~, $~MomentOfInertia ExampleA@o0,,000216]p,],],],],L$d:/AutoCAD_2000/Support/ltypeshp.shx B@box'+,F+,F+,'H'J+ in radians  , H J !$%.|LShape file not found.A@o-,000510]P-]p-]-]-]-L8bat'+,F+,F+,'H'J+ in radians  , H J !$%.n! @'J  , H J !$%.|0L(Shape file not found.A@o-,000216]0.]P.].].].+F+F++F+F++ F+ F+ +"F+"F+"    " !$%.o0/,000510]p/]/]/]0]80?+F?+F+?+F+F++ F?+ F+ +"F+"F+"    " !$%.op0,000216]0]0]1]@1 @+vF+vF+v?+xF+xF+x+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+, +,F+,F+, , v x !$%z.ox1,000506]1]1]1](2]`2 @+vF+vF+v?+xF+xF+x+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+, +,F+,F+, F? , v x !$%z. F (| F +,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+, F?? , v x !$%z. F B@ F+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,!+,F+,F+,]2 F , v x !$%z.+F F+F+  B@ B@ Fo(2,000513]3]03]h3]3 @+vF+vF+v?+xF+xF+x+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+, +,F+,F+, , v x !$%z.]3 F , v x !$%z. B@+F F+F+  B@ Fo 4,000215]P4]p4]4]4 Hello, World.'d+,F+,F+,?'R d , R !$%.o 4,*000510 - works with Ray and XLine examples]5]85]P5]5?'R Base Point'd+,F+,F+, d , R !$%.X Second Point'd+,F+,F+, d , R !$%.Xo 5- This example creates a trace in model space.]5] 6* 4 (3D) points Define the points of the trace+F+F++F+F+4 tracePts(6) = 5: tracePts(7) = 3: tracePts(8) = 06 tracePts(9) = 5: tracePts(10) = 1: tracePts(11) = 0+F+F+ +F +F +' Turn on the system variable (FILLMODE)! to fill the outline of the traceFILLMODE B@|' Create the trace object in model space  !$%.A@o86,000513]x6+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,+,F +,F+, +,F +,F +, +,F +,F+,]6]6 0.25' F  F$,$ \, F $,$ \$ ' FFILLMODE B@|_TRACE   B@o6,000216] 7] @7+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,+,F +,F+, +,F +,F +," P(12) = 5: P(13) = 0: P(14) = 0FILLMODE B@| , !$%.o`x7,000510]7] 7+,F+,F+,+,F+,F+,+,F +,F+, +,F +,F +, , !$%2. 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These example programcd=vailable'"as-iDs"Mout3y i#wranty. Necfi aut"hnor&publisuar9watyIEerNrTAwi_operat%J#int up7gBED79-1.Sub Add3DFace()  Dim Object As AcaGP1(0 To 2)ADo/@P2Z3Z4UCA)-1: 1#8= 2 2(ۂ @ & 4 "K 3 3( 6 % 4  4 F8 CSetEO=isDraw.ModelSpZ.\P1,%34`_.Visibility Edge3Fatls-E h 7:3a:Poly:llinI7/8:cP(0 0`/ "B%0%3$%P(4!4a5b%6P(7!3! 7[(e(PK'Clo!0ru&5&Arc7&ce!dC erU!Radiuhs -dAngBe2ni%&/b[1= 1= 45 * 3.14159 /8 187= |31422(, ,  5ol=Redg!EgApZ(oomC % 5 Rb7;2;c ;#4!;:l`AYp  KK LC6,  S!q5i, jmF$i@-2j Step 0.4aja10:yxt jSQ 6i?A CG9Abs(i0#= (":=)1startp=t67???K?xULpdr!Nei 888CircleTan8L-!LzipPPo CS1 ߊ q5: y{a1Pm2ӁUdLP!/[Q(3T!g C$ P"L.)3# C+ (* Sin() 3-Cos;Pb(P3zCS!h$iVari "PDMODE", 3thxExt>ӡU/h Ellips϶ƶHAxisMjj7`R<"q@/p/ W=XY0.8Y ߳׳E J`-. Rߏsend-p%360WOS SPJ .s. A{ObjP = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint(AxisMj)  SetVariable "PDMODE", 34RApplication.ZoomExtents End Sub ']ExampM`9-12. 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