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1 pii First Printing: January 2013 Second Printing: December 2013 7/10/2013
1 p360 Option 3—You can use VBA to refresh all pivot tables in the workbook on demand. This option can be used when it is impractical to record and maintain macros that refresh all pivot tables. This approach entails the use of the RefreshAll method of the Workbook object. To employ this technique, start a new module and enter the following code:
Sub Refresh_All()
End Sub
You can now call this procedure any time you want to refresh all pivot tables within your workbook.

NOTE: Keep in mind that the RefreshAll method refreshes all external data ranges along with pivot tables. This means that if your workbook contains data from external sources, such as databases and external files, that data is refreshed along with your pivot tables.
Option 3—Use Data, Refresh All to refresh all pivot tables.

NOTE: Keep in mind that the Refresh All refreshes all external data ranges along with pivot tables. This means that if your workbook contains data from external sources, such as databases and external files, that data is refreshed along with your pivot tables