PrintNumber ErrorLocation Error Correction DateAdded
1 pii First Printing January 2011 Second Printing: March 2012 6/29/2011
1 p20 Figure 1.2 shows the same idea expressed graphically. Figure 1.2 shows the same idea expressed graphically except here maximum loss doesn’t consider the credit for the sale because we will only measure gain and loss
relative to initial margin risk.
1 p28 Figure 1.4: “Days” and “Price” are on the wrong axis and need to be switched. fixed 2/29/2012
1 p120 Normally, when the S&P continues to fall, the VIX should continue to go down, especially since the market goes on to hit yearly lows. Normally, when the S&P continues to fall, the VIX should continue to go up, especially since the market goes on to hit yearly lows. 2/29/2012
1 p122 You sell March 975/1,000 puts and 1,175/1,200 calls with 63 days left for a 14% credit with 63 days until expiration. You sell March 975/1,000 puts and 1,275/1,300 calls with 63 days left for a 14% credit with 63 days until expiration. 2/29/2012
1 p169 On the put side don’t even ask yourself the question; just go as low as you can and still make money, which is 550/540. On the put side don’t even ask yourself the question; just go as low as you can and still make money, which is 450/440. 2/29/2012