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1 pi Lee Hau, Thoma Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology
at the Stanford Graduate School of Business,
and founding Co-Director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum
Hau Lee, Thoma Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology
at the Stanford Graduate School of Business,
and founding Co-Director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum
1 p94 Our research showed strong selection for beak shape and—notably—population invasion across clines within an elevated island (Kleindorfer et al. 2006; Sulloway and Kleindorferforthcoming). Our research showed strong selection for beak shape and—notably—population invasion across clines within an elevated island (Kleindorfer et al. 2006; Sulloway and Kleindorfer forthcoming). 10/14/2009
1 p106 ...quite distinct classes (“subcastes”)of gardening ants; ... ...quite distinct classes (“subcastes”) of gardening ants; ... 10/14/2009
1 p243 For example, a large pharmaceutical company commissioned an analysis of the social network of physicians treating a specific medical condition in a metropolitan area. The analysis generated a list of names of physicians who had received the greatest number of nominations as discussion partners from fellow physicians. Take the example of a large pharmaceutical company that commissioned an analysis of the social network of physicians treating a specific medical condition in a metropolitan area. The study generated a list of names of physicians who had received the greatest number of nominations as discussion partners from fellow physicians.

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1 p244-246 In other words, marketers have extended their scope of interest to the social networks within which their firms, customers, and other parties are embedded. In other words, marketers have started to think about the social networks within which their firms, customers, and other parties are embedded.

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1 p247 In both cases, astute entrepreneurs have used networks not only to enroll customers but also to screen applicants and to enforce debtor discipline in countries lacking strong credit rating agencies, scoring models based on financial history and debt collection through legal enforcement (Guseva 2008). In both cases, astute entrepreneurs have used networks not only to enroll customers but also to screen applicants and to enforce debtor discipline in countries lacking strong credit rating agencies, scoring models based on financial history, and debt collection through legal enforcement (Guseva 2008). 10/14/2009
1 p247 Finally, as a consequence of enterprise-level developments described elsewhere in this book, marketers have become increasingly involved in supply chain management issues and in the commercialization of complex systems involving partners such as systems integrators and value-added resellers. Finally, as a consequence of enterprise-level developments described elsewhere in this book, marketers have become increasingly involved in supply chain management and in the commercialization of complex systems involving partners such as systems integrators and value-added resellers. 10/14/2009
1 p249 But can a marketer planning the launch of a new product be confident that word-of-mouth and other contagion dynamics will drive how quickly or slowly the product gains market acceptance? But can a marketer planning the launch of a new product be confident that word-of-mouth and other contagion dynamics will drive how quickly the product gains market acceptance? 10/14/2009
1 p256 The amount of guidance that is available will increase markedly in the next few years as a growing number of academics and thoughtful market researchers seek to better understand how customer networks operate and how they can be leveraged into better marketing strategies. The amount of guidance that is available will increase markedly in the next few years as a growing number of academics and thoughtful marketers seek to better understand how customer networks operate and how they can be leveraged into better marketing strategies. 10/14/2009
1 p472 Each year, 300 million cases of malaria kill 2 million people. Each year, 300 million cases of malaria kill about 2 million people. 10/14/2009
1 p472 The physical suffering and loss of lives not only are devastating from a humanitarian perspective, but also place a tremendous economic burden on societies, as illustrated by Table 27-1. The physical suffering and loss of lives are not only devastating from a humanitarian perspective, but also place a tremendous economic burden on societies, as illustrated by Table 27-1. 10/14/2009
1 p473 However, nondeliberate spread remains the forefront threat, and overall constitutes a serious threat to security, more broadly defined. However, nondeliberate spread remains the forefront threat, and overall constitutes a serious threat to security, more broadly defined. Numerous governmental and non-governmental publications have raised these concerns. 10/14/2009
1 p474 The importance of geography is exemplified by the phenomena of antigenic drift (point mutations) versus shift (gene segment exchange, which leads to epidemics/pandemics) of the influenza A virus, whereby antigenic shifts preferentially occur in areas with significant avian hosts either naturally or from agriculture. The importance of geography is exemplified by the phenomena of antigenic drift (point mutations) versus shift (gene segment exchange, which leads to epidemics/pandemics) of the influenza A virus, whereby antigenic shifts preferentially occur in areas with significant avian hosts either naturally or from agriculture. Avian cells can be co-infected by the human and avain strains of the virus, thereby allowing gene segment exchange between them. 10/14/2009
1 p474 The study also found that most emerging infections are bacterial or rickettsial (54.3%) related to the increased number of antibiotic resistance strains, and most emerging infections are correlated to socioeconomic, environmental, and ecological factors. The emerging infections arise in potential hot spots such as Central America, tropical Africa, and south Asia The study also found that most emerging infections are bacterial or rickettsial (54.3%) related to the increased number of antibiotic resistance strains, and that emerging infections are strongly correlated to socioeconomic, environmental, and ecological factors. The emerging zoonotic infections arise in potential hot spots such as Central America, tropical Africa, and south Asia. 10/14/2009
1 p475 This networks perspective of human and nature interplay is aptly formalized by the Institute of Medicine, which... This networks perspective of the interplay involving humans and nature is aptly formalized by the Institute of Medicine, which... 10/14/2009
1 p475 ...and human reservoirs; and finally, networks of humans and populations predict risk of disease establishment and spread. ...and human reservoirs; and finally, networks of humans and human activities predict risk of disease establishment and spread. 10/14/2009
1 p475 In addition, analyses must boldly venture into uncharted areas of study to develop social, political, and business strategies that promote global multinational collaborations that facilitate disease surveillance, communications, knowledge sharing, research, and drug development, as well as specialist training. We live in a world of pandemic, epidemic, and endemic infectious diseases, which threaten personal, national, and international security—and demand global responses. In addition, analyses must boldly venture into uncharted areas of study to develop new social, political, and business network strategies that promote global multinational collaborations that facilitate disease surveillance, communications, knowledge sharing, research, and drug development, as well as specialist training. We live in a world of endemic, epidemic, and pandemic infectious diseases, which threaten personal, national, and international security—and demand global responses. 10/14/2009
1 p475 Network-based strategies have brought new perspectives, methodologies, and analytical tools to diverse fields from basic microbiology, biochemistry, genomics, and systems biology, to epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Network-based strategies have brought new perspectives, methodologies, and analytical tools to diverse fields from basic microbiology, biochemistry, genomics, and systems biology, to epidemiology, public health, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of infectous diseases. 10/14/2009
1 p477 Network-based studies have led to new technologies and strategies in human systems. Network-based studies have led to new technologies and strategies in man-made systems. 10/14/2009
1 p479 Nevertheless, network-based approaches have heralded the advent of more sophisticated approaches to complex problems in infectious diseases, and will help generate innovative solutions with continued development. Nevertheless, network-based approaches have heralded the advent of more sophisticated approaches to complex problems in infectious diseases, and will help generate innovative solutions with their continued development. 10/14/2009
1 p479 In addition to studying the spread of disease across populations, network perspectives also have been applied to the study of infectious diseases at the molecular and cellular levels. In addition to studying the spread of disease across populations, network perspectives have also been applied to the study of infectious diseases at the molecular and cellular levels. 10/14/2009