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1 pvi First Printing May 2012 Second Printing TBD 5/23/2012
1 p20 Eventually the chemical structure of morphine was identified, making it possible to synthesize it and hundreds of structurally related agents, some of which are used as drugs today.1,2
Eventually the chemical structure of morphine was identified, making it possible to synthesize it and hundreds of structurally related agents, some of which are used as drugs today.1,2
1 p24 The receptor theory of drug action was unequivocally confirmed in the 1970s and 1980s, first with the biochemical identification and characterization of these sites and, subsequently, with their isolation and purification, and the cloning of the genes responsible for their production.9,10 The receptor theory of drug action was unequivocally confirmed in the 1970s and 1980s, first with the biochemical identification and characterization of these sites and, subsequently, with their isolation and purification, and the cloning of the genes responsible for their production.9,10 5/23/2013
1 p45 Cocaine, which is contained in the leaves of the cocoa plant Erythroxylon cocoa, has been used for centuries for its central nervous system stimulant properties. Cocaine, which is contained in the leaves of the coca plant Erythroxylon coca, has been used for centuries for its central nervous system stimulant properties. 5/23/2013
1 p63 It has been known for some time that the terpene trilactones are platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor antagonists.18,19 It has been known for some time that the terpene trilactones are platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor antagonists.15,19 5/23/2013
1 p77 In one study of St. John’s wort, stresslike behavioral and neurochemical changes were induced in mice by the continuous administration of... In one study of St. John’s wort, stress-like behavioral and neurochemical changes were induced in mice by the continuous administration of... 5/23/2013
1 p87 The aroma of isovaleric acid is variously characterized as rancid, disagreeable, or cheeselike. The aroma of isovaleric acid is variously characterized as rancid, disagreeable, or cheese-like. 5/23/2013
1 p88 Other chemicals identified in valerian include the lignin hydroxpinoresinol, the alkaloids actinidine, chatinine, shyanthine, valerianine, and valerine, and the flavonoids hesperidin, 6-methylapigenin, and linarin. Other chemicals identified in valerian include the lignin hydroxy pinoresinol, the alkaloids actinidine, chatinine, shyanthine, valerianine, and valerine, and the flavonoids hesperidin, 6-methylapigenin, and linarin. 5/23/2013
1 p197 3 G. Andrea, Libro de I Secretti con Ricette, S. Norton, trans., unpublished manuscript, (Lawrence, KS: The Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas, trans. 2009) 3 G. Andrea, Libro de I Secretti con Ricette, S. Norton, trans., unpublished manuscript dated 1562, (Lawrence, KS: The Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas, trans. 2009) 5/23/2013
1 p198 4 A Saulin, M. Savli, and R. Lanzenberger, “Serotonin and molecular neuroimaging in humans using PET,” Amino Acids 2011 e. pub 21947614. 4 A Saulin, M. Savli, and R. Lanzenberger, “Serotonin and molecular neuroimaging in humans using PET,” Amino Acids 42 (2012): 2039-2057. 5/23/2013
1 p219 11 J. Kaludjerovic, A. A. Franke, and W. E. Ward, “Circulating isoflavonoid levels in CD-1 mice: effect of oral versus subcutaneous delivery and frequency of administration,” Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry e-pub 21658927. 11 J. Kaludjerovic, A. A. Franke, and W. E. Ward, “Circulating isoflavonoid levels in CD-1 mice: effect of oral versus subcutaneous delivery and frequency of administration,” Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 23 (2012): 437-442. 5/23/2013
1 p232 74 M. C. Carrasco, J. R. Vallejo, M. Pardo-de-Santayana, D. Peral, M. A. Martin, and J. Altimiras, “Interactions of Valeriana Officinalis L. and Passiflora incarnata L. in a patient treated with lorazepam,” Phytotherapy Research 23 (2009): 1795-1796. 74 M. C. Carrasco, J. R. Vallejo, M. Pardo-de-Santayana, D. Peral, M. A. Martin, and J. Altimiras, “Interactions of Valeriana officinalis L. and Passiflora incarnata L. in a patient treated with lorazepam,” Phytotherapy Research 23 (2009): 1795-1796. 5/23/2013
1 p237-239, 243-246, 248-251 All references to (ginkgo biloba) should be (Ginkgo biloba). fixed 5/24/2013