Errata for Teach Yourself Visual C++ 5 Revised May 14th, 1998 1) On page 23, remove the last line in the second paragraph. This appendix has been removed. 2) There is also an error on page 33 - in the code listing, there should be a << before the endl keyword; the DisplayAge function should read: void DisplayAge(int nAge) { cout << "Hello World! I'm " << nAge << " years old." << endl; } 3) On page 94 the first paragraph instructs you to remove this line of code: m_editTest.SetWindowText( "Default" ); This sentence and line of should be removed - there is no such line of code in the project. 4) On page 147, last paragraph, change the second sentence to "To do this, add the source code from listing 9.11 to the CDVTestDoc class header, found in the DVTestDoc.h file." 5)On page 148, second paragraph, last sentence should be, "Add the source code in Listing 9.12 to the end of the DVTestDoc.cpp file." 6) On page 162, The function parameter list provided in Listing 10.5 is incorrect, and does not match the ClassWizard generated code. The ClassWizard generated code is correct; the first line of the listing should read: void CMenuView::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point) 7) On page 181, after Listing 11.5, add the following paragraph and code listing: Add the source code from Listing 11.6 to the CDCTestView constructor, which can be found in the DCTestView.cpp file. Listing 11.6. Initializing the map collection in the CDCTestView constructor. CDCTestView::CDCTestView() { m_nMapMode = MM_TEXT; m_map.SetAt( MM_ANISOTROPIC, "MM_ANISOTROPIC"); m_map.SetAt( MM_HIENGLISH, "MM_HIENGLISH"); m_map.SetAt( MM_HIMETRIC, "MM_HIMETRIC"); m_map.SetAt( MM_ISOTROPIC, "MM_ISOTROPIC"); m_map.SetAt( MM_LOENGLISH, "MM_LOENGLISH"); m_map.SetAt( MM_LOMETRIC, "MM_LOMETRIC"); m_map.SetAt( MM_TEXT, "MM_TEXT"); m_map.SetAt( MM_TWIPS, "MM_TWIPS"); } 8) On page 182, the last paragraph should begin, "Listing 11.7...". 9) On page 182, the caption for the listing at the bottom of the page should be changed from 11.6 to 11.7. 10) On page 202, the last sentence before Listing 12.12 should read, "A total of two lines have been removed and two lines added to the existing function. 11) On page 224, in Listing 14.1, the quote before the CAboutDlg destructor should be changed to a tilde, that is, one of these wavey guys ~ 12) On page 225, in Listing 14.3, the quote used in the CAboutDlg destructor should be changed to a tilde, like this: CAboutDlg::~CAboutDlg() 13) On page 361, in Table 23.2, IDC_LIST should be a List Box Control, not a List Control 14) On page 361, in Table 23.4, IDC_LIST is a variable of type CListBox, not CListCtrl