
  Filename:  vect_bnd.cpp

  Section:   12     Inheritance

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl


 //Implementation of a safe array type vect


#include        //for exit


class vect {


	//constructors and destructor

	explicit vect(int n = 10);      //default constructor

	vect(const vect& v);   //copy constructor

	vect(const int a[], int n);  //initialization by array

	~vect() { delete [] p; }

	int   ub() const { return (size - 1); }  //upper bound

	int&  operator[](int i) const;           //range checked

	vect& operator=(const vect& v);          //not inherited

	vect  operator+(const vect& v);

	friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, const vect& v);


	int*  p;     //base pointer

	int   size;  //number of elements


//default constructor

vect::vect(int n) : size(n)


	if (n <= 0) {

		cerr << "illegal vect size: " << n << endl;



	p = new int[size];

	assert (p != 0);//assert checks error


//copy constructor

vect::vect(const vect& v) : size(v.size)


	p = new int[size];

	assert (p != 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)

		p[i] = v.p[i];


//constructor for initializing vect from an array

vect::vect(const int a[], int n) : size(n)


	if (n <= 0) {

		cerr << "illegal vect size: " << n << endl;



	p = new int[size];

	assert (p != 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)

		p[i] = a[i];


//overloaded subscript operator

int& vect::operator [](int i) const


	if (i < 0 || i > (size - 1) ) {

		cerr << "illegal vect index: " << i << endl;



	return (p[i]);


//overloaded output operator

ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, const vect& v)


	for (int i = 0; i <= (v.size-1); ++i)

		out << v.p[i] << '\t';

	return (out << endl);


vect& vect::operator=(const vect& v)


	if (this != &v) {    //check for assign to self

		int  s = (size < v.size) ? size : v.size;

		if (v.size != size)

			cerr << "copying different size arrays "

				  << size << " and " << v.size << endl;

		for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i)

			 p[i] = v.p[i];


	return (*this);


vect vect::operator+(const vect& v)


	int   s = (size < v.size) ? size : v.size;

	vect  sum(s);

	if (v.size != size)

		cerr << "adding different size arrays "

			  << size << " and " << v.size << endl;

	for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i)

		sum.p[i] = p[i] + v.p[i];

   return sum;


class vect_bnd : public vect {


   vect_bnd(int = 0, int = 9);  //default 10 array

   vect_bnd(vect_bnd& v);       //copy constructor

   vect_bnd(vect& v);           //conversion constructor

   vect_bnd(const int a[], int ne, int lb = 0);

   int&  operator[](int) const;

   int  ub() const { return (u_bnd); }

   int  lb() const { return (l_bnd); }

   vect_bnd& operator=(const vect_bnd& v);


   int  l_bnd, u_bnd;


//default constructor

vect_bnd::vect_bnd(int lb, int ub) :

          vect(ub - lb + 1), l_bnd(lb), u_bnd(ub) { }

//conversion constructor

vect_bnd::vect_bnd(vect& v) :

          vect(v), l_bnd(0), u_bnd(size - 1) { }

//copy constructor

vect_bnd::vect_bnd(vect_bnd& v) :

          vect(v), l_bnd(v.l_bnd), u_bnd(v.u_bnd) { }

//construct it from array, set lower and upper bounds

//init from array, start at element 0 of array for ne elements

//use lb as lower bound or 0 if not specified

vect_bnd::vect_bnd(const int a[], int n, int lb) :

          vect(a, n), l_bnd(lb), u_bnd(lb + n) { }

//overloaded assignment statement - not inherited from base vect

vect_bnd& vect_bnd::operator=(const vect_bnd& v)



	return (*this);


//efficient use of bounds - access directly

int& vect_bnd::operator [](int i) const


	 if (i < l_bnd || u_bnd < i) {

		 cerr << "index out of range" << endl;



	 return (p[i - l_bnd]);


void init_vect(vect_bnd& v, int start, int incr)


	for (int i = v.lb(); i <= v.ub(); ++i) {

		v[i] = start;

		start += incr;





	int       array[6] = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 };

	vect_bnd  v1;               //use default constructor

	vect_bnd  v2(5,9);          //construct vect bounds 5 to 9

	vect_bnd  v3 (array, 5, 2); //use construct and init from 1st 5 elements array

	vect_bnd  v4 (v3);          //use copy constructor

	init_vect(v1, 1, 1);

	init_vect(v2, 0, 2);

	cout << "\nvector v1 (" << v1.lb() << ", " << v1.ub() << ") is \t" << v1;

	cout << "\nvector v2 (" << v2.lb() << ", " << v2.ub() << ") is \t" << v2;

	cout << "\nvector v3 (" << v3.lb() << ", " << v3.ub() << ") is \t" << v3;

	cout << "\nvector v4 (" << v4.lb() << ", " << v4.ub() << ") is \t" << v4;

	v4 = v3 + v2;//test overloaded operator =  +

	cout << "\nvector v4 (" << v4.lb() << ", " << v4.ub() << ") is \t" << v4;
