
  Filename:  style.cpp

  Section:   4      Declarations and Scope Rules

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl


//Separate declarations from statements with a blank line.

//Start file level declarations in column 1.

//Declarations should be as local as possible.

//Use typedef to replace multi-token type declarations.

//This program produces tables of functions in the range [0, 1]

//Section 4 Ask Dr P

//Ira Pohl July 1996


using namespace std;

typedef double (*dbl_fcn)(double);

int main()
   double x;
   dbl_fcn  f[3] = {sqrt, sin, cos};
   string  name[3] = {"square root", "sine", "cosine"};

   for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
      cout << name[i] << endl;
      for(x = 0.0; x < 1.0; x += 0.1)
         cout <<  f[i](x) << " , ";
      cout << endl;