
  Filename:  stl_find.cpp

  Section:   17.6   STL  Sequence Algorithms

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl


//Use of as istream_iterator iterator.




using namespace std;

int main()


   string words[5] = { "my", "hop", "mop",

                       "hope", "cope"};

   string*   where;

   where = find(words, words + 5, "hop");

   cout << *++where << endl;                //mop

   sort(words, words + 5);

   where = find(words, words + 5, "hop");

   cout << *++where << endl;               //hope
