
  Filename:  stack_p.cpp

  Chapter:   Quick  Reference Guide

  Section:   8.1    Template Class Stack

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl


//template stack implementation

//  Title: stack_parameterized


//template stack implementation


class stack {


   stack() : max_len(1000), top(EMPTY)

      { s = new T[1000]; }

   stack(int size) : max_len(size), top(EMPTY)

      { s = new T[size]; }

   ~stack() { delete []s; }

   void  reset() { top = EMPTY; }

   void  push(T c) { s[++top] = c; }

   T  pop() { return s[top--]; }

   T  top_of() const { return s[top]; }

   bool  empty() const {return bool(top == EMPTY);}

   bool  full() const

      { return bool(top == max_len - 1); }


   enum   { EMPTY = -1 };

   T*  s;

   int    max_len;

   int    top;


//Reversing a series of char* represented strings

void reverse(char* str[], int n)


   stack  stk(n);

   for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)


   for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)

      str[i] = stk.pop();


int main()


   stack     stk_ch;           // 1000 char stack

   stack    str_stack(100);   // 100 char* stack

   char*           str_series[] = {"first string ", "second string ",

                                 "third string ", "last string "};

   cout << "\ntemplate stack popped is ";


   cout << stk_ch.pop();



   cout << str_stack.pop();

   cout << endl;

   reverse(str_series, 3); //reverse 1st 3 strings, leave last in place

   cout << str_series[0] << str_series[1]

        << str_series[2] << str_series[3] << endl;
