
  Filename:  power2.cpp

  Section:   10.4   Default Arguments

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl



//pow() defaults to squaring n

int pow(int n, int k = 2)      //k = 2 is default


   if (k == 2)

      return (n * n);


      return (pow(n, k - 1) * n);


int main()


   int r = 1;

   int r_sqrd, r_5th;

   while (r != 0) {

      cout << "Enter an integer  (or 0 to terminate): ";

      cin >> r;

      if (r != 0) {

         r_sqrd = pow(r);   //return r*r

         r_5th = pow(r, 5); //return r*r*r*r*r

         cout << "r_sqrd is " << r_sqrd << endl;

         cout << "r_5th is " << r_5th << endl;


