
  Filename:  my_str.cpp

  Section:   11.7   Class Design

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl


#include  //C string library



class my_string {


   my_string() : len(0)

      { s = new char[1];assert(s != 0); s[0] = 0; }

   explicit my_string(const int n);

   my_string(const my_string& str);  //copy constructor

   my_string(const char* p);         //conversion constructor

   ~my_string() { delete []s; }

   my_string& operator=(const my_string& str);

   my_string operator+(const my_string& str);

   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const my_string& str);

   void concat(const my_string& a, const my_string& b);


   char* s;

   int   len;


//construct from char* type

my_string::my_string(const char* p)


   len = strlen(p);

   s = new char[len + 1];

   assert (s != 0);

   strcpy(s, p);


my_string::my_string(const int n)


   s = new char[n + 1];

   assert (s != 0);

   s[0] = 0;

   len = n;


//construct from an existing my_string

my_string::my_string(const my_string& str)


   len = str.len;

   s = new char[len + 1];

   assert (s != 0);

   strcpy(s, str.s);


//overloaded assignment

my_string& my_string::operator=(const my_string& str)


   if (this != &str) {    //check for assign to self

      delete []s;     //retrieve old string

      len = str.len;

      s = new char[len + 1];

      assert (s != 0);

      strcpy(s, str.s);


   return (*this);


//string output always followed by newline

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const my_string& str)


   return (out << str.s << endl);


//concatenation is another way of doing addition

void my_string::concat(const my_string& a,

                       const my_string& b)


   len = a.len + b.len;

   delete s;

   s = new char[len + 1];

   assert (s != 0);

   strcpy(s, a.s);

   strcat(s, b.s);


//binary operator plus returns a temp string

my_string my_string::operator+(const my_string& str)


   int lens = len + str.len;  //length of new my_string

   my_string temp(lens);

   strcpy (temp.s, s);

   strcat (temp.s, str.s);

   return temp;


int main()


   char*  str = "The wheel that squeaks the loudest\n";

   my_string  a(str), b, author("Josh Billings\n");

   my_string  both, quote;

   b = "Is the one that gets the grease\n";

   both.concat(a, b);

   quote = both + author;

   cout << quote;
