
  Filename:  if.cpp

  Section:   9.3    The if and if-else statments

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl


//Demonstrate if statements with simple examples




   int    temperature = 35;

   //if statement

   cout << "\n\n*****  If statement";

   cout << "\n Next line should have above freezing temp of 35\n";

   if (temperature >= 32)

      cout << "Above Freezing!\n";

   cout << "Fahrenheit is " << temperature << endl;

   // if else statement

   cout << "\n\n*****  If Else";

   if (temperature >= 32)

      cout << "Above Freezing!\n";

   else if (temperature >= 212)

      cout << "Above Boiling!\n";


      cout << "Boy it's cold " << temperature << endl;
