
  Filename:  greater.cpp

  Section:   10.2   Call-by-reference

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl


//  Title: greater


//greater() using call-by-reference parameters

int greater(int& a, int& b)


   if (a > b) {      //exchange

      int temp = a;

      a = b;

      b = temp;

      return 1;



      return 0;


/* C greater  */

int greater2(int* a, int* b)


   if (*a > *b) {

      int temp = *a;

      *a = *b;

      *b = temp;

      return 1;



      return 0;


int main()


   int i, j;

   i = 5;

   j = 10;

   cout << "\nBefore Greater  i is " << i << "  and j is " << j << endl;

   greater(i, j);   //C++ style

   cout << "After  Greater  i is " << i << "  and j is " << j << endl;

   i = 6;

   j = 11;

   cout << "Before Greater2 i is " << i << "  and j is " << j << endl;

   greater2(&i, &j);

   cout << "After  Greater2 i is " << i << "  and j is " << j << endl;

   i = 15;

   j = 10;

   cout << "Before Greater  i is " << i << "  and j is " << j << endl;

   greater(i, j);   //C++ style

   cout << "After  Greater  i is " << i << "  and j is " << j << endl;

   i = 16;

   j = 11;

   cout << "Before Greater2 i is " << i << "  and j is " << j << endl;

   greater2(&i, &j);

   cout << "After  Greater2 i is " << i << "  and j is " << j << endl;
