
  Filename:  catch.cpp

  Section:   14.3   Handlers

  Compiler:  Borland C++     Version 5.0       Summer 1996

  C++ Distilled: Descriptions, Prescriptions and Style  By Ira Pohl


// See what happens as you "uncomment" the throw statements



void foo()


   int  i, j;

   i = 14;

   j = 15;

//   throw i;


void call_foo()


   int  k;

   k  = 12;


//   throw ("This is from call_foo");


void call_foo2()


   double  x = 1.3;

   throw (x);


int main()


   try {

      call_foo();  //foo exitted with i and j destroyed



   catch (const char* message)


      cerr << message << endl;



   catch(int n) { cout << "\ncaught it " << n << endl; }

   catch( ... )      //default action to be taken


      cerr << "THAT'S ALL FOLKS." << endl;


