Code Listings

Here is the source code for many of the security-related scripts and code fragments presented in the book. These listings are provided only as a convenience to readers. There is little or no explanatory material available online; you are best off purchasing and reading the book before attempting to make sense of these listings. However, whether or not you have the book, please feel free to use the code for any purpose whatsoever.

To Download

When you select one of the links below, you will presented with the source code for the script or code fragment. To make a local copy, choose "Save As..." from your browser's File menu, then choose "Source" when you are prompted for the file format. Alternately, on certain browsers you may right-click on the link to save the source code to disk directly.

Chapter 3: SSL, SET and Digital Payment Systems

Chapter 8: UNIX Web Servers

Chapter 11: Encryption and Certificate-Based Access Control

Chapter 12: Safe CGI Scripting