REM smplpgm.sql REM REM Insert module names and descriptions from an external repository. REM External repository is seen here as table EXT_MODULE. REM set serveroutput on create or replace procedure des2k_add_extern_module (i_appsys in varchar2, i_appver in number, i_module in varchar2) as module_to_add; --- Property record for module activity_status varchar2(1); --- Status flag activity_warning varchar2(1); --- Warnings flag cursor new_module(i_module_name in varchar2) is select short_name, name, purpose from ext_module where short_name = i_module_name; cannot_init_appsys exception; no_matching_module_found exception; begin begin --- Initialize the API if not cdapi.initialized then --- not already initialized cdapi.initialize(upper(i_appsys), i_appver); end if; exception when others then raise cannot_init_appsys; end; --- Open an activity --- This issues a savepoint, so incomplete changes can be rolled --- back to here cdapi.open_activity; --- Get and assign values for the module property list open new_module(upper(i_module)); fetch new_module into --- Put the values into the data record module_to_add.v.short_name , ,module_to_add.v.purpose; if new_module%notfound then --- Our select didn't find a module to --- load close new_module; raise no_matching_module_found; else --- Set indicators for data we're adding if is not null then := true; end if; if module_to_add.v.short_name is not null then module_to_add.i.short_name := true; end if; if module_to_add.v.purpose is not null then module_to_add.i.purpose := true; end if; close new_module; --- Close the cursor used. end if; --- Call the insert procedure ciomodule.ins(null, module_to_add); --- Validate the activity cdapi.validate_activity(activity_status, activity_warning); --- Show violation messages here for each_violation in (select * from ci_violations) loop dbms_output.put_line (cdapi.instantiate_message(each_violation.facility ,each_violation.code ,each_violation.p0 ,each_violation.p1 ,each_violation.p2 ,each_violation.p3 ,each_violation.p4 ,each_violation.p5 ,each_violation.p6 ,each_violation.p7) ); end loop; --- Attempt to close the activity cdapi.close_activity(activity_status); --- If activity did not close, then abort and roll back changes if activity_status <> 'Y' then cdapi.abort_activity; --- rolls back to savepoint end if; exception when cannot_init_appsys then dbms_output.put_line('Cannot Initialize API for Appl Sys ' ||i_appsys ); when no_matching_module_found then dbms_output.put_line('Module Name ' ||i_module ||' not found' ); cdapi.close_activity(activity_status); when others then dbms_output.put_line('API Session ending with Errors'); if cdapi.activity is not null then cdapi.abort_activity; end if; end; /