REM Program: keyreseq.sql REM Author : David Wendelken REM Tactics, Inc. (404) 248-1226 REM Part of the Tactics' Designer/2000 Toolbox REM Genesis: 26-Nov-1995 REM REM Purpose: To make sure that primary, unique and foreign key constraint component REM columns are sequenced from 1 to N on a per constraint basis. It is an REM enabling program for the d2pkchk.sql and d2fkchk.sql utilities. REM Warning: Do not run this if others are the above mentioned constraintsin the REM same application. REM Warning: If you have duplicate sequence numbers for columns in a key constraint, REM they will be resequenced. Naturally, this means that one will follow REM the other. Garbage In, Garbage Out! PROMPT Enter the Application System Name DEFINE p_application_system_name='&1' PROMPT Enter the Application System Version DEFINE p_application_system_version='&2' PROMPT Enter Table Name or % for ALL DEFINE p_table_name='&3' PROMPT Enter the output filename (with the pathname but without the .lis extension) DEFINE p_filename='&6' set linesize 80 set pagesize 66 REM Let's not clutter up the screen and page with program code. REM set verify off REM set echo off REM set feedback off REM Force diagnostic output on so that the user can see what progress REM is being made and what the program did. REM Adjust buffer size up or down as needed. SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 50000 SPOOL &p_filename..lis DECLARE -- resequence key component columns. cannot_init_appsys EXCEPTION; -- Application not available or no access. next_sequence_number ci_key_components.sequence_number%TYPE; last_constraint_id; -- A cursor that will return 1 row per column that participates in a key constraint. CURSOR find_kc_columns IS SELECT constraint_id , key_component_id ,cikeyc.sequence_number key_component_sequence_number , table_name , constraint_name FROM ci_key_components cikeyc ,ci_constraints cicon ,ci_table_definitions citabd ,ci_application_systems ciapps WHERE LIKE UPPER('&p_table_name') AND = cicon.table_reference AND = cikeyc.constraint_reference AND = citabd.application_system_owned_by AND = UPPER('&p_application_system_name') AND ciapps.version = &p_application_system_version ORDER BY,, cikeyc.sequence_number; /************* Inline Procedure ***********************************/ PROCEDURE update_kc_sequence_number (p_kc_id IN NUMBER ,p_kc_sequence_number IN NUMBER ) IS kc_to_update; activity_status VARCHAR2(1); activity_warning VARCHAR2(1); BEGIN -- Open an activity -- This issues a savepoint, so incomplete changes can be rolled back to here. CDAPI.OPEN_ACTIVITY; -- We update regardless of whether the old and new sequence numbers are equal. -- Set key component values and their indicators. kc_to_update.v.sequence_number := p_kc_sequence_number; kc_to_update.i.sequence_number := true; -- Update the key component record. CIOKEY_COMPONENT.UPD(p_kc_id, kc_to_update); -- Validate the key component update. CDAPI.VALIDATE_ACTIVITY(activity_status, activity_warning); -- Show violation messages here. FOR each_violation IN (SELECT * FROM ci_violations) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(CDAPI.INSTANTIATE_MESSAGE(each_violation.facility ,each_violation.code ,each_violation.p0 ,each_violation.p1 ,each_violation.p2 ,each_violation.p3 ,each_violation.p4 ,each_violation.p5 ,each_violation.p6 ,each_violation.p7 ) ); END LOOP; -- Attempt to close the activity. CDAPI.CLOSE_ACTIVITY(activity_status); -- If activity did not close, then abort and roll back changes. IF activity_status != 'Y' THEN CDAPI.ABORT_ACTIVITY; END IF; END; /************* End of Inline Procedure ****************************/ /****************** Main Program ********************/ BEGIN BEGIN -- Initialize the Designer/2000 API. IF NOT cdapi.initialized THEN -- Not already initialized. CDAPI.INITIALIZE(UPPER('&p_application_system_name'),&p_application_system_version); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE cannot_init_appsys; END; -- Fetch specified attributes FOR kc_record IN find_kc_columns LOOP IF last_constraint_id IS NULL OR last_constraint_id != kc_record.constraint_id THEN last_constraint_id := kc_record.constraint_id; next_sequence_number := 1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Table : ' || kc_record.table_name ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Constraint: ' || kc_record.constraint_name ); ELSE next_sequence_number := next_sequence_number + 1; END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Old Seq. : ' || kc_record.key_component_sequence_number); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('New Seq. : ' || next_sequence_number); UPDATE_KC_SEQUENCE_NUMBER(kc_record.key_component_id, next_sequence_number); END LOOP; -- All changes made. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('DONE'); EXCEPTION WHEN cannot_init_appsys THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR: Cannot Initialize API for the Application System: ' || UPPER('&p_application_system_name') ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('_______Procedure aborted with errors!'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR : ' || SQLCODE || ', ' || SQLERRM); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('_______Procedure aborted with errors!'); END; -- resequence key component columns / /****************** End of Main Program ************************/ SPOOL OFF